6-7 November 03 RELCONF Our Knowledge Sharing Objectives
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 2 WHAT AND WHO IS RELCONF The relations, meetings and documentation service department Small secretariat-administration, finances, IT and planning RELOFF – official relations OFFDOC – official documentation PRODOC – document production
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 3 WHAT ARE OUR RESPONSIBILITIES Conference and Meeting organization and management Provision/organization of conference/meeting logistics support Official correspondence with Constituents Liaison/coordination Government Group – ILC and GB Interpretation services Document editorial, terminology/referencing and translation services Document text processing, formatting, design and graphic arts Internal and external printing Distribution
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 4 OUR KEY OBJECTIVE To operate within budget whilst providing timely services at quality standards acceptable to our customers and manageable by staff.
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 5 ELEMENTS OF OBJECTIVE To work within budget To maintain appropriate quality To foster staff motivation and morale To maintain/enhance customer satisfaction To ensure sustainability
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 6 WHY KNOWLEDGE SHARING? To achieve widest dissemination of relevant materials To achieve departmental objectives
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 7 DESIRED OUTCOMES FROM KNOWLEDGE SHARING A customer focus/service orientation A culture accepting of change Delegation and acceptance of authority – Confidence for risk taking Valuing people Strealined processes
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 8 KNOWLEDGE SHARING STAKEHOLDERS Constituents Conference delegates Governing Body members/officers Departmental staff Other HQ and field staff Suppliers Other international Organizations The General Public
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 9 FIRST THING FIRST Primary target –Departmental staff Critical Secondary targets for success –Senior Management –Author units –GB members
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 10 STRENGTHS Professional, committed staff Diversity 7 languages-wide range of skills Strong knowledge base Established procedures High Quality awareness Extensive networks – Internal and external Respect for deadlines ILC/GB pressure responsiveness
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 11 WEAKNESSES Old habits-resistance to change Ageing workforce Victim syndrome High Quality awareness Role identification and awareness-own and others Intra-department planning, coordination and communication Low customer empathy-solutions identifications
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 12 OPPORTUNITIES Innovations in working methods Increased use of supporting technology Resulting productivity gains Improvement staff morale
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 13 THREATS Potential constraints of wider house rules and regulations Availability of capital investment funding Resource availabiity for required training and development Potential of insufficient senior management support Potential inability to overcome staff rejection/resistance to change
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 14 METHODOLOGIES-IN USE Irregular department wide information/news messages Staff meetings at Department, Branch and Unit levels Specialist focus groups Team building exercises Inter-agency exchanges Target customer consultations/briefings Formal cooperation agreement with Turin Customer satisfaction surveys
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 15 METHODOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT EDMS/CMS system at RFI stage Draft Customer Service Level Agreements Linguistic staff internship programme Department web site with interactive staff corner Concept of one stop shop for meetings facilitation Single workflow, tracking and planning system
6-7 November 03 RELCONF 16 METHODOLOGIES UNDER CONSIDERATION Introduction of project management approach Introduction of designated customer liaison officers Wider use of Common Interest groups/networks Departmental new (and old) staff welcome/orientation pack and programme Intra department secondments/exchanges Customer open house days Informal 360° appraisal (stop-start-continue)