Changing Development Paradigm Presentation to staff at staff meeting of Monday 27 May 2013 Gorden Simango
- Changing Development Paradigm at a global level - Governing Board of ACT: Critical issue for the ACT Alliance (Care International, Caritas /CIDSE etc) - Advisory Group on Development Policy and Practice (DPPG); - Regional Consultations - How can ACT contribute, participate and position itself in the debate of the Changing Development Paradigm?
Where we are coming from? …. UN Development decade (UNGA resolution 1710 – XVI) 1966 (UNCESCR) 1966 (UNCCPR) UNGA resolution 1803 (XVII) – Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources (PSNR) 2 nd UN development decade (UNGA 2626 – XXV) UN resolution 2626 (XXV). International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade UN Declaration on the establishment of the NIEO (XXIX). Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States CERDS, 1974 (1972 – Human Environment; 1982 Environment & Development, 2002 WSSD in Johannesburg; 2012 Rio 2000 Monterrey, Mexico – International conference on financing for development etc. Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness, Accra agenda of Action, Busan Bretton woods institutions (WB & IMF), 1944 (70 – 90s. SAP era) GATT /WTO (1947/1994) UN Declaration on the right to development
Key aspects of the changing development paradigm - Financial and economic crisis: decline of aid for development; Changes in instruments, institutions and mechanisms of financing of development; - South South, and Triangular Cooperation; - New actors, the private sector New actors, “emerging” countries, BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China, South Africa); - Hugh disparities of living standard of people in emerging economies;
Key aspects of the changing development paradigm / Where are we? Discussions in the international development institutions: - Development Effectiveness Process: Paris Declaration, Busan, Post Busan, Civil Society Partnership on Effective Development (CPDE); - Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and post framework. - Influence of the private sector to address sustainability issues; - Economic Globalisation: Shifting of industry into the developing countries; Attention to decent work and Fair Trade.
Key Aspects of the Changing Development Paradigm/ Where are we? - Changing demographics: especially in relation to youth; - Changing communication patterns; - Reflections and questioning of consumption patterns, life styles and development model. - Shrinking space for civil society actors, especially related to human rights; - Changing mission paradigm & changing role of the churches in societies.
Key Principles and Values 1. PSNR 2. Principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR & RC) 3. Precautionary principle (PP) 4. Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) 5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 6. Prior Informed Consent procedure (PIC & AIP) 7. Global commons & Heritage common to human kind 8. Sustainable development 9. Rights based approaches/principles Equity, planetary boundaries, low-carbon development, redress & liability, MFN & NT, Morality
Key questions for reflection What development model/paradigm do we want as ACT Alliance? - Pro – growth (-) -Sustainable development in a carbon neutral way, energy & resource efficient way within planetary boundaries (+) - What specific principles should it be based on and what operational strategies must be integrated? Concepts of life (Ubuntu, Buen Vivir, Happiness Index (+))
Key questions for discussions 1. How can the Alliance become an actor for real change for people living in poverty and oppressed communities in the changing development context? 2. Is there an answer to the beyond growth paradigm? 3. What should be the key principles / non negotiables in which ACT’s work must be rooted when it comes to ideal development paradigm? 4. From issues reflected in this paper, what are the three areas of priority the Alliance should focus on in development work as a global alliance? -