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Presenters: Melissa Beck and Valerie Bross (UCLA) A CONSER webinar A Passing Interest in Publishers: Multiple 260 Fields in MARC Records
Notes About the Webinar This webinar will be recorded for later viewing For better audio quality, we plan to mute everyone but the presenters during the presentation Please type in comments and questions in the chat section of your screen We will answer these questions as they appear If you want to ask a question by microphone, please click “Raise Hand,” and we will un-mute your microphone
Welcome Purpose: Exchange of ideas & questions Audience: Those following LC/PCC guidelines Format: Brief presentation + discussion Disclaimer: WE ARE NOT EXPERTS… And, as with all new practices, community policies are still under construction. 5
Brief History Dim past 1999 – 2000 – through
LC/PCC Guidelines PCC, BIBCO and CONSER home pages all provide links to: Library of Congress Rule Interpretation for 1.4 Appendix 7
Context Updating 260 field(s) is not a “new” task Maintenance is an ongoing activity Also = a cooperative effort Part of the commitment of PCC Guidance can be found: –BIBCO Participants’ Manual, Section B3 –CONSER Editing Guide, Section B4 8
Record Maintenance = The process of ensuring the continued accuracy and authoritativeness of a PCC record through additions, changes, or deletions: 1) To correct obvious errors 2) To reflect changes in the publication, or; 3) To reflect changes to policies and practices used within PCC (Gloss of statements in both BIBCO and CONSER manuals) 9
Maintenance activities may include: Updating bibliographic records for: –Title variations (including title changes) –Publication changes –Frequency –Changes to authorized forms of headings –Issuing bodies (added entries) –Subject headings –Cessations –Related works (links) 10
The “New” 260 Field Repeatable (R); formerly not repeatable (NR) Multiple 260’s are input in chronological order (earliest information first) Order of first indicators (blank, 2, 3) mirrors this order: –“Blank” = Not applicable/No information provided Earliest available publisher –2= Intervening publisher –3= Current/latest publisher New subfield $3 –Materials specified Numbering or date, depending on the resource and/or situation $ : $a New place : $b New publisher 11
Serials: Pattern Initial entry: 260 _ _$a Place : $b Publisher, $c date- Update for Place and or Publisher change 260 _ _ $3 span: $a Place : $b Publisher, $c date _ $3 span2- : $a Later Place : $b Later Pub Next Update 260 _ _ $3 span: $a Place : $b Publisher, $c date _ $3 span2: $a Later Place : $b Later Pub _ $3 span3- : $a Latest Place : $b Latest Pub 12
Serials: Example Before: LDR/18 Desc: a FF 008/15-17 Ctry: gw_ $a Differentiation. 260 _ _ $a London : ǂ b Macmillan _ $a Began with vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1973). 500 _ _ $a Published: Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, ; Berlin : Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, _ _ $a Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1973); title from cover. 500 _ _ $a Latest issue consulted: Vol. 78, no. 10 (Dec. 2008). 13 Now the library has received Volume 77 Number 3 March Elsevier now publishes this journal from Amsterdam.
Serials: Example (cont.) After: LDR/18 Desc: a FF 008/15-17 Ctry : ne_ $a Differentiation. 260 _ _ $3 Jan Dec. 1974: $a London : $b Macmillan _ $3 : $a Amsterdam : $b Elsevier _ $a Began with vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1973). 500 _ _ $a Published: Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, ; Berlin : Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, _ _ $a Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1973); title from cover. 500 _ _ $a Latest issue consulted: Vol. 77, no. 3 (Mar. 2009). 14
Serial: Practice FF (008/15-17): stk $a Prostaglandins, leukotrienes & essential fatty acids. 260 _ _ $a Edinburgh : $b Churchill Livingstone, $c c _ $a Vol. 31, no. 1 (Jan. 1988)- 500 _ _ $a Latest issue consulted: Vol. 60, no. 1 (Jan. 1999). Library receives v. 80, issue 1 Jan Sent to cataloging for alternate title (PLEFA), the cataloger notices that it is now published in Oxford by Elsevier. What changes should the cataloger make to the record? 15
Serials: Practice FF (008/15-17): Ctry enk $a Prostaglandins, leukotrienes & essential fatty acids $a PLEFA $f 260 _ _ $3 ___________: $a Edinburgh : $b Churchill Livingstone, $c c _ _ $3 _________: $a ____________ : $b _______________ _ $a Vol. 31, no. 1 (Jan. 1988)- 500 _ _ $a Latest issue consulted: Vol. 80, issue 1 (Jan. 2009) _ _ $a Edinburgh : $b Churchill Livingstone, $c c _ $a Vol. 31, no. 1 (Jan. 1988)- 500 _ _ $a Latest issue consulted: Vol. 60, no. 1 (Jan. 1999). Now: Volume 80, issue 1 Jan. 2009, published in Oxford by Elsevier
Serials: Practice FF (008/15-17): Ctry enk $a Prostaglandins, leukotrienes & essential fatty acids $a PLEFA $f 260 _ _ $3 Jan : $a Edinburgh : $b Churchill Livingstone, $c c _ $3 : $a Oxford : $b Elsevier _ $a Vol. 31, no. 1 (Jan. 1988)- 500 _ _ $a Latest issue consulted: Vol. 80, issue 1 (Jan. 2009). 17
Serials: Issues 1.Cataloging 2.OPAC indexing & display 18
Integrating resources: Pattern Initial entry: _ $a Place : $b Publisher, $c Date- [Alternative: 260 _ _ $a Place : $b Publisher, $c date-] Update(s): 260 _ _ $3 Span: $a Earliest place : $b Earliest publisher _ $3 Span: $a Intervening place : $b Intervening publisher _ $3 Beginning information- : $a New place : $b New publisher, $c Beginning date of resource- (Resulting 260 fields are in chronological order) 19
IR 260 fields: example In original record: _ $a Seattle : $b Richards Co., $c After updates: 260 _ _ $3 2009: $a Seattle : $b Richards Co _ $ : $a Seattle : $b Haugen Co _ $ : $a Sacramento : $b Short Co _ $ : $b Sacramento : $b Long Co., $c
IRs: Example BLvl: iS/L: 2Desc: a $a Advising California nonprofit corporations. 250 _ _ $a 3 rd ed. 260 _ _ $3 2009: $a Oakland, Calif. : $b Continuing Education of the Bar _ $ : $a Sacramento, Calif. : $b California Secretary of State, $c _ _ $a Description based on: Update 4, dated Jan
IRs: Practice BLvl: iS/L: 2Desc: aCtry: gw $a Cognitive linguistics bibliography $h [electronic resource] _ $a Berlin : $b de Gruyter _ $a Began in 2005? 500 _ _ $a Title from opening screen (viewed Oct. 23, 2007). Beginning 2008, published in Paris (same publisher) 22
IRs: Practice 260 3_ $a Berlin : $b de Gruyter 362 1_ $a Began in 2005? 500 __ $a Title from opening screen (viewed Oct. 23, 2007). * Beginning 2008, published in Paris (same publisher) BLvl: i S/L: 2Desc: a Ctry: fr $a Cognitive linguistics resources $h [electronic resource] $a Cognitive linguistics bibliography $f [span] 260 _ _ $3 _____: $a Berlin : $b de Gruyter _ $3 _____: $a _______ : $b de Gruyter _ $a Began in 2005? 500 _ _ $a Title from opening screen (viewed Nov. 19, 2009). 23
IRs: Practice BLvl: i S/L: 2Desc: a Ctry: fr $a Cognitive linguistics resources $h [electronic resource] $a Cognitive linguistics bibliography $f _ _ $ : $a Berlin : $b de Gruyter _ $ : $a Paris : $b de Gruyter _ $a Began in 2005? 500 _ _ $a Title from opening screen (viewed Nov. 19, 2009). 24
IRs: Issues Mix of earlier and most recent information can be confusing, e.g.: 260 3_ $ : $a London : $b University of London, $c Description based on latest iteration; how do changes come to the attention of the cataloger? (esp. for online resources) How much “research” should the cataloger do for earlier publication information? 25
Multipart monograph: Pattern Initial entry: 260 _ _ $a Place : $b Publisher, $c date- Update for Place and or Publisher change 260 _ _ $3 span: $a Place : $b Publisher, $c date _ $3 span2- : $a Later Place : $b Later Pub Next Update 260 _ _ $3 span: $a Place : $b Publisher, $c date _ $3 span2: $a Later Place : $b Later Pub _ $3 span3- : $a Latest Place : $b Latest Pub 26
Multipart monograph: Example Before: $a Freedom, a documentary history … 260 _ _ $a Cambridge : $b Cambridge University Press, $c _ _ $a v. After: FF 008/15-17 Ctry: enk $a Freedom, a documentary history … 260 _ _ $3 ser. 1-2: $a Cambridge : $b Cambridge University Press, $c _ $3 ser. 3, v. 1- : $a Chapel Hill : $b University of North Carolina Press 300 _ _ $a v. 27
Series Authority Record Before: 642 _ _ $a ser. 2 $5 DLC 643 _ _ $a Cambridge $b Cambridge Univ. Press 670 _ _ $a The Black military experience, After: 642 _ _ $a ser. 2 $5 DLC 643 _ _ $a Chapel Hill $b Univ. of North Carolina Press $d ser. 3, v _ _ $a Cambridge $b Cambridge Univ. Press $d ser _ _ $a The Black military experience, _ _ $a Land and labor,
Multipart: Practice In your library catalog: $a The history of neuroscience in autobiography… 260 _ _ $a Washington, DC : Society for Neuroscience, $c … 500 _ _ $a Vol. 3-4 published: San Diego : Academic Press 500 _ _ $a Vol. 5 published: Amsterdam : Elsevier, AP Now, the library has received v. 6 published in 2008 in Oxford by Oxford University Press. How would you edit the record to show the change? 29
Multipart: Practice A.Add a note to the record: 500 _ _ $a Vol. 6 published: Oxford : Oxford University Press B.Add a 260 field: 260 _ _ $3 v. 1-2: $a Washington, DC : $b S for N, $c _ $3 v. 6- : $a Oxford : $b Oxford University Press C.Delete the 500 notes & add 260s: 260 _ _ $3 v. 1-2: $a Washington, DC : $b S for N, $c _ $3 v. 3-4: $a San Diego : $b Academic Press _ $3 v. 5: $a Amsterdam : $b Elsevier _ $3 v. 6- : $a Oxford : $b Oxford University Press D.Other 30
Multipart items: Issues 1.Cataloging: –Do catalogers edit at the network level? 2.OPAC: [deferred] 31
Discussion When is new information “necessary for identification or access”? When to change existing 260s vs. when to add new? How will updating 260 information fit into existing workflows? How will OPACs index and display? 32
Final Comments us at with any questions We will send a link to the recording of our webinar within the next week Thanks for being part of the first CONSER webinar!
References Hawkins, L Cataloging Web based integrating resources. Serials Review 27, no. 3/4: LCRIs to 1.4, 12.4C2, 12.4D , update no. 1/2 & LC/PCC guidelines for MARC 21 repeatable 260 field. 22 July “Seriality and MARC21: MARBI DP114.” 14 May “Seriality and MARC21: MARBI DP119.” 1 May “Making field 260 repeatable in the MARC 21 bibliographic format: MARBI Proposal ” 7 May MARC TB