CTS130 Spreadsheet Lesson 12 Working with Multiple Worksheets
Review Through grouped worksheets and 3-D references, you can gather information from multiple sheets to calculate grand totals, differences, averages, and more. You can select multiple worksheets by holding down the [Shift] or [CTRL] key while clicking the worksheets. Once you have multiple worksheets selected, you can: (1) Insert Data, Formulas, and Functions; (2) Format Values, and (3) Fill Data. You use the Tab scrolling buttons at the left edge of the tab names to move through the worksheet tabs. You can also drag the tab split box to change the number of visible tabs or the size of the horizontal scroll bar. Tab Split Box Tab Scrolling Buttons NOTE: An Excel workbook can have up to 255 worksheets.
Creating a 3-D Reference If a formula refers to cells in another worksheet, the formulas is described as a 3-D reference. The formula is a dynamic link between worksheets. If the value in the referenced cell is edited, the formula recalculates the result. You can create a 3-D reference by pointing to the cells in the appropriate worksheet. Excel inserts the worksheet tab name followed by an exclamation point (called an identifier) with the cell address.
Steps to Create a 3-D Reference 1. Position cursor in cell where answer will be inserted. 2. Click the tab of the desired worksheet and then click the desired cell. 3. Key the operator (+ - * / ) 4. Click the tab of the next worksheet and then click the desired cell in that worksheet. 5. Continue doing this until all cells in all worksheets are in the reference. 6. Press [enter] and the formula is completed =January!B4+February!B4+March!B4 This formula goes to the January worksheet and gets the value in B4; then goes to the February worksheet and gets the value in B4; and finally, goes to the March worksheet and gets the value in B4. The three values are added together.
Using Functions in a 3-D Reference =MAX(FirstQtr!B4:B8, 2ndQuarter!B4:B8)=SUM(Week1!A1:D1,Week2!A1:A4) =AVERAGE(Jan!B4,Feb!B4, March!B4) Remember: You must first position pointer where you want the answer to be located, then “point” to the specific cells.
Using “Paste Special” If you have created a format with several attributes on one worksheet, you can copy only the format (and not the answers) to multiple worksheets by going to the EDIT Menu > Paste Special option. You can also use the Format Painter to copy formatting across multiple sheets. Click the Format Painter once to use once; double-click it to continue using it. You have to click the button again to exit the formatting.
Printing Multiple Worksheets When sheets are grouped, you can view them one after another in Print Preview. If you click the PRINT button while viewing multiple sheets, they print one after the other. To view grouped worksheets: Hold down the [CTRL] key. Click the first worksheet tab, click the second worksheet tab, etc. Once you have them all selected or grouped, click the Print Preview button to view all four sheets.
Add a Footer to Grouped Worksheets Make sure the desired worksheets are grouped. Then, add the footer as usual. Each worksheet will have the footer. Note: If you save a workbook while sheets are grouped and reopen it, the workbook opens with grouped sheets.
Print Formulas for Group Worksheets While the worksheets are still grouped, press CTRL + ~. The formulas are displayed on each of the grouped worksheets. You can also go to the TOOLS Menu > Options > View Tab – and select the “Formulas” option to display the formulas.