How TMA Services are Shifting the TDM Landscape in Waterloo Region Engraining TDM in Policy, Programming, and Planning Mathew Thijssen, MA Sustainable Waterloo linkedin.con/in/mathewthijssen James LaPointe, MA., RPP, MCIP Region of
Before Survey #2 The Context | Growth!
Before Survey #2 The Context | Paid Membership Sliding scale for membership costs: Membership revenue covers about 30% Gives members a bit more “skin in the game” Clarity of business case is key
Before Survey #2 The Context | What We Do Discounted Transit Passes Emergency Ride Home
Before Survey #2 TMA Challenges | Momentum Captive business audience 50% of members are joint Part of a community movement Highlights importance
Before Survey #2 TMA Challenges | Streamlining
Before Survey #2 TMA Challenges | Scaling Biggest budget item is staff time If we try and have a ratio of 1:20, it’s tough
Before Survey #2 Credibility | Third Party Establishes a semi-independent brand: ▫ Strength of association with Regional/City government ▫ More flexibility to adapt to demand ▫ A different image and level of trust from commuters
Before Survey #2 Credibility | Good Data is Key In 2014, we collected 5,200 data points (over 20% of TMA responses) Want to use this data to show opportunities for employers and for community infrastructure
Before Survey #2 Credibility | Good Data is Key
Informing Regional Activities
Informing Regional Decision Making -TMA data are leading to improved decision making for mode-specific endeavors -Segmented marketing for transit -Informed infrastructure prioritization -Building into policy goals -Aligning with “big data”
Integration in Planning Process Scaled Services have allowed numerous TDM-solutions to be integrated with planning development application approvals - TDM Checklists & Parking Reductions Worksheets -Minimum “TDM-ness” of developments and TDM plans -Seeping into additional professional portfolios, authorities, and jurisdictions
Before Survey #2 The Ongoing Struggles How do we keep building participation from our members? How do we expand services available for members? How do we balance competing stakeholders and priorities? (non-profit, 3 cities, Regional government) How do we balance member priorities knowing that everyone is unique? How do we deal with stragglers, or members who aren’t engaged? How do we engage with developers?
Before Survey #2 Thanks! The key to TDM success is long-term systematic integration!
The Ongoing Struggles How to boost participation (in general) Additional services—question for staff?? Stakeholder engagement—great when it works, overlapping responsibilities, streamlining without stepping on people’s toes? Identifying member priorities knowing that everyone is unique? Stragglers??? Developer category? Executing services / answering explaining services as part of TDM requirements – additional professional liasoning with transportation planning / spreading tdm staff time thinner between a variety of departments Legal agreements – complexity in categories of service and administration Economic development, Growth and inclusion in additional policy – difficult to maintain focus and