WECC Operating Committee Operations Training Subcommittee Report Bill Simmons, OTS Chair March 25, 2015 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
WECC OC Committee Action Items a.Approve new Chair: Bill Simmons b.Approve OTS Charter Updates c.Retirement of OTS Policy – Done Accomplished via correspondence and presented to the Board March 11, The board voted to retire the policy. d.Support of WECC Training Program Support and encourage the use of the WECC Training Program throughout the year. 2 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
OTS Current Year Goals OTS Goals Status 1 Provide support and guidance to the HPWG Ongoing 2 Provide metric options, and provide training to use metrics in order to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of member training programs TTT Workshop & DOE Evaluations on WECC website 3Create method for peer review of neighboring entity training/class instruction TTT Workshop 3 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
OTS Current Year Goals OTS Goals Status 4Outline an instructor certification program Work Group to be established April Review WECC course material content 4 classes are in re- design for May & June training 6PER R3.1 develop Simulation training for WECC Training program Ongoing & need enhancements 4 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
2014 Transition Year New WECC Team Structure Deveny Bywaters, Training Manager Restructured Administrative Assistants Impacts of the bifurcation Change in Charter Retirement of OTS Policies Leadership changes 5 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
OTS Membership Retired - 2 Brian Reich (OTS Chair) and Mike Scott (Vice Chair). New Leadership - 2 Chair - Bill Simmons is recommended as the new Chair Vice Chair - David McKay (Public Service Company of New Mexico) New Members - 5 David McKay (Public Service Company) Cullen Ritchie (Tacoma Power) Eric Dick (Idaho Power) Arlen Simon, (Public Utility District of Douglas County) Alvin Pinkston (Black Hills Corporation) to be approved at the April meeting 6 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Training Program Pilot Year ½ of the classes at utility locations ½ of the classes have a contract trainer 7 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
2015 Training Program Goals GoalStatus 1Re-design Each Class 4 classes are in re-design for May & June training In Progress 2Regional Training Piloting if attendance is better at regional training 7 of 16 classes are at a utility location In Progress 3Contract Trainer Piloting if the program can fund a second trainer Began as of January Improve Communication Interchange (e-newsletter) Monthly phone calls Began as of January Introduce New Training TopicsTentative 6Pilot Online Training Plans are on hold until the classroom program stabilizes Tentative 8 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Major Accomplishments and Planned Activities Train-The-Trainer Workshop Human Performance Work Group Conference 10 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Major Accomplishments and Planned Activities WECC/OTS Communication Regular scheduled meetings Monthly e-newsletter Monthly calls Result: increased member engagement 11 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Risks to Success and Mitigation Strategies Simulator The WECC training simulator relies on a generic model and should be expanded to include the WECC model in order to be relevant. Risk: The cost of obtaining and integrating the model Mitigation strategies: Open negations with the vendor to negotiate a phased in approach 12 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Future Meetings April 7 & 8, 2015 Salt Lake City, UT 13 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL July 27 & 28, 2015 CAISO, Folsom CA July 28-31, 2015 Train-The-Trainer Workshop CAISO, Folsom CA Conference calls / Webinar as needed
Welcome Support from the OC Committee! New & Improved WECC Classes Fresh look and feel Training and presentation materials are coordinated New simulator exercises Adult learning techniques built in to classes – Hands-on activities 14 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL