NADIP Plenary - DORS Stephen Cole Product Manager Home Office PCD
2 ●NPIA Technology Product Management Unit (TPMU) transitioned to Home Office Police ICT Company Directorate (PCD) in October 2012 ●Affects the way work is commissioned by Forces ●Moving towards a “full-cost-recovery” model ●New contact details: ●Telephone: ●Mobile:
3 Highlights since last Plenary ●DORS V3.0.1 released in April ●Successful Back Up / Restore testing in May ●Serious performance issues for InDORS starting in June ●500,000 obsolete Offender records deleted ●DORS reaccreditation in September ●PentiP rollout commences – BTP first force to go live in June 2012
4 DORS Performance Issues ●Mostly affecting InDORS ●Specified for 200,000 new offender records per annum but exceeding this every two months ●Average of 5,000 offender records added every working day ●Hardware procured in 2008 – compatibility issues
5 DORS Performance Issues ●What have we done? ●Re-indexing of the DORS databases ●Deletion of 500,000+ obsolete offender records ●Commissioned Capacity Planning report from WTG ●Identified unnecessary Fujitsu monitoring service (which has been switched off) ●Further application tweaks currently in testing ●What are we doing? ●Procuring additional hardware (SAN) for both InDORS & OutDORS ●Investigating a Tech Refresh / re-platforming ●Looking at the current hosting arrangement ●Reviewing DR / BC requirements ●New release of DORS
6 DORS V3.0.2 ●RFC324 OutDORS Status Change Web-Service ●Enable Course Suppliers to query DORS for all records which have been updated to Offer Withdrawn in a specified date range ●Will only receive a response for those records linked to a Course ●RFC335 ITHC Outstanding Issues ●Low & Medium issues from IT Health Check on V3.0 (Aug ’11) ●RFC363 Removal of NPIA Logo ●Required as a result of transition to Home Office ●Release not yet scheduled – priority to SAN implementation
7 DORS V3.1 ●Content of DORS V3.1 not yet finalised but the following changes are being considered ●RFC182 Date Validation ●RFC187 Deactivate Course Supplier ●RFC188 Course Look-up ●RFC254 Obsolete DDL Values ●RFC275 Edit Client Status ●RFC278 Client – Course Link Web-service ●RFC280 Unclosed Records Report ●RFC289 Manual Course Edit ●RFC319 Error Messages ●RFC328 Password reset
8 PentiP Rollout ●BTP first force to use PentiP in June ●Rolled out to Business Assurance Forces in July ●Leicestershire ●Kent ●Lancashire ●Now in use at 9 Forces with 5 more to be implemented before Christmas (Welsh Forces & Essex) ●Full National Rollout will commence in 2013
9 PentiP & Data Sharing ●PentiP is a national system which replaces VP/FPO ●PentiP has GPMS marking of RESTRICTED ●All personal & offence data extracted from PentiP is therefore also RESTRICTED ●Implication on data transferred to & stored by Course Suppliers ●No default report for this data transfer. Reports have to be authorised individually ●Currently “discourage” business practice
10 Thank you for your support … ●London to Paris Cycle for Action Medical Research ●Day 1: London to Calais 140 km in 7 hrs 22 min ●Day 2: Calais to Arras 125 km in 6 hrs 12 min ●Day 3: Arras to Compiègne 129 km in 5 hrs 43 min ●Day 4: Compiègne to Paris 102 km in 5 hrs 42 min ●Total Distance: 496 km ●Total Time: 25 hrs 59 min ●Total Raised: £2, ●Thank you to everyone who supported me.