JANUARY 15, 2014 December 19, 2013 Next Generation Science Standards Updates Amber Farthing, Science Program Specialist, Teaching and Learning Jacob Clark Blickenstaff, WA State LASER Program Director 1/15/2014 1
OUR TIME TODAY… Welcome How we got here, the story of NGSS Architecture of a Standard and NGSS Considerations Transition planning and updates on assessment 1/15/2014 3
BEFORE WE START Where are you located in WA? Please use the question box to let us know what questions you may have before we start. 1/15/2014 4
NGSS STATE ADOPTION UPDATE Rhode Island Kentucky Kansas Maryland Vermont California Delaware Washington State Washington DC 1/15/2014 5
THE NGSS WERE BUILT ON THE PRINCIPLES OF A FRAMEWORK FOR K-12 SCIENCE EDUCATION Children are born investigators Understanding builds over time Science and Engineering require both knowledge and practice Science connects to students’ interests and experiences Instruction focuses on core ideas and practices Science learning standards promote equity 1/15/2014 6
WORK BY WASHINGTON STATE LASER IN PREPARATION FOR NGSS ADOPTION Facilitated state-wide feedback on early draft documents in Held two “Deep Dive” events for teacher leaders to build understanding of the Framework in Began communicating with critical stakeholders about the key features of the Framework and NGSS in spring 2013 Led a three-day professional learning opportunity for Alliance Directors and their teams to Build Capacity for NGSS in December /15/2014 7
OPPORTUNITIES WITH NGSS NGSS provides an entry point for all students to engage in transformative, authentic, and 21 st century science, opening doors to career and college pathways. 1/15/2014 8
ALL STANDARDS ALL STUDENTS Equity Appendix D 1/15/2014 9
Effective Strategies for Student Engagement Classroom Home and Community School We cannot miss the equity opportunities afforded by the Next Generation Science Standards. Resources from the home and community, school and classroom lead to effective strategies for student engagement. WASHINGTON BIAS AND SENSITIVITY PROCESS 1/15/
EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM STRATEGIES INCLUDE… Connecting science education to students’ sense of place, Using project-based learning, Using culturally relevant pedagogy, Capitalizing on community involvement and social activism, Using role models, Adopting language support strategies, Providing home language support, and home culture connections. 1/15/
SCHOOL-BASED RESOURCES INCLUDE… Material resources – curricular materials, professional development, supplies Human capital – content knowledge, cultural knowledge, leadership skills Social capital – norms and values surrounding learning, teaching, and relating to others 1/15/
HOME AND COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS INCLUDE… Identifying resources and strengths in the family and home environments of all students Involving parents and extended family Defining problems and designing solutions for community projects in local neighborhoods Focusing on science learning in informal environments. 1/15/
WHY FOCUS ON EQUITY? Reaching out to all students to engage their interest in learning science is the right thing to do. A few well-placed actions can dramatically impact the opportunity gap in STEM. The NGSS represent a new opportunity to make science relevant, interesting and meaningful for all students, their families and the broader community. Implementing the NGSS in a culturally sensitive manner will help reduce the opportunity gap and increase interest in STEM careers. 1/15/
SHIFTING INSTRUCTION… How will the NGSS impact me? Implementation in the classroom. 1/15/
KEY SHIFTS IN NGSS Focus: The NGSS are Focused on deeper understanding and application of science content reflecting real-world interconnectedness Coherence: Science and engineering Build Coherently across K–12. Integration: Science and Engineering are Integrated across K–12 in the NGSS. 1/15/
THREE DIMENSIONS INTERTWINED…. The NGSS are written as Performance Expectations NGSS will require contextual application of the three dimensions by students. Focus is on how and why as well as what 1/15/
INSTRUCTIONAL SHIFTS IN THE NGSS 1.Focus on big picture, not individual lessons 2.Learning Progressions 3.Science and Engineering 4.Evidence of student learning 1/15/
IMPLEMENTATION AND TRANSITIONS Advice from Stephen Pruitt, Senior Vice President for Content, Research and Development with Achieve Develop a thoughtful and deliberate implementation plan that supports the overall education plan Focus Be patient 1/15/
WASHINGTON TIMELINE Moving forward in the slow lane 1/15/
Years 0 - 3: Awareness, State-wide Network Building Study Appendices Build PD modules Explore potential placement of current instructional materials Determine policy shifts Work with other programs like CTE; Community-based education partners Consider all students all standards -equity Years 1 - 3: Phase in Practices and Crosscutting Concepts Construct PD - Practices and Crosscutting Concepts: Asking questions and defining problems ; Analyzing and interpreting data; Constructing explanations; Engaging in argumentation Patterns; Systems and System Models; Scale and Proportion; Leverage current instructional materials and infuse MSP designed curricula Years 2 - 3: Secondary pathways; Full implementation Construct PD - Practices and Crosscutting Concepts: Develop and use models; Plan and construct explanations; Use mathematics and computational thinking; Obtain, evaluate and communicate information Cause and effect; energy and matter; structure and function Stability and change Instructional Materials Best Fit 1/15/2014 PD = Professional Development Community-Based Education Partners = Museums, Science Centers, etc. SEPs = Science and Engineering Practices CCCs = Crosscutting Concepts: DCIs = Disciplinary Core Ideas 23
1/15/ –14 BUILDING EACH YEAR: YEAR ZERO Awareness and Network Building What should teachers know and be able to do? Professional Learning; Focus on integration of SEPs; CCCs; Appendices Instructional Materials Potential Placement Policy shifts PESB Teacher competencies and NGSS; Assessment Options Data to Inform NAEP; TIMMS; PISA; MSP; EOC; Course- taking; STEM career choices (NCES) Each box represents work of different groups: OSPI, ESDs; LASER; Districts; Teachers Draft Document 24
1/15/ –15 BUILDING EACH YEAR: YEAR ONE Awareness and Network Building Identify new and Continue Professional Learning; Focus on Appendices; SEPs; CCCs Leverage Current Instructional Materials ; Explore Best Materials Placement and (e) Innovations Policy shifts; Secondary Pathways ; PESB Competencies Policy shifts; Assessment; Data Each box represents work of different groups: OSPI, ESDs; LASER; Districts; Teachers Draft Document 25
1/15/ –16 BUILDING EACH YEAR: YEAR TWO Awareness and Network Building Continue Professional Learning; Focus on Appendices; SEPs; CCCs Instructional Materials Best Placement Policy shifts; Assessment Design Data Updates Each box represents work of different groups: OSPI, ESDs; LASER; Districts; Teachers Draft Document 26
1/15/ –17 BUILDING EACH YEAR: YEAR THREE Professional Learning is designed; SEPs; CCCs are in place Continue Professional Learning; Standards are Fully Implemented Instructional Materials Best Placement Shifts Policy shifts; Assessment piloting (Test 2017– 18) Data Collection Continues and is Updated Each box represents work of different groups: OSPI, ESDs; LASER; Districts; Teachers Draft Document 27
NATIONAL CURRENT AND UPCOMING NGSS PROJECTS THAT WILL BENEFIT WA STATE SciMath Assessment Items – January 2014 Sample Available Evidence Statements – January 2014 Additional Model Course Maps – Winter 2014 Science EQuIP – Winter 2014 Available Now State of Science Education Research – Winter 2014 Publishers Criteria – Spring 2014 In Progress STEM Works – Late Spring/Early Summer 2014 Alignment Institutes – Early Summer /15/
UPCOMING WASHINGTON STATE LASER EVENTS SUPPORTING NGSS ADOPTION Building Capacity Part 2- May 28 & 29, 2014 Follow up to December 2013 event To be held in Yakima Updating –Spring/Summer 2014 Include electronic science notebooks Reflects authentic science and engineering practice Opportunity to integrate English/Language Arts with science Awareness events with critical stakeholders- Winter/Spring 2014 STEM Education Leadership Institute- Summer /15/
WASHINGTON ADOPTED THE NGSS… WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR STATE EXAMS? NCLB and state law require that we give a state science exam once each in elementary, middle, and high school We will continue to give our state exam (based on 2009 standards) until an exam based on the NGSS is developed If you hear “2014 is the last year of the MSP,” add “except for science.” 1/15/
NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS Adopted: June 2009 Adopted: October 2013 First assessed: 2011 (MSP) 2012 (EOC) Possible first assessment: 2017 or 2018 (?) 1/15/
WHAT ARE THE STEPS TO BUILDING A NEW ASSESSMENT? Develop item specifications from the standards Determine the test map Develop test items (including a pilot test) Develop Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) from the standards Administer an operational test Set performance level standards (Standard Setting) For the 2009 standards, this process took 25 months 1/15/
STILL TO BE DETERMINED Will the science tests be developed by Washington or with a consortium of states? When and how will pilot and/or field testing occur? What year will be the first year of operational testing? If the high school test is comprehensive, will it be administered at grade 10 or grade 11? Will the elementary test cover just grade 5 standards or a broader grade band of standards? 1/15/
SCIENCE ASSESSMENT CONTACT INFORMATION Dawn Cope, Secondary Science Assessment Kara Monroe, Elementary Science Assessment Jessica Cole, Administrative Assistant Cinda Parton, Director of Assessment Development Science Assessment Web Page 1/15/
RESOURCES Where can I find additional NGSS information? 1/15/
WHERE DO WE GET MORE NGSS INFORMATION? Science Teaching & Learning: Ellen Ebert, Ph.D., Amber Farthing, Environmental and Sustainability Education: Gilda Wheeler, Science Support Staff: Sultana Shah, Washington State LASER Website: Jacob Clark Blickenstaff, Ph.D., NGSS OSPI Website: Report from Symposium on Science Assessment: 1/15/