Wednesday 14th January
All Year Groups West of Scotland Eurvoice Forum 2015 A number of our S3 and S4 Modern Studies pupils attended the West of Scotland Eurvoice Forum, organised by the European Youth Parliament and which took place at Bearsden Academy. In the morning, pupils participated in a series of workshops on a range of topical issues, including Votes for 16 and 17 year olds, UK membership of the European Union, University Tuition Fees and the Israel-Palestine conflict. The afternoon session was a ‘Question Time’ style discussion with Politicians from the major Political Parties in Scotland, with the Bellahouston pupils asking many insightful questions, particularly on the issues of Votes at 16 and Tuition Fees.
Clubs Badminton Miss Dickman All year groups 3pm – 4pm GSOS Hall (You MUST bring a change of trainers!) Vocal Group Mr Fraser All staff and pupils pm Music Room 2 Rugby Mr Sim All Pupils 3pm – 4pm Outside Fitness/Table Tennis Mr McCloy All Pupils 3pm – 4pm Fitness Suite
S5/6 Supported Study 3.00 – 4.00S4/5BiologyG Kennedy 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6ChemistryY Ahmed 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6GeographyM Scouller 3.00 – 4.00S5/6ESOLC Stewart 3.00 – 4.00S5/6MathsF McGuinness 3.00 – 4.00S5/6TechnicalW McCunnie Parents Evening On Wednesday 25 th February your parents are invited to Parents Evening to discuss your progress, prelim results, attitude behaviour etc. The careers advisor, the employability officer and the Advanced Higher Hub will also be in attendance to provide extra information on careers, colleges, University, SAAS funding etc. Please make sure you get appointments from your teachers. You will also get your reports and Options information on Friday.
S5/6 Chinese New Year On Thursday 19 th February we will be celebrating Chinese New Year. The Sport and Health Captains and the Community Involvement class have been busy preparing the Fuel Zone. The menu that day will include some themed meals including: Chicken Noodle Soup Chicken Chow Mein Vegetable Fried Rice Spring Rolls Pineapple Fritters Hope to see you there!
S – 4.00S4ArtP Bain 3.00 – 4.00S4Mod StudiesP Devlin 3.00 – 4.00S4MusicG Skingley 3.00 – 4.00S4PhysicsS Dadgostar 3.00 – 4.00S4/5BiologyG Kennedy 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6ChemistryY Ahmed 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6GeographyM Scouller Supported Study S4 Alocohol Survey S4 will be participating in an alcohol survey on Wednesday February 18. This will take place in the Assembly Hall. Pupils in 4A – 4D should go straight to the hall period 1 after Tutor Time. Pupils in 4E – 4H should register with their period 4 teacher then go straight to the hall. They will be called down by Tannoy.
S3 Chinese New Year On Thursday 19 th February we will be celebrating Chinese New Year. The Sport and Health Captains and the Community Involvement class have been busy preparing the Fuel Zone. The menu that day will include some themed meals including: Chicken Noodle Soup Chicken Chow Mein Vegetable Fried Rice Spring Rolls Pineapple Fritters Hope to see you there!
S3 There will be a workshop for the WW1 exhibition team on Thursday Period 4 in Mr Macdonald’s classroom.
S2 There will be a workshop for the WW1 exhibition team on Thursday Period 4 in Mr Macdonald’s classroom. Go 4 Set A reminder that the following Go 4 Set pupils are visiting a recycling facility this Thursday. You will have an early lunch ( ) and you will miss periods 5 and 6 but will return to school for period 7. Make sure you bring your jotters etc for Period 7.
S1 Chinese New Year On Thursday 19 th February we will be celebrating Chinese New Year. The Sport and Health Captains and the Community Involvement class have been busy preparing the Fuel Zone. The menu that day will include some themed meals including: Chicken Noodle Soup Chicken Chow Mein Vegetable Fried Rice Spring Rolls Pineapple Fritters Hope to see you there!