DNA Basics
A1 How many chromosomes Are found in the nucleus of a body cell? A2 How many Chromosomes are found in the mitochondria of a human body cell? A3 What is a chromosome made of? A4 All the chromosomes in one nucleus contain how many nitrogenous base pairs?
B1 Define “DNA Sequence”B2 Define “gene” B3 Estimated number of genes found in the chromosomes in the nucleus B4 What is the number of genes in the chromosome found in the mitochrondrion?
C1 What is the DNA molecule made of? C2 Name the monomer (building block) for DNA. C3 DNA is an “organic” or “inorganic” molecule? C4 If you lined up all the DNA molecules found in the nucleus of one cell, how long would it measure?
D1 Who discovered DNA fingerprinting? D2 DNA fingerprinting was first known as RFLP. What do the letter R-F-L-P stand for? D3 What percentage of DNA is exactly alike among every human? D4 Define polymorphism
E1 What do the letters V-N- T-R stand for? E2 Name 3 sources of DNA from your body E3 Name 3 additional sources of DNA from your body E4 What do the letters S-T-R stand for?
F1 Who discovered the nucleus of a human cell? F2 How long ago (years) did this person discover the nucleus? F3 Which type of blood cells contain a nucleus? F4 What percent volume does the nucleus take up in a human cell?
G1 Define “gel electrophoresis” G2 What is the relationship between the size of a fragment and the distance it travels in a gel? G3 What is loading dye?G4 Why is TBE buffer used instead of water in a gel box?
H1 What happens to your hair if you don’t wash it for one week? H2 How does your hair on your head get dirty? H3 Shampoo and liquid soaps have a chemical in it called SDS? What does it do? H4 Centrifuging cells begin the DNA isolation process. What happens to cells in a centrifuge?