1 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ.
2 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 1. Stress and Strain 2. Strain Gage 3. Bridge circuit 4. Ex 2.40 Contents
3 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. Stress and Strain Axial load 평균 스트레스 단면적 A F L F 평균 스트레인 n x
4 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 1. Brittle material(glass) rupture nonlinear
5 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 2. Ductile material(Al, steel) rupture Elastic region Plastic region Elas tic regi on rupture Steel For elastic region( < ) Young’s modulus Modulus of elasticity
6 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. L S strain
7 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. s1s2 s3 s4 s3 s4 F Conti lever s1s2 s3 s4 F
8 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. Bridge circuit Strain Gage 는 주로 4arms bridge 회로 Slope=2AV REF
9 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 2 장을 마치며 2.40 해석 !! a 에서 KCL
10 변철민 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. Thank You!