Technical Solutions Officer UNCLASSIFIED Joint Staff J7 JS J7, JCW JOSE Update JNTC Corporate Board September, 2012 COL Mark Edgren Technical Solutions Officer
JTEA Mandate for Change Why Change? Operating & Sustainment Costs UNCLASSIFIED Mandate for Change JTEA Why Change? Operating & Sustainment Costs Joint Force 2020 Keep pace with the operating environment 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) DOD CIO Enterprise IT Strategy & Cloud Strategies Joint Information Environment (JIE) CE2T2 Program Goals and Objectives (PG&O) Systems Engineering Plan Network Services / Enterprise Services Affordable, Adaptive, Agile Joint Training Environment
JTEA Mandate for Change How? UNCLASSIFIED Mandate for Change JTEA How? Instead of Stovepiped Efforts . . . Joint Training Enterprise Architecture “…..the process of translating business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change” Converged infrastructure and shared resources (cloud computing) Web 2.0 technologies Lean processes Requirements-based, risk-managed Training Enterprise collaboration/ Unity of Effort Executive Steering Committee Technical Working Group
JIE End-State ?? Access at the Point of Need UNCLASSIFIED JIE End-State Coalition Forces Defensibility/Redundancy/Resiliency Federation/Shared Infrastructure Enterprise Services Identity Access Management Cost: ???? Deployed Environment Mission Applications Computing Data “Enterprise Information Environment” AT21 Navy ERP DCO iEHR Enterprise Email Defense Travel APEX AFATDS Airman Fundamentals Close Combat TM Data Computing Applications “Enterprise Information Environment” ?? Mobile (TDY/Deploy) Future devices Home Work Access at the Point of Need
JIE Working Definition UNCLASSIFIED JIE Working Definition JIE is a secure joint information environment, comprised of shared information technology (IT) infrastructure, enterprise services, and a single security architecture to achieve full spectrum superiority, improve mission effectiveness, increase security and realize IT efficiencies. JIE is operated and managed per Unified Command Plan (UCP) using enforceable standards, specifications, and common tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). 32 Desired Network Characteristics 7 Network Characteristics to Avoid Service consensus on definition and characteristics
UNCLASSIFIED Joint M&S Way-Ahead Change Catalysts Many Factors Driving Significant Change to Joint M&S Development ($, OSD Direction, DoD IT Enterprise Guidance, Operational Relevance, etc.) Current State JLVC 5.X (Latest Release of JLVC) = Pretty Good, But . . . Evolutionary Approach w/ Federated & Integrated Service/Joint Simulations Too Complex & Costly Last of Breed JLVC 6.0 Releases End of FY13; JLVC 6.X By FY15 Future of Joint M&S Cloud-Enabled Modular Services (CEMS) Framework (JLVC2020) JLVC2020 New Joint M&S Training Enabler (Fully Mission Capable by FY19), Which Will: Cost Less and Be Less Complex to Operate Be Discoverable & More Accessible to the Warfighter (Designed for the Cloud) Comply w/ DoD Enterprise IT Direction Enhance Warfighter’s Training Environment (i.e., Cyber, Hybrid Threat, Missile Defense, etc.) Support Continuum of Training Fidelity Requirements Funding $75M +/- of DoD Funding is Planned for JLVC2020 from FY14-FY18 Priority It Will Be the J7’s Signature Joint M&S Development Effort Backup Plan Can’t Afford One—Circa FY15, Joint Training Context Will Rely on a Rapidly Decaying JLVC 6.X (Likely 2+ Years of Use Prior to Decay Issues) Until JLVC2020 Delivers Risk Mitigation Lots of Leadership Review Planned—If Problems . . . Can Produce a JLVC 7.0 Within 1 Year & Would Incorporate Best of Breed From JLVC2020 Development (i.e., Data Services, etc.)
JLVC-2020 (Operational) Apps Interface App Store Data Major Components Data – Interface - “Apps” -“App Store” OSD Partnership via MSCO Rapid Data Generation Project Geospatial Data Correlation Force Development Mission Process Modeling in Virtual Environments Priority of Effort Modular service specification Data service broker prototype Data management schema What is Different? Apps have to work together Must deliver at speed of need Must deliver at point of need Open source development App Store Agile, Composable, Tailorable Efficient 1) [Data Source and Repository] Modern military simulations use distributed "Data Driven Simulations" where each new event is supported with data customized to build the environment and scenario needed for training. The foundation for producing a simulation event is to access many sources of authoritative data which is then collected, correlated and fused together then stored in formats compatible with the simulations to be used. We are partnering with MSCO to accomplish a high level task to get to this correlated data layer. 2) [Data Server and Services] The computer simulation environment needs networked computers to run on and tools to operate and manage this distributed environment. We design the backbone computing network, cloud and conventional, that will host the data servers and all the services and tools that will be required to control the event. The key to this is the interface specifications to the other layers – a high speed specification which will be developed with this project, and a link to the legacy systems (HLA 1516 Enhanced) which will allow interoperability between old and new until full capability is achieved. 3) [Environment layer] We use the resource repository data to build the simulated environment - the computer representation of the time, place, and weather and the simulated forces that will make up the event. Any given event will have a specific environment which can be customized and saved in the runtime database. This can be shifted, expanded, or modified as needed during the event. 4) [Wargaming layer] Depending on the training requirements, the event designers select from a large number of simulation models, tools, and services that will provide all the required interactions needed to support the training objectives. Some of these modules will be relatively low fidelity to provide the basic interactions required, while more specific interactions may be exceedingly high fidelity. We plan to build many of the basic services to achieve Joint operations, while the Services will want greater fidelity and we plan to leverage their intellectual capital to get that higher fidelity. 5) [Interface layer] The event designers select from a range of interface options to enable the communication options between the simulations, the training staff, and the training audience. 6) [SMT & VTI] Just like there are tools & services to operate the distributed network of computers and design the event, there are also tools and services for the trainers to manage the event while it is running to steer the simulation event as required to meet all the training objectives. Event control includes not only the simulation run, but the proper 'road to war' buildup to set the scene and after action review tools to capture and enhance the learning process. We are leveraging MSCO HLTs to get at these capabilities as well as other JDIR efforts (J6, J8). 7) [Training Audience] Finally, M&S data is fed from the simulation environment into the operational environment and delivered to the training audience whether they are in virtual simulators, live forces operating on ranges or personnel in front of their C2 systems, receiving input just as they would in a real crisis. This C2 environment has to include portals , not just a C2PC or CPOF box because the portal is the staff entry point for most staff action. Data Accessible, Composable, Tailorable Efficient Goal – 30% O&S Reduction “The Joint Force…will have cutting edge capabilities, exploiting our technological, joint, and networked advantage….” Cover Memo, DoD Strategic Guidance, Januray 2012 UNCLASSIFIED
JLVC2020 Project Plan FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 UNCLASSIFIED JLVC2020 Project Plan FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Cap’s CONOPs (Enhance Joint Training Environment) Hybrid CEMS-Service Simulations (Consistent, Competitive CAX) Limited Tier-III/IV Modules (Service Need for High Fidelity) M&S JLVC V6.0 JLVC + V.6 V6.X V1.0 V2.0 V3.0 V4.0 JLVC2020 V.3 V.4 V.5 Cap’s CDR Wargame MSEL-Driven CAX for Less $$$ (CAX/MSEL Integration) Composable Environment (Modular at Tier-I/II Level) Accessible War- Fighter Relevance CDR-Focused M&S Spt to CCMD Events Enhanced JLVC Training Environment (JLVC 6.0 & 6.X) Easier, Less Expensive, MSEL-Driven/CAX-Supported Events CCMD Training Requirement Analysis Enhanced JLVC Training Environment (JLVC2020) Composability Effect on JELC (Increasing Number of JLVC2020 High-Fidelity Events) Cloud DSB Prototype V.6 Production V1.0 Production V3.0 V4.0 CDIS HLA Guard Solution TS Gateway (Virtuals) Data-Oriented Classification (Multiple Release Levels) Data Data Exchange Model-1 Data Exchange Model-2 Data Exchange Model-3 Risk CAX-Supported Events Unwieldy (Too Complex, Expensive, etc.) JLVC 6.X Decay JLVC2020 High-Fidelity Coverage DPs $ $5.9M A $10.6M B $12.1M C $18.4M D $19.3M $19.3M E $?M $?M JELC = Joint Exercise Life Cycle (Planning for Big Training Events) CCMD = Combatant Command (DoD regionally-oriented or functionally-focused joint commands) Training Tiers = Tier-I (CCMD); Tier-II (Joint Task Force); Tier-III (Component Command); Tier-IV (Tactical) CDIS = Cross Domain Information Sharing (moving data across classification/national barriers) CEMS = Cloud-Enabled Modular Services (new M&S framework) CAX = Computer Assisted Exercise MSEL = Master Sequence Event List (scripted events) DSB = Data Service Broker (key component of CEMS framework) JLVC = Joint Live Virtual Constructive training capability HLA = High Level Architecture (M&S interoperability standard) DP’s = Decision Points (leadership opportunity to re-direct)
JLVC2020 Governance JTEA ESC UNCLASSIFIED JLVC2020 Governance JTEA ESC Executive Steering Committee Project Advisory Panel Membership Open to: CCMDs Services DoD Agencies JTEA Technical Workgroup JLVC2020 Project Advisory Panel M&S Syndicate OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT POM Prep (CE2T2) PEP (CE2T2) WJTSC M&S Working Group CCMD/Service Tech Review IPR (VTC) CCMD/Service/Agency TGAF Executive Session TGAF M&S Training Gaps Analysis Forum TGAF M&S Training Gaps Analysis Forum
Technical Solutions Officer UNCLASSIFIED Joint Staff J7 JS J7, JCW JOSE Update JNTC Corporate Board September, 2012 COL Mark Edgren Technical Solutions Officer