La stratégie du Canada en Éducation Internationale: Our strengths & weaknesses Gary W. Slater AVP Student Affairs, uOttawa
== St. John's
The Strategy Its key points: –Focus on priority markets (Brazil, China, India, Mexico, North Africa/Middle East, Vietnam) –Build Canada’s Brand for International Education –Set targets to attract international student (from 239,000 in 2011 to 450,000 by 2022) –Strengthen international partnerships (research, exchanges and “people-to-people” ties –Increase support and leveraging (CIC’s International Student Program; scholarships; $5M per year to support the Strategy)
== St. John's
Étudier au Canada
Le Canada est admiré pour sa stabilité, sa qualité de vie, sa société pacifique et sécuritaire, sa diversité culturelle, son environnement nord-américain dynamique son système d’éducation reconnu ses Centres de recherche innovateurs et réputés sa gamme complète de programmes d’études …
Top 3s OPPORTUNITIESISSUES/CHALLENGES SÉCURITÉ. Safe & rich country. Multicultural & bilingual. Tolerant and democratic. Visas ACADEMI C. Excellent research universities. Well-equipped labs. Top researchers. Duration of the PhD. Well-kept secret. Master’s may need refresh INTERNATIO- NALISATION. Member of Anglo & Franco etc.. Population and profs are Intl. Students like to travel. Students not academically mobile. USA still too dominant. No DoE MARKETS. English (ESL) attracts. Alternative to the USA. Alternative to France. Differences in EDU systems. USA, UK, Australia, …. Cost and BIUs. Diversity (X4) == St. John's
2012 = August = Chengdu = Canada-China 2nd Forum
Top 15 Country brand INTRODUCTION Switzerland (+1 from 2012) 2.Canada (-1) 3.Japan (+1) 4.Sweden (+3) 5.New Zealand (-2) 6.Australia (-1) 7.Germany (+4) 8.United States (-2) 9.Finland (-1) 10.Norway (+2) 11.United Kingdom (+2) 12.Denmark (+3) 13.France (-4) 14.Singapore (+2) 15.Italy (-5) 1.Canada 2.Switzerland 3.New Zealand 4.Japan 5.Australia 6.United States 7.Sweden 8.Finland 9.France 10.Italy 11.Germany 12.Norway 13.United Kingdom 14.Spain 15.Denmark 1.Canada 2.Australia 3.New Zealand 4.United States 5.Switzerland 6.Japan 7.France 8.Finland 9.United Kingdom 10.Sweden 11.Germany 12.Italy 13.Norway 14.Spain 15.Singapore
The top ten tourism brands Country Brand Index 14 BRAND FRANCE AND THE TOURISM SET TOURISM TOP 10 Overall Rank 1ITALY(+1)15 2JAPAN(-1)3 3FRANCE(+2)13 4SWITZERLAND(+2)1 5UNITED STATES(-1)8 6CANADA(+7)2 7GERMANY(+5)7 8THAILAND(-1)26 9MAURITIUS(+2)20 10AUSTRALIA(-2)6
== St. John's Pays Universités au pays Top 500 Shanghai Top 400 QS Top 400 Times Higher Education Médian % Allemagne % Australie % Canada % É.-U % France % Pays bas % Royaume-Uni %
== St. John's Cost & relevance
Going abroad: My guesses 1.Cost is too high for most students 2.Language barrier slowly going down –But not necessarily how it should 3.We need more networking and prepackaged arrangements == St. John's