Life Beyond Levels
Independence looks like…Inquisitiveness Looks like…Reflection looks like…Collaboration looks like… I make excellent use of all opportunities provided to help me secure my learning. I seek further opportunities to extend my knowledge both at school and at home. I take pride in completing Prep/Independent Learning to the very best of my ability. I ask questions that require links between topics and deepen my understanding of my learning. These questions often compare and contrast different events and theories, and ask probing evaluative questions such as ‘How Far?’ or ‘To What Extent?’ I am skilled at looking back over my ideas and work, and I can confidently identify my strengths and where and how I can improve. I set myself challenging targets and use a range of techniques to help me progress. I act as a facilitator in group work and can effectively distribute roles to maximise the performance of the team providing motivation when necessary. I take advantage of opportunities offered in school to extend knowledge. I think carefully about how I use lesson time and in addition I ensure that I devote time to completing Independent Learning both in Prep and at home. I ask questions that help me analyse and synthesise my learning of the topic I am studying and begin to make links in my learning between other topics that I have studied. I am starting to ask questions that make inferences and do not just rely on the information that I have been given. I am a reflective learner because I know that using feedback will improve my work. I make use of others in the class so that I can identify areas for development and set myself realistic targets. Sometimes I take a leading role in organising group work. I listen and respond to the needs of others and can plan ahead from this I am motivated in class and always begin work without being prompted. I can work for longer periods of time without supervision. I take the initiative and make use of B4 and Prep effectively. I ask questions about current learning to try help me apply my understanding of a topic to a question. This is helping me begin to develop analytical skills and many of my questions will begin with words such as ‘Why?’ I am motivated to reflect on my work and not only when directed to by my teacher. I often act on feedback whether from my teacher, my peers or myself. I am beginning to identify areas for development. I make a good contribution to paired or group work working with a range of students. I am able to listen to the opinions of others. I can complete short tasks without supervision but sometimes need prompting. When I do get stuck I sometimes use B4. I do not always make good use of time during Prep. When I ask questions about current learning they are often concerned with helping me understand about the topic that I am studying. The words I use are normally ‘What?’ or ‘How?’ I respond to feedback from my teacher and make an attempt to correct my work using targets provided. I will need help and support in identifying how to improve further. I am able to work well with people I know but struggle with when working with new or different peers. I find it hard to listen to those with different opinions to myself. I find concentrating for extended periods of time difficult. I lack the self-motivation needed to start work without instruction. I struggle to complete work during Prep. I do not ask enough questions about my learning and those that I do are often concerned with the knowledge of the topic I am studying. I am not curious to find out more. I cannot always see where I have made mistakes in my work. Sometimes I struggle to find ways to improve and I can find criticism hard to accept. I find contributing to group work difficult unless prompted or supported by an adult. I rarely listen to the opinions of others