Development and Alumni Relations System - Communication #5 - DARS v3.0: Internet Solutions
DARS V3.0 Screenshots An overview of these images Introduction The following slides are screenshots from DARS v3.0 and accompany the upgrade newsletter #5. Overview of the screenshots: Screen 1: Page Features Screen 2:BBIS Quick Links Screen 3: Page Editor Screen 4: Page/File Properties Screen 5: Advanced Donation Forms Click to continue
DARS V3.0 Screenshots Screen 1: Page Features Click to continue Shortcuts for creating new pages and templates New Event quick search and add button mean less clicks to manage your events Access archived or deleted pages Video tutorials available throughout Internet Solutions Perform bulk actions on pages and files using the multiple select options
DARS V3.0 Screenshots Screen 2: BBIS Quick Links Click to continue New options in the ‘right click’ context menu make it quicker to perform a range of tasks such as accessing Formatted Text, Template parts and more
DARS V3.0 Screenshots Screen 3: Page Editor Click to continue New ‘Ribbon’ style editor makes it clearer to find and navigate tools and options
DARS V3.0 Screenshots Screen 4: Page/File Properties Click to continue Easier to organise and manage new pages by using folders, bulk move options and copy pages features. New – Create friendly URLs on any pages, files and images for cleaner looking websites and easier navigation.
DARS V3.0 Screenshots Screen 5: Advanced Donation Forms Click to continue For staff with more technical expertise, edit and amend HTML/CSS source code for Advanced Donation Forms.
DARS V3.0 Screenshots Le Fin.