Three Types Program RAM Data
Program Memory Stores the program as a series of commands Executed one command at a time Permanent, will remember for 10 years without power Accessed with the PICAXE Editor The program doesn’t normally store data here
Random Access Memory Divided into bytes (B0 to B27) Each byte is 8 bits wide (each stores up to 255) Can be accessed in different sizes Accessed by the program Battery operated, lose power – lose data Used for math and to access the outside world
Data 256 bytes of memory for storing data Each byte has an address, 0 - 255 Permanent, will remember for ten years without power Accessed by the program
Accessing RAM If B1 = 2 B2 = 2 B3 = “a” READADC C.1,B4
Accessing Data WRITE 12,200 WRITE B0,201 WRITE “A”,202 READ 200,B0
PICAXE Memory Map