Renewable Heat New York Collaborative Stove Design Workshop November 2014 Ellen Burkhard, Ph.D. Senior Project Manager
Renewable Heat New York Announced in Governor Cuomo’s 2014 State of the State Address Built upon NYSERDA’s biomass heating R&D program to bring advanced technologies into the NYS heating market Retirement of outdoor wood boilers, indoor wood boilers and wood stoves Commercial pellet boiler heating systems Residential pellet boiler heating systems and stoves Residential/small commercial advanced cordwood boilers with full thermal storage Continued R&D Workforce development for proper system design, sizing and quality installations John Rhodes, President and CEO, NYSERDA announcing Renewable Heat NY July 29 th, Photo credit: Pyramid Energy EES.
Qualified Pellet Boiler Technologies Must be >85% thermal efficiency, PM2.5 <0.080 lb/MMBtu, and CO <270 ppm at 7% O 2
Automatic Pellet Heating System and Bulk Delivery 80,000 Btu/hr Evo World pellet boiler and buffer tank Pellet conveyance between pellet storage shed and pellet boiler Pellet delivery truck supplying pellets to the pellet storage shed Vincent’s Heating and Fuel bulk pellet delivery truck
Qualified Advanced Cordwood Boiler Technologies Must be >60% annual efficiency by BNL PTS and be accepted by NYSDEC. PM <0.32 lb/MMBtu, report CO
Advanced cordwood boiler in outbuilding Advanced cordwood boiler Seasoned wood is kept dry. Thermal storage tank in basement of farmhouse
Maximizing performance with thermal storage 1250 gallons
Customer TypeSystem Type/ TechnologyIncentive Amount ResidentialWood Pellet Stove (<2.0 g/h EPA certified) Advanced Cordwood Boiler with Full Thermal Storage Small Pellet Boiler with Thermal Storage $1,000 with wood stove retirement (up to $1,500 for income qualified homeowners) $4,000 based on 20% of installed cost * 25% of installed costs * *an additional $4,000 for the recycling of old outdoor/indoor wood boiler or $2,000 for recycling a whole house wood furnace Renewable Heat NY Must use qualified technology and qualified installer
Customer TypeSystem Type/ TechnologyIncentive Amount Small Commercial (<300,000 Btu/h) Advanced Cordwood Boiler with Full Thermal Storage Small Pellet Boiler with Thermal Storage $4,000 based on 20% of installed cost * 25% of installed costs * *an additional $4,000 for the recycling of old outdoor/indoor wood boiler or $2,000 for recycling a whole house wood furnace is also available Renewable Heat NY Low-interest financing is also available Must use qualified technology and qualified installer
Customer TypeSystem Type/ TechnologyIncentive Amount Large Commercial (>300,000 Btu/h) Large Pellet Boiler with Thermal Storage Tandem Pellet Boiler with Thermal Storage 20% of total installed cost ($100,000 maximum incentive) 25% of total installed cost ($150,000 maximum incentive) Renewable Heat NY Sizing < 60% design day load, thermal storage, careful system integration with existing heating system and heat distribution system and controls. Technical assistance for energy study, and review of commissioning and first year of Measurement and Verification. Must use qualified technology.
Development of test method for advanced cord wood boiler technologies with thermal storage
Heating Load Output Storage Extra heat is stored in the hot water tank until later use. Thermal Storage
Syracuse, NY heat load Ranch-style home, 2500 ft 2 R-13 NYSERDA (2012)
Heat Load Analysis 25% hours50% hours5% hours 10% hours40% hours
Wood Heating Technologies
Fine Particle Emissions (lb/day) from Residential Heating Systems for a January day in Upstate NY Fine particles (lb) Advanced cordwood boiler High-efficiency pellet boiler
EN 303-5BNL PTS Dust Lb/MM Btu EFF (lhv) Eff (hhv) PM2.5 Start (g) PM2.5 SS (g) PM2.5 End (g) M2.5 Run average Lb/MMBtu Eff (hhv) 100% load SS % Hot Start <15% Cold Start Annual weighting0.18 (2g/h) 70 Why do we need a full-duty cycle test that isolates start-up, SS, and end phases?
THANK YOU! Ellen Burkhard Renewable Heat NY
The Installer works with the customer to assess the project and fill-out the application, signed off by the customer. The Project Application includes information about the home, existing boiler, and the biomass boiler being installed with the Manual J calculation attached. Once the application is received and meets the program requirements, NYSERDA will approve the application and notify the Installer. Project Application Process
Heating Fuels ($ per MMBtu) Energy Trends Using NYSERDA report “Patterns & Trends: New York State Energy Profiles ” data from “Historical Prices: ” and using conversion factors *2013 only has through April 2013
Pellet Stoves The following incentives are available toward the purchase of a new pellet stove for use in a primary residence, without natural gas service: QualificationIncentive Amount Market Rate with Recycling$1,000 Income Qualified (No Recycling)$1,000 Income Qualified, add optional Recycling$1,500 The new stove can provide either primary or supplemental heating and must be at or below 2.0 grams per hour particulate matter emissions on the ‘EPA List of Certified Wood Heaters’ (latest version May 2014).