Rest & Activity 中国医科大学护理学院 吕 岩
Rest Condition of rest Adequate Sleep Mental Relaxation Physical Comfort
Sleep Stages of sleep NREM (non-REM): Stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ REM (rapid eye movement) Sleep cycle
Assessment of sleep Factors Affecting Sleep Sleep Disorders Sleep Characteristics of Hospitalized Clients Collection of Data About Sleep
sleep ageillnessenvironmentfatiguelifestyle Emotional stress Alcohol stimulants dietsmoking Factors Affecting Sleep
Sleep characteristics of hospitalized clients Desynchronization 昼夜性节律去同步化 sleep deprivation 睡眠减少 sleep fragmentation 睡眠中断 vulnerability to rebounds 诱发补偿
Collection of Data About Sleep Usual sleep pattern Bedtime rituals performed t help fall asleep Use of sleep medications and other drugs Sleep environment Recent changes in sleep patterns or difficulties in sleeping
Usual Sleep Pattern hours of undisturbed sleep time of going to bed time of waking up in the morning time and duration of naps time of trying to fall asleep frequency and reason of waking up at night,duration of these periods whether easily aroused and snore sleep disorders : insomnia, sleepwalking , sleep talking quality of sleep or satisfaction with sleep
Nursing Intervention to Promote Sleep 创建良好的物理环境 满足病人的睡眠习惯,做好就寝前 的准备工作 合理安排护理措施 加强心理护理 健康教育 指导合理使用药物
Factors Affecting Activity 生长发育 生理因素 精神心理因素 个体的态度和价值 外界因素 医疗性制动
生 理 因 素生 理 因 素 先天或后天的身体畸形 骨骼或肌肉生长问题 影响关节活动性的因素 中枢神经系统的损伤 骨骼肌肉系统的损伤 其他系统的问题
Effects of Immobility Musculoskeletal system Disuse atrophy 废用性肌萎缩 Disuse atrophy Osteoporosis 骨质疏松Osteoporosis Contracture 挛缩Contracture Stiffness and pain in the joint 关节僵硬、疼痛Stiffness and pain in the joint Cardiovascular System Orthostatic (postural) hypotension 体位性低血压 Thrombus formation of deep vein 深静脉血栓形成
Effects of Immobility Respiratory system Decreased respiratory movement Retention of carbon dioxide 二氧化碳滞留 Hypostatic pneumonia 坠积性肺炎 Metabolic System Decreased metabolic rate Negative nitrogen balance
Effects of Immobility urinary system Urinary retention 尿潴留 Urinary calculi 泌尿道结石 Urinary infection 泌尿道感染 Gastrointestinal system Constipation 便秘 Integumentary System Pressure ulcer Psychosocial Effects
Activity & Nursing Process
Assessing general information 一般资料 cardiorespiratory function status 心肺功能状态 Musculoskeletal status 骨骼肌肉状态 Joint function status 关节功能情况 body activity level 机体活动能力 current state of illness 目前的患病情况 social and psychological status 社会心理状况
Implementing 选择合适的卧位 保持脊柱的正常生理弯曲和各关 节的功能位置 预防活动受限导致的损害 维持关节的活动性 肌肉的等长练习和等张练习
肌 力 分 级肌 力 分 级 0 级 完全瘫痪、肌力完全丧失 1 级 可见肌肉轻微收缩但无肢体运动 2 级 肢体可移动位置便不能抬起 3 级 肢体能抬离床面但不能对抗阻力 4 级 能作对抗阻力的运动,但肌力减弱 5 级 肌力正常