Obtaining Summary Statistics and Plots by Treatment Groups in EXCEL
Data Format Data are in a Block of (n+1) rows and (f+m) columns where: –Variable labels are in row 1 –Data on n units are in rows 2:n+1 –f Columns of factor levels (one column per factor) –m Columns of response measurements (one column for each response variable) For this presentation, we will assume –n=24 –f = 2 (With Factor A at 2 Levels, B at 3 Levels) –m = 2 Response Variables (X, Y)
Data Layout Row 1 Row 25 Data in Columns A-D Highlight the data, then click: Insert Name Define type in a name (e.g. expdat) OK
Obtaining Summaries for 1 Factor (I) Go to cells outside the range of the data (different columns) Type in the Factor label in as many cells in a row as there are levels In the cells below them, enter the factor levels Example: Factor B has 3 levels Column GColumn H Column I Row 1 Row 2
Obtaining Summaries for 1 Factor (II) Column F, Row 1 For Summaries of X, In cell G3, Type: =DCOUNT(expdat,”X”,G1:G2) Copy/Paste G3 to Cells H3,I3 Repeat for the following cells/commands: G4: =DAVERAGE(expdat,”X”,G1:G2) G5: =DVAR (expdat,”X”,G1:G2) G6: =DSTDEV (expdat,”X”,G1:G2) G7: =DMIN (expdat,”X”,G1:G2) G8: =DMAX (expdat,”X”,G1:G2) The first element in each command is the database (could have entered $A$1:$D$25 instead), the second element is the variable to be analyzed, the third is the criteria (e.g. Factor B at Level 1)
Obtaining Summaries for 1 Factor (III)
Obtaining Summaries for Combinations of Levels of 2 Factors (I) List the 2 Factor names in 2 side-by-side cells Below them enter their factor levels (There will be ab pairs of cells Row 11 Row 12 Column G H I J K L M N O P Q R
Obtaining Summaries for Combinations of Levels of 2 Factors (II) Similar to process for levels of one factor, except criteria are in pairs of columns. Put Results in (say) the righthand of the 2 columns In cell H13, type: =DCOUNT(expdat,”X”,G11:H12) Copy and Paste cells G13:H13 to cells I13:R13 Repeat Process for mean, variance, etc
Obtaining Summaries for Combinations of Levels of 2 Factors (II) To obtain a “factor effect/interaction” plot: List the factor levels of the factor with most levels in a column In successive columns give the means for the combinations of that factor’s level and the various levels of the other factor
Factor Effect/Interaction Plot Highlight the entire field on previous slide, then click on: Chart Wizard XY(Scatter) Series in Columns Picture with points and jagged (not smooth) lines Complete Dialog Box (Select separate chart window) Experiment with format by right clicking on parts of graph and formatting. Copy and Paste into word processor