The underline defenses should be used most often.
4 Man Shell Defense Progression MAKE SURE that after a shot is taken you work on transitioning to at least ½ court and emphasize that the defense is not completed until they rebound the ball and transition effectively. 4 Man Shell Defense Progression Positions – on ball, 1 pass, 2 passes Drive & Kick – Defense Help & Recover Pass and Cut – Defense jump to ball – O goes behind D Drive baseline – Help, Rotate, & Recover Diamond Shell Drill – Defend the Post Pass and Pick away – Defense get through Pass and Screen ball – Def. Show and recover Backside cutter – Defense Chuck’s the cutter Pass and back Screen – D. Communicate
Defensive Teaching Phrases “Closeout – Hands high, hips low” “Mine” “Mirror the ball” “Head below chin” “Reach and grab as you slide” “Ball Me Man” “On the line up the line” “Point to man and ball” “Swivel your head” “Jump to the ball” “Help Right” “Help Left” “Force Sideline” “Force to offense’s right” “High Side” “Front the Post” “Baseline Side” “Boxers Feet” “Chuck the cutter” “Punch through” “North to South” “Help over” “Rotate” “Switch” “Cover the Slip” “Stop Ball” “Ball Side of Screen” “Chasing the cutter”
Defensive Wheel 1 2 3 9 8 4 7 5 6 Hoops – focus only on 1, 2 & 3!!!!!! Down Screens - seeing the screen and getting through or switching Cross Screens - perimeter & post Triangle Game- guard cross screens big, then big down screens for guard. Ball Screens - use different places on the court. 1 2 3 9 Back Screens - Work on guarding the back screen and back screen in the post. UCLA Cut- how does the big guard the UCLA cut and then a ball screen. Etc. 8 4 7 5 6 Flare Screens- how to get over or under the flare screen and stop the shot & penetration. X-Cut- getting through with the guards and covering by the big man Flex Screens - Getting off and getting through the screen.
Down Screens Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Screener screens your hand! Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
2 X2 X5 5 C To begin the drill X5 is defending the ball and X2 is ½ around the topside of 2 who is posting. Once the players understand the drill give 5 one dribble to enter the ball to 2. For now let’s continue. Down Screen
2 X2 X5 5 C Down Screen “Help” “Help” When the ball is passed X5 and X2 should both jump to the basketball to the help position. Make sure that both defenders communicate help and point to their man and ball. They should both remain in a proper defensive stance.
2 X2 “Help” X5 “Help” 5 C Seeing both man and ball X5 says “X2 (teammate’s name) down screen – get through!” X5 sinks so that he can see both his man and ball. Down Screen
2 X2 5 X5 C X2 jumps to the ball and then “punches and kicks through” going ball side of the screen! Down Screen
5 X5 2 X2 C X2 and X5 remain “Ball Me Man” the whole time. If the Coach throws it to 2 – X2 closes out and X5 plays post defense. Down Screen
Cross Screens Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Don’t get screened Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
Cross Screens 4 X4 5 X5 C Teaching cross screens should be done on the low blocks and on the perimeter. Vary the line-up so you occasionally get a little on big or big on little screening action. We teach cross screens in a 2 on 2 situations.
4 X4 5 X5 C Cross Screens “Screen” To begin X5 is fronting the post and X4 is on help-side. When 5 doesn’t think he can received the pass (or when the coach tells him to) he will screen across for 4. X5 must communicate this screen, at the same time help on the drive if the Coach drives. X4 should feel the screen with his forearm.
Cross Screens 4 X4 5 X5 C If 4 goes high, X4 should “get into 4” and ride him toward the high post. This allows both X4 and X5 to stay with their man and it keep X5 in front of 5.
Cross Screens 4 X4 5 X5 C If 4 goes low this is a possible “switch”. However, X4 must get in front of 5 to prevent the seal.
Cross Screens 4 X4 5 X5 C A better way to prevent the switch is for X4 to step into 4 as he is going low and reverse pivot into him blocking him out. This prevents 4 from cutting to the ball. (This would not be the case if one was working on perimeter cross screens.)
Ball Screens Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Don’t get screened Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
2 dribbles the ball to the level of the screen 2 dribbles the ball to the level of the screen. He then changes direction and comes off the ball screen by five. 5 must communicate the screen LOUDLY – “Screen Left!” “ X5 X2 5 C 2 Ball Screen
X5 continues to communicate the screen X5 continues to communicate the screen. When X2 is close to the screen he gets into the dribbler and drives him away from the screen. X5 steps perpendicular to the dribbler (X5’s shoulders are parallel to the sideline and “shows” on the screen. He then gets back quickly. “ X5 5 X2 C 2 Ball Screen
You should work on this at different locations on the court, from the wing, baseline corner and top. In addition, put a shooter in the post to work on the roll. 3 X3 “ X2 X5 2 5 C Ball Screen
Back Screens Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Don’t get screened Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
Back Screens X2 2 C X5 5 Back screens must be communicated and the defense has to be physical. In this situation 5 passes it to the coach. X2 and X5 must jump to the ball and be ready to help in case of a drive!
Back Screens 2 X2 C X5 ? 5 Communicating a back screen is CRITICAL. X2 must talk with X5 before the screen is set. X5 has to feel the screen with his hands and determine whether he is going ball side of the screen or jamming the cutter.
Back Screens 2 X2 C X5 5 If 2 is not as big of a threat as 5 is. X2 can bump 5 then recover to his man.
Back Screens X5 5 C X2 2 Regardless of the situation continue playing this out. When 2 catches it he can shoot, drive middle, or pass it inside for a post feed. This is a great opportunity to work on post defense and ball pressure as well as the back screen. If the coach calls for it. 5 back screens and the drill continues.
Flare Screens Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Don’t get screened Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
Flare Screens X3 C 3 X2 2 Again this drill needs to also be performed in different locations on the court. For now we will begin on the top.
Flare Screens X3 C 3 X2 2 2 passes to the coach. 2 takes two steps like he is going to basket cut. Then 3 sets a flare screen for him.
Flare Screens X3 C 3 X2 2 As soon as the pass from X2 to the coach is made, both defenders need to jump to the basketball.
X3 X2 C 3 2 Flare Screens “Flare” As 2 sets up X2, X3 should be communicating a possible flare screen.
X3 3 X2 C 2 Flare Screens “Flare” X2 should feel the screen and jam 2 so that 2 cannot dive to the basket. X3 stay on the bottom / ball side of 3 so that 3 cannot dive to the basket.
Flare Screens X5 5 C X2 2 It is possible to SWITCH this action if your players are smart enough. You wouldn’t want to switch a flare if it involves a big man setting a screen on a guard.!
Flex Screens Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Don’t get screened Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
Flex Cuts 3 X5 5 X3 X2 C 2 To begin X2 is pressuring 2, 3 is in help position, and X5 is top side of 5 denying the post pass.
Flex Cuts 3 X5 5 X3 X2 C 2 When 2 throws the ball to the coach all defensive me should jump to the ball.
Flex Cuts 3 5 X5 X3 X2 C 2 X5 communicates to X3 that a screen is coming. X3 feels the screen and beats 3 through the screen always staying between 3 and the ball.
Flex Cuts 3 5 X3 X5 X2 C 2 X2 then communicates the screen by 2 on X5. X2 drops but always sees his man and the ball. X5 “swims through” the screen and goes ball side if possible. This is just like working the down screens. After the drill is taught make it competitive.
X-Cuts Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Don’t get screened Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
X5 5 X2 X3 2 3 X Cuts
X5 “switch” 5 X2 X3 2 3 3 cuts off of 5’s handoff first, X2 must drop to the level of the ball and be ready to switch this. X5 steps up and bodies 5 so he can’t turn and face. X3 drops to the level of the ball ready for 2 to cut. X Cuts
3 X2 X5 “switch” 5 X3 2 3 cuts off of 5’s handoff first, X2 must drop to the level of the ball and be ready to switch this. X5 steps up and bodies 5 so he can’t turn and face. X3 drops to the level of the ball ready for 2 to cut. X Cuts
UCLA Cuts Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Don’t get screened Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
UCLA Cuts 5 X5 X3 3 X2 C 2 UCLA cuts are difficult to defend. However, with communication, and ball pressure you can make it hard to execute.
UCLA Cuts 5 X5 X3 3 X2 C 2 2 passes to 3. At this point 5 will come up and back screen for 2. X3 must be careful not to get beat baseline. The help is leaving. However, not enough pressure allows for an easy pass.
UCLA Cuts 5 X5 X3 3 X2 C 2 X2 and X5 jump to the ball. X5 communicates the back screen and X2 gets through it on the ball side. X5 quickly closes out to 5 who receives the pass from 3.
UCLA Cuts 2 X2 X3 3 X5 5 C X5 pass to the Coach and the drill goes into the Flex Cut drill.
UCLA Cuts 2 X2 X3 3 X5 5 C X5 pass to the Coach and the drill goes into the Flex Cut drill. First all the defenders jump to the ball. Next, X2 communicates the screen by 2 on X3.
2 X2 X3 3 X5 5 C UCLA Cuts “Screen” X5 pass to the Coach and the drill goes into the Flex Cut drill. First all the defenders jump to the ball. Next, X2 communicates the screen by 2 on X3.
3 X3 X2 2 X5 5 C UCLA Cuts “Screen” X5 communicates the down screen by 5 on X2. X2 must get through the ball side of the screen. X5 must not get seal and has to watch for the slip.
UCLA Cuts 3 X3 5 X5 X2 C 2 From here the coach can pass the ball in and the teams would play 3 on 3. Remember, after the drill is taught, each segment should be competitive!
Triangle Game Stay in a stance See both the ball and your man Jump to the ball when it is passed Communicate everything Feet are always moving Don’t get screened Play the entire possession out Find a way to get the stop!
Triangle Game X5 5 C X4 X2 4 2 This drill is to teach guards and big men how to defend the “little to big” and “big to little” screens. 2 will pass to the Coach and the defense should jump to the ball.
Triangle Game X5 5 C X4 X2 4 2 2 tries to basket cut but X2 must not allow 2 to cut in front of his face.
Triangle Game X5 X2 5 2 C X4 4 2 will set a cross screen on X5. X2 must communicate the screen! X5 should feel the screen with his forearm and drive 5 toward the high post.
Triangle Game X5 2 X2 5 C X4 4 If X5 gets caught on the screen. X2 MUST Bump 5 cutting to the basket. In this case X2 would step right in front of 5 and front him until X5 can get there. X2 would then have to close out to his man.
Triangle Game X2 2 X5 5 C X4 4 So X5 gets through the screen. Now 4 is setting a down screen on X2. X4 must communicate and ideally we want X2 going ball side, Unless 2 is a great shooter. In this case we would want X2 to chase. X4 might have to switch out on 2 if X2 gets caught up. And X4 can’t let 4 slip the screen for a lay-up!
Triangle Game X2 2 X5 5 C X4 4 Once the players understand the drill play a game of three on three beginning in this formation.This will help your offense as much as it helps your defense.