European Vocational Training Thematic Group 3: Quality in Training Phase II 2000 - 2006 Kursat Levent Egriboz Leonardo UK National Agency LEONARDO DA VINCI.


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Presentation transcript:

European Vocational Training Thematic Group 3: Quality in Training Phase II Kursat Levent Egriboz Leonardo UK National Agency LEONARDO DA VINCI

OVERVIEW Information on Thematic Group 3 (TG3) Cluster Groups Number of Projects Management Group Review of Activities in 2002 and 2003 Future Activities in 2004 The State of the Art Study

INFORMATION ON TG3 THEMATIC GROUP 3 “Quality of Training - Adaptation of the Training Supply and New Training Methods”

CLUSTER GROUPS IN TG3 Creating Training Programmes relevant to the Labour Market Creating Flexible Training Content (including methodologies, products) and Delivery Mechanisms relevant to Learners' Needs Innovative Partnerships Quality of Training and Assessment Methods, including Self- Assessment


MANAGEMENT GROUP Lead NA - United Kingdom The European Commission Socrates, Leonardo & Youth TAO National Agencies of Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Sweden

Thelma Lewis (UK NA), Maja Mihelic Debeljak (SL), Alessandro Cristina (MT), Francesca Trani (IT), Faye Lewis (UK NA), Sveva Balduini (IT), Stella Sofokleous (GR), Jaromir Coufalik (CZ), Ute Chatterjee (DWP/DfES, UK), Patricia Stockeyr (TAO), Iben Böhling With (DK), Katriina Lammi (FI), Avril Burgess (IE), Karine Jacques (ECOTEC, UK), Hans Grönlund (SE), Kursat Levent Egriboz (ECOTEC, UK), Paul Guest (TAO, Brussels), Fernanda Oliveira Reis (European Commission) MANAGEMENT GROUP

Collection and Analysis of 2000, 2001 and 2002 Project Information Sheets Establishment of the TG3 Project Database Set Up TG3 web-site ( Establishment of the Information& Discussion Web Forum REVIEW OF ACTIVITIES IN 2002 AND 2003

Preparation of the Best Quality Project Checklist Identification of Examples of Best Practice Projects Meetings of TG3 (UK, Malta, Slovenia, Italy, Czech Republic, Belgium) Establishment of Collaboration with the Quality Forum Other Activities

FUTURE ACTIVITIES IN 2004 Organised “Quality in Training - Policy in Action” Conference, Birmingham, February 2004 Collection and Analysis of 2003 Project Information Sheets Improvement of the TG3 Project Database Carrying out thematic monitoring and dissemination activities Organising a TG3 seminar in Brussels, 17 September 2004 Collaboration with the Technical Group on Quality Meetings of TG3 (Sweden, Greece)

THE STATE OF THE ART STUDY MAIN FINDINGS Areas of intervention and gaps Project content Partnerships and target groups General conclusion

THE STATE OF THE ART STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS Organisation of thematic meetings Establishment of networks Guidance and advice on further development of Leonardo projects’ results Introduction of a label

CONTACT DETAILS Leonardo UK National Agency ECOTEC Research & Consulting Ltd Albert Street Birmingham B4 7UD Helpline: Fax: