aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio CINI - Università di Roma “La Sapienza APA Conference – Bruxelles, October Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level: the Italian proposal
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Why specialize at a national level? Take into account national peculiarities to shape a more effective offer Main issues: - National regulations Some countries have their own regulations in addition to European regulations and International guidelines (e.g. OAIS) - Market peculiarity Triggered by regulations Identify and target relevant groups of potential CoE customers - Language Clear demand for training activities in the national language
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Digital Preservation in Italy National regulations date back to more than 20 years Strong drive toward digital records Legal validity of digital signature since 1997 Need to preserve digitally signed records (no paper originals) Early regulations mostly aimed at ensuring the integrity Digital signature of preserved packages Digital timestamps Recent regulations address the quality of the process Standard file formats Reliability of preservation procedures Standard metadata set
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Digital registry system Traditionally all Italian public administrations maintain an official registry (registro di protocollo) All incoming and outgoing mail must be registered Registered documents enter the archive Since 1998 the registry system has become digital Registrations and document copies are kept in digital form Digital registry is mandatory for all public administrations Strong drive toward digital archives Crucial information collected by the registry system Provenance, Context, Reference, Fixity (cfr. OAIS) Will contribute to the PDI (Preservation Description Information) of archival packages
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT The Code of the Digital Administration Comprehensive corpus of regulations on the use of digital technology in the public administration: - Digital signature - Digital registry system - Format and preservation of digital records Regulations apply to: - Public administrations - Private parties limited to records with legal value Includes detailed rules on digital preservation based on OAIS reference model and ISO 16363
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Recent developments Extending e-gov services triggered by sharp budget cuts (on ‘friendly German advice’) Generalizing digital interaction with the public administration All administrative procedures must become digital and web-based … in a very short time Becomes mandatory for all public administrations Has set a digital tide on the move: - Large scale migration from paper to digital - Moving from traditional records to database content Introduces a new challenge: preserving databases
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Involved parties Public administration - All public administrations must comply with the regulations - Most records will be kept in digital form only Private companies - Budgets and other legal and fiscal documentation are already kept in digital form only since many years - Strong drive towards e-invoicing (mandatory towards PA) Memory, scientific and cultural institutions - Libraries, museums, university institutional repositories - More sensitive to the quality of the process, not just to compliance with regulations
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Certified providers Everyone can, in principle, manage his own preservation process, under his sole responsibility Very few would do so and take direct responsibility Most would rely on third party services Certified Providers are clearly envisaged by the law - Provide preservation as a service - Take legal responsibility for the preservation process Certification process is specified by the law - Certification is granted by a national agency DigitPA - The same agency issues the regulations - Certification metrics based on ISO 16363
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Is there any room for action? Involved parties (especially private companies) mostly care about complying with the regulations Reverting to a certified provider for preservation is the easiest and safest way to achieve the goal Memory and scientific institutions (and a few others) may look for something more: - Understanding the preservation process - Maintaining direct control over quality - Managing the whole lifecycle of digital objects These may be an appropriate target for the CoE services
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Shaping the offer Training Understanding principles, technicalities and the cultural background Besides the scientific milieu many people are not familiar with English and ask for training in Italian Setting up and managing the preservation process Important even when reverting to a certified provider Understanding the needs of the Designated Community Preservation is only a phase in the digital object lifecycle Audit and certification Prepare and assist through the certification process Assess the adequacy and the quality of the current procedures
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Current actions: 1- Managing the community Setting up a qualified user group to: - Understand the needs and formulate proposals - Promote CoE activities to the target audience - Set the stage for appropriate dissemination actions Some crucial partners - National Archives - Libraries - Central administrations (e.g. Ministry of Cultural Heritage) - Universities (most are CINI members): need to manage their institutional repositories - Quality minded private organizations
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Current actions: 2 - Training Several training courses in Italian already held: - Formal qualification (Ministry of Cultural Heritage) - Introductory courses (basic principles) Online training materials - Adapted from the above courses - Translation of APARSEN training materials (training pills) - Typical format: streamed slide-show with voice comment - Reference material for download Further actions - Standard e-learning courses (if appropriate support is found)
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Current actions: 3 - Consulting The National CoE, provides its own services, and acts as a hub to the main CoE Consulting may be of interest also for those who revert to preservation services offered by Certified Providers Planning the preservation process - Analyzing the needs of the Designated Community - Authenticity management of the whole digital object lifecycle - Appropriate design of the metadata set Assessing the quality of the process - Quantify reliability and availability - Devise and evaluate disaster recovery scenarios
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Current actions: 4 - Italian CoE Portal Run by CINI with moderated cooperation of the community Main reference point for the community - News - Blogs - Documentation Access to the Italian CoE services - Online training courses - Face-to-face courses (customizable) - Consulting services - Documentation repository
Deploying APARSEN Center of Excellence at a national level Silvio Salza and Maria Guercio, CINI – Università di Roma “La Sapienza” APA Conference – Bruxelles, October 22-23, 2014 aparsen.eu #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Conclusions National CoE driven by national peculiarities (regulations, market, language). Understand and attract local communities National CoE acts as a hub to the main CoE - Specific services provided by the National CoE - General services offered by the main CoE The Italian CoE has mostly been triggered by the peculiarity of national regulations Preliminary experience provides quite a positive feedback
aparsen.eu #APARSEN Network of Excellence