Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des particules CNRS/IN2P3 laboratory (since 1976) and part of the Université de Savoie (since 1995) Most slides taken from J.P.Lees vice- director of LAPP (translated by A.Jeremie)
18/03/2014ATF2 Annecy Workshop2 IN2P3 and its laboratories IN2P3 is a CNRS institute coordinating research in nuclear physics, particle physics and astroparticles in partnership with universities and the CEA (like Saclay). About 20 laboratories in France.
LAPP 18/03/2014ATF2 Annecy Workshop3
LAPP history : LAPP founded by Marcel Vivargent ( ) and a group of physicists from Orsay wanting to be closer to CERN. LAPP has been contributing to important historical experiments and developments in particle physics like UA1 discovering W and Z bosons (C.Rubbia physics Nobel prize in 1984) or wire chambers (G.Charpak physics Nobel prize 1992) or LHC (Higgs, Englert physics Nobel prize 2013) 18/03/2014ATF2 Annecy Workshop
Evolution ATF2 Annecy Workshop5 New subject, Astroparticles: gravitational waves, high energy cosmic rays, dark matter, antimatter in the universe. Experiments on far sites (other than CERN…) : Italy, California, Namibia, Japan, International Space Station (ISS) New subject, Astroparticles: gravitational waves, high energy cosmic rays, dark matter, antimatter in the universe. Experiments on far sites (other than CERN…) : Italy, California, Namibia, Japan, International Space Station (ISS) 1991: LAPP grows… 1995: LAPP becomes Mixed research Unit (CNRS and Université de Savoie). LEP experiments (e+e-) 2008: LHC starts at CERN 18/03/ : LAPP grows with the Maison de la Mécatronique
Experimental physicists… Within international collaborations, LAPP researchers contribute to the design and/or construction of detectors for experiments often gigantic, long term and they analyse the recorded data to verify or counter theories and discover new phenomena. 18/03/2014ATF2 Annecy Workshop6 On accelerators like CERN (ATLAS, LHCb) or Stanford (BaBar) On far sites or in space : VIRGO (Pise), OPERA (Gran Sasso), HESS (Namibie), AMS (Space station).
Technical services 18/03/2014ATF2 Annecy Workshop Mechanics: 24 persons including 10 engineers Electronics: 19 persons including 14 engineers Computing: 21 persons including 15 engineers
– MUST, analysis farm open to the European GRID, offering computing resources and storage to LAPP researchers but also Université de Savoie laboratories – 1168 CPU – 700 To storage ( DVD de 5Giga) – LAPP also has performant connections to Lyon (CC- IN2P3) and CERN ATF2 Annecy Workshop8 Computer facilities Renater Grenoble Lyon Annecy Amplivia 1 Gbit 18/03/2014
Theoretical physics LAPP hosts an important theoretical physics group LAPTH (~40 persons) ATF2 Annecy Workshop918/03/2014
Key numbers 1018/03/2014ATF2 Annecy Workshop 59 experimental researchers (permanent, post docs and students) + 7 émérites ~40 theoretical researchers [LAPTH] 78 CNRS engineers and technicians (electronics, computing, mechanics et administration) Annual budget (without salaries) : 2 M€ 7 big international projects and several R&D projects
Experiments at LAPP 18/03/2014ATF2 Annecy Workshop11
©CERN le détecteur ATLAS au LHC ATF2 Annecy Workshop12 22 m de haut, 44 m de long, poids de 7000 tonnes, dans une caverne à 100m sous terre Composé de plusieurs sous-détecteurs Une des expériences phare du LHC 18/03/2014
LHCb 18/03/201413ATF2 Annecy Workshop Matter anti-matter asymetry
Neutrinos: OPERA ATF2 Annecy Workshop14 Pb Emulsion layers 1 mm Film base Brique de base: 56 feuilles de plomb 57 films (émulsions) 18/03/2014 New projects under study: STEREO, SuperNEMO and LBNO…
ATF2 Annecy Workshop15 Calorimètre Plomb-Scintillateur. Poids: 630 kg Electronique front-end des PM Boîtier des photo- multiplicateurs (PM) 18/03/2014 AMS experiment on the space station! Searching for anitmatter in space and measuring the cosmic ray properties Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
ATF2 Annecy Workshop ~ 10 km Gerbe Atmosphérique ~ 1 o Lumière Cherenkov ~ 120 m H.E.S.S. In Namibia, Very high energy cosmic photons (E >100GeV) 18/03/201416
VIRGO ATF2 Annecy Workshop17 Gravitational waves Suspended Michelson interferometer with 3km long arms Detection bench and electronics 18/03/2014
Accelerator field at LAPP together with SYMME (Université de Savoie) since /03/2014ATF2 Annecy Workshop18 Active mechanical stabilization for CLIC (sub-nanometer) GM sensor measurements Development of new GM sensor (patent pending) Demonstration of stabilization feasibility CLIC feedback development and simulations Demonstration of integrated feedback performance CLIC beam instrumentation and electronics ATF2 FD support GM sensor/feedforward experiment