Advisor: Li Lin Ju Guide students: Xiao Yi chu
preface Clean skin maintenance Sunscreen is the key to healthy skin Moisturizing skin repair focus
Clean is not clean will result Blocked pores Skin problems ( For example : Acne ) Affect the pH of the skin
Commercially available precision cleaning supplies Wash soap Cleanser
Wash soap V.S Cleanser Soap products easy to make the skin pH Cleanser will add some moisturizing ingredients ( For example : silicon )
BEFOREAFTER Forehead Before CleansingManualCleansing The remover also the cleaner a way
Wash Companion
Outer Ring Splashguard Inner Brush Cleansing
Sonic Cleansing use a patented sonic frequency 300 movements of more than 300 movements per second to gently, yet thoroughly removes makeup 6X better than cleansing 6X better than cleansing with your hands alone with your hands alone.
Removes makeup 6X better than manual cleansing Leaves skin feeling and looking smoother
Reduces oily areas, dry skin patches and blemishes Minimizes the appearance of visible pores Removes impurities that keep creams and serums from working their best
Charge the handle in the charging cradle Wet your skin and apply cleanser to the brush head.
Use circular motion; 20 sec. on forehead, 20 sec. on nose/chin, 10 sec. on each cheek.
Reference Literature
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