Design of Concrete Structure II University of Palestine بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Problem #1 For the column cross section shown in the following Figure, plot a Design interaction diagram and Check whether the given cross section is adequate for resisting a factored axial force of 2500 kNs and a factored moment of 550 kN.m. Use fc’= 28 MPa fy =420 MPa, and Es= 2.04 (10)5 MPa 0.40m 0.5 m 4Φ32 50mm P.C 550kN.m 2500kN Klu =3m Instructor: Page 1 Eng. Mazen Alshorafa
Design of Concrete Structure II University of Palestine بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Problem #2 Using the strength interaction diagrams, design a short, tied reinforced column to support a factored axial load of 2000 kNs and a factored moment of 150 kN.m. Use fc’= 28 MPa and fy =420 MPa, and Instructor: Page Ex1-1 Eng. Mazen Alshorafa
Design of Concrete Structure II University of Palestine بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Problem #3 The frame shown in Figure consists of members with rectangular cross sections, made of the same strength concrete. Considering buckling in the plane of the figure. Factored load 120kN/m. Determine the effective length factor K for each columns and then Categorize each columns as long or short if the frame is: a) Nonsway b) Sway 0.4x0.8 0.4x0.6 0.8 0.6 4.0 m 0.35 0.4x0.35 0.4x0.35 0.4x0.35 0.4x0.8 0.4x0.6 0.8 0.6 5.5 m 0.45 0.4x0.45 0.4x0.45 0.4x0.45 10.0 m 8.0 m Instructor: Page Ex1-1 Eng. Mazen Alshorafa
Design of Concrete Structure II University of Palestine بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Problem #4 Design reinforcement for a 0.5 m × 0.7m tied column. The column, which is part of a nonsway frame (bent into single curvature), has an unsupported length of 4.5 m. It is subjected to a factored axial load of 5000 kNs in addition to a factored bending moment of 1100 kN.m at both column ends. Use fc’= 28 MPa and fy =420 MPa, and Instructor: Page 2 Eng. Mazen Alshorafa
Design of Concrete Structure II University of Palestine بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Problem #5 Design the reinforcement for a 0.5m × 0.5m column that carries a factored axial load of 3000 kNs, a service dead load of 1400 kN, a smaller end moment of 420 kN.m, and a larger-end moment of 500 kN.m, shown in Figure The column is braced, its effective length klu = 8.0 m, and is bent into single curvature. Use fc’= 28 MPa and fy =420 MPa, and Pu 0.5 m M2 Klu =8m 0.5 m M1 Instructor: Page 3 Eng. Mazen Alshorafa
Design of Concrete Structure II University of Palestine بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Problem #6 Design a 6.0 m high column that carries a service dead load of 700kNs, and a service live load of 450 kNs, as shown in Figure Use fc’= 28 MPa fy =420 MPa M2 M1 Pu lu =6 m e =80mm e =50mm Instructor: Page Ex1-1 Eng. Mazen Alshorafa
Design of Concrete Structure II University of Palestine بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Problem #7 A hinged end column 7.0 m tall supports a service dead load of 780kNs, and service live load of 480 kNs. The loads are applied at an eccentricity of 60mm at the bottom and 90mm at the top. The top eccentricity is to the right of the centerline and the bottom eccentricity is to the left of the centerline. Design a tied column, rectangular in cross section to support the given loads. Use fc’= 28 MPa and fy =420 MPa, and Instructor: Page Ex1-1 Eng. Mazen Alshorafa
Design of Concrete Structure II University of Palestine بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Problem #8 For the frame shown in Figure, it supports a uniform gravity load wu and a short-term concentrated lateral load Pw, Design each column Use fc’ = 30 MPa and fy = 420 MPa wD=65 kN/m , wL=35 kN/m PW=50 kN 9 m 6.5 m A B C D E F 0.5m 0.6m Columns 0.5x0.3 and Beams 0.6x0.3 Instructor: Page Ex1-1 Eng. Mazen Alshorafa