Executive Officer Team Attainment in Perth and Kinross Schools September 2013
Introduction Continuing to raise standards of performance S4 and S6 best or equal to the best in over ten years −Standard Grade General/Credit and Intermediate 1/2 −S6 learners at Advanced Higher Slight dip in performance at S5 compared to last year but remains stronger than in previous years Continuing good progress in relation to SQA national and comparator benchmarks Continuing good progress in relation to Curriculum for Excellence
12 April 2015 Raising Attainment S4 Scale: 14 points
12 April 2015 Benchmarking S4 Scale: 14 points
12 April 2015 Raising Attainment S5 Scale: 14 points
12 April 2015 Benchmarking S5 Benchmarking S5 Scale: 14 points
12 April 2015 Raising Attainment S6 Raising Attainment S6 Scale: 14 points
12 April 2015 Benchmarking S6 Benchmarking S6 Scale: 14 points
Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Primary and S1 – S3 Coherent approach to planning the curriculum, learning, teaching and assessment essential A range of approaches to assess progress in learning Creating a Standard Together No like for like comparisons between 5-14 levels of attainment
Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) P4 most continue to make good progress at First Level or beyond in Reading, Writing, Mathematics and almost all with Listening and Talking P7 most pupils made good progress at Second Level or beyond with their learning in Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Listening and Talking S3 most made good progress at Level 3 or beyond with their learning in Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Listening and Talking
Narrowing the Gap
Looked After Children Main Language Other Than English Continued success supporting learning Almost all (90%) S4 pupils with a main language other than English, and 78% of those who are not assessed as competed or fluent in English, achieved five awards at Access 3/Standard Grade Foundation (Level 3) or better. Indicator % S4 Looked After Children Achieving… % All S4 Pupils Achieving… English and Level 3 or above 81.0%73.9%98% 3 or better42.9%73.9%98% 4 or better14.3%26.1%88%
Continuing to Improve Early Years Strategy Improving the quality of teaching and learning Review the use of self-evaluation information provided by schools Improve approaches in schools to better meeting the needs of learners Broaden the range of planned opportunities for achievement Continuing to embed literacy, numeracy and health and well being Improving assessment and moderation Evaluating the impact of strategic curriculum plans on learning School based curriculum plans for senior phase Increased choice and opportunity for young people Enhancing provision for secondary pupils with social, emotional and behavioural needs Continuing to raise the achievement and attainment of Looked After Children