Latin America Pension Funds & Their Investment Portfolios A Presentation to the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Canada Chapter September 2013 Confidential – Not for release without prior written permission from the authors Copyright 2013 - all rights reserved to Campollo Consulting LLC & Wall’s Street Advisor Services LLC. Nothing in this presentation or the service it describes should be considered either legal or investment advice. Campollo Consulting
Latin America Pension Funds & Their Investment Portfolios Our Purpose today is to provide you with: An overview of the funded pension systems of Latin America; Features of their investment portfolios; A look at what the near future may hold for these; With a focus on the five ‘Major Markets’. Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
400+ pension funds’ investment portfolios The presentation draws from our Guide to Latin America Pension Funds 2013TM service & related research 11 countries - all 10 with mandatory funded contribution plans + Brazil 400+ pension funds’ investment portfolios $800+ bn. in assets (as of end-2012) Country reports on investment portfolio regulations and industry developments Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
LatAm Pension Funds’ Potential Latin America is quickly becoming a “strategic marketplace for money management ” – State Street Bank (Nov. 2011) …. WHY? Have scale - Pension Funds’ assets at end-2012 nearly $810 bn. Steady high growth - demographics (generally young populations) & national policies (promoting retirement funding) underlay growth prospects – AuM to grow over the next 5 years at about 15% p.a. Opportunities for new financial products and services - surging contributions’ growth, prudential need for asset diversification, and regulators’ recognition of the virtues of diversification, in both domestic & foreign assets, are opening opportunities. Pension Funds need more investment ‘space’ - Pensions’ investments in local stocks are approaching their ‘single issuer exposure limits’ – they are out-growing their home markets. Regulators set limits that can be made for each asset class for each pension type (conservative, balanced, growth) based on risk and liquidity factors. There are limits at the issuers level, instrument level or a maximum for all combined Pension Funds. Opportunities for foreign managers: -To find competitors and possible partners for product creation -To quickly market their investment strategies and products within regulatory guidelines Question for Peter: Is the last part of the last bullet point true? Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Campollo Consulting WSAS LatAm Pension Funds’ Growth Potential - Relatively low Assets-to-GDP levels suggest great potential to grow - Double-digit compound annual growth rates projected to continue All markets in LAC except Chile have Pensions Assets/GDP ratios below OECD average of 33% which means that there is plenty of room to grow in their development. It seems that although they are small with they are growing faster than developed markets. Assets/GDP Chi 63%, Mex 12%, Col 21%, Peru 19%, Bra 15% CAGR 2007-2012: Col 19%; Mex 18%, Bra 10%, Peru 10%, Chile 8%. While some developed markets pension funds had negative investment returns, the LAC markets posted positive performance. Growth prospects are positive due to the mandatory nature of the private pension system. Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
LatAm Pension Funds – Institutional Types Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Brazil’s Institutional System – The BIG Exception First established in 1940s, Pension Plans are corporate, government, or multi-employer sponsored. Defined Benefit Plans (‘Plano Beneficio Definido’)dominate in terms of assets and affiliates. Variable Contribution (‘Plano Contribucao Variavel’) and Defined Contribution (‘Plano Contribucao Definida’) are fastest-growing types. Plans, particularly among related sponsors, frequently join a “Pension Fund” (‘Fundo de Pensao’), which provides investment and administrative services. Previ, the largest Brazilian Fundo de Pensao by total assets Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
The Multifondos Systems - Country examples Chile introduced mandatory individual capitalized account funds in 1981 – options for affiliates among managers, but not for risk/return preferences A multifondos system gives pension affiliates an option among a series of risk-based funds offered by an investment manager (AFP) Each AFP provides a series of risk-based funds managed within the same detailed sets of investment requirements/restrictions Permitted maximum exposures to Equities & Foreign illustrate: Regulators continue to increase permitted overseas investment limits, in an effort to increase diversification. In the case of Peru- The Regulator increased the foreign investment limit that Pensions can hold, to 40%. The rationale is: Peruvian Sol experienced a 10% depreciation from the beginning of this year through August (2013) against the US Dollar. In 2013 there were significant Capital Outflows from the vast majority of Latin America markets, not just Peru, as foreign investors dumped stocks due to weak performance of the stock markets, and due to the U.S. Federal Reserve winding down the QE3 stimulus and the possibility of increasing interest rates. Dividend yields were more promising in the U.S. and this prompted the outflows. The Peruvian Central Bank’s intervention in the market (to sell dollars) was an effort to defend the currency, as capital outflows diminished their reserves, so that the Sol did not weaken too much (which would run the risk of inflation). The increased limit to 40% of foreign assets permitted to Peruvian Pensions would meet two purposes: diversification and currency stabilization. Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Campollo Consulting WSAS Pension Funds’ Assets by Country, 2012- 2007 5 Major and 6 Minor Markets In 2012, the major markets, saw their currencies appreciating by Chile, 8%, Colombia 9%, Peru 3% and Mexico 7%. Therefore the growth of their pensions to end of Dec 2012 was much more in USD terms than in Local Currency term. Brazil was the only market whose currency depreciated by 10% in 2012, with All Pensions posting a 21% growth in local currency terms but a small growth in U.S. dollar terms of 0.3%. All other markets growth in 2012 in USD was above 20% in local currency and in U.S. dollars as the currencies for Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico appreciated vs the U.S. dollar. CAGR 2007-2012 lcl cy Stock Mkt 2011-2012 % Change Brazil 10% 9.6% Chile 8% 6.9% Mexico 18% 19.5% Colombia 19% 18.7% Peru 10% 18.6% Pensions Growth 2011-2012US$ Stock Mkt 2011-2012 % ChangeUS$ Brazil 20% -0.1% Chile 20% 15.9% Mexico 30% 28.5% Colombia 32% 30.2% Peru 23% 25.3% Number of times that the stock market is larger than the size of Pensions: Bra (3.7), Colombia (3.3), Peru (2.7), Mexico (3.6), Chile (1.9). Average for the Region (3) Cerulli 2011- Is this true for Colombia? Does this mean foreign mutual funds where pensions from Per and Col invested? Peruvian and Colombian pension fund managers will turn to cross-border products in light of more moderate growth expectations for their respective domestic stock markets Cerulli 2011 (in red not true) -The major drivers of foreign allocations will continue to be the limited capacity of local capital markets to absorb new flows, pension funds being granted more and more capacity to invest in equities, growth of voluntary pension sytems, and the influx of global managers Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Country shares’ of LatAm Pension Funds’ Total Assets, end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Pension Funds – Number by Country, 2012 Again, it’s no surprise that Brazil has the largest number of Funds 330 which in turn can be broken down into DB, DC, VC Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Latin America Pension Funds Overview of Asset Allocations end-2012 (%) Mexico has been the most conservative with the vast majority allocated to Fixed Income. Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Top 25 Pension Funds – Total Assets 2012 US$ millions Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Top 25 Pension Funds- Fixed Income 2012 US$ mn Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Top 25 Pension Funds – Total Equities 2012 US$ millions Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Campollo Consulting WSAS Brazil – Asset Allocations by Plan Types (Local Currency bn, end-2012) Defined Benefits Plans have the lion’s share (source: Abrapp) Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Brazil – Returns by Plan Types 2010-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Brazil –Consolidated Pension Portfolio Distribution US$ bn, end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Chile – Features of the Multifondos System Distribution of Assets by Fund Type, end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Chile – Features of the Multifondos System Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Campollo Consulting WSAS Chile – Features of the Multifondos System Real Returns by Fund Type - Note inverse risk/return results for 2010-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Colombia – Features of the Multifondos System Share of System Assets, end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Campollo Consulting WSAS Colombia – Features of the Multifondos System Portfolio Distribution by Fund type, end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Colombia – Features of the Multifondos System Returns by Fund type, end-2012 System just 2 years’ old by August 2013 Regulator permits publication of only rolling 48-month returns Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Mexico – Features of the Multifondos System Share of System Assets and Returns, end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Campollo Consulting WSAS Mexico – Features of the Multifondos System Portfolio Distribution by Fund type, end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Campollo Consulting WSAS Peru – Features of the Multifondos System Share of System Assets and Nominal Returns end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Campollo Consulting WSAS Peru – Features of the Multifondos System Portfolio Distribution by Asset & Fund type, end-2012 Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
LatAm Pension Funds & Alternative Assets – Permitted Exposures Regulation on private equity investments is different from one country to the other. -Mexican Pensions can only invest in domestic private equity and can't allocate capital to international private equity funds -Brazil Pensions can allocate up to 20 per cent of their total assets to private equity funds previously approved by the National Monetary Council. But the cap is lowered to 10 per cent if they invest in international funds -Chile Pensions can allocate up to 2.5% of total assets to private equity and can invest in both local and international private equity funds Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Typical Requirements for Qualifying Investments Summary of Typical Requirements for Qualifying Investments, e.g.: Credit Ratings -Investment Grade Risk Ratings Qualified Investment Management Companies (Managers’ experience, operating histories, AuM minimums, others) Exposure Limits by asset classes, instruments, issuers, management companies, currencies, Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
LatAm Pension Fund Investment - Private Equity Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Brazil Domestic Institutional Investors surpassed Foreign Investors Commitments in PE in 2012 (Source: abvcap and KPMG) Total Investments 2011-R$11.8 bn 2012-R$14.9 bn 54% 46% 49% 51% Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Brazil – Private Equity Total Investments by Sector (%) (Source: abvcap and KPMG) Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Mexico - Evolution of the Investments in CKDs and FIBRAS CKDs + FIBRAs TOTAL US$6,829 mn 13,658 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - 10,141 4,977 4,342 2,683 2,726 2,450 2,369 2,045 1,218 1,350 585 537 477 479 3,841 3,292 2,949 2,826 2,481 2,402 2,312 1,325 1,130 1,514 1,663 1,588 1,305 772 495 461 2,549 Agropecuaria Santa Genoveva Red de Carreteras de Occidente MACQUARIE WAMEX Capital Atlas Discovery México NAVIX Nexxus Capital IV General Partner PLA Inmuebles Industriales AMB Mexico Manager Infraestructura Institucional PROMECAP Artha Operadora MARHNOS Vertex Real Estate Capital Inmobiliario Grupo Inmobiliario MEXIGS 3 Grupo Inmobiliario MEXIGS 3 Fibra Uno Administración GRUPO MRP Credit Suisse Finsa Real Estate Managment Axis Capital Management Planigrupo Management LATIN IDEA Grupo Bursatil Mexicano Northgate Capital Pine Bridge Fibra Hotelera Mexicana Macquarie México Real Estate Managment Asesor de Activos PRISMA PLA Administradora Industrial EMX Capital 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: CONSAR April 2013 Campollo Consulting
Mexico – There is plenty of room to invest in CKDs and FIBRAS Capacity for CKDs and FIBRAS focused on infrastructure, housing and real estate: US$13,783 mn Capacity for CKDs focused on private equity and other projects: US$ 8239 mn Net Asset Total of Limit Consumption Available S1 S2 S3 S4 Total 137,687 - 621,527 62,153 16,603 45,550 649,593 84,447 23,754 60,693 635,992 82,679 21,514 61,165 2,044,799 229,279 61,871 167,408 Net Asset Total of Limit Consumption Available S1 S2 S3 S4 Total 137,687 - 621,527 31,076 5,026 26,050 649,593 45,472 8,077 37,394 635,992 44,519 7,894 36,625 2,044,799 121,067 20,997 100,070 Complementary Savings Complementary Savings Source: CONSAR. April 2013. Exchange rate: 12.15 MXN/USD. * Campollo Consulting
Mexico – Losts of capacity vs Regulatory Limits For CKDs and FIBRAS focused on infrastructure, housing and real estate For CKDs focused on private equity and others projects The challenges to the AFORE are to find relatively-secured and profitable projects and more sophisticated tools to analyze them. Source: Consar April 2013 Campollo Consulting
Mexico – Pensions’ Holdings in CKD and FIBRAS Total Local Cy. mn AFORE Holdings Instrument CKDs 69,204 90.0% FIBRAs 100,987 20.4% IPO 109,688 13.8% Source: Consar April 2013. Campollo Consulting
Other Exposures to Alternative Investments Brazil, Peru, Mexico – listed companies provide heavy exposure to many types of commodities (oil, precious & base metals, agricultural) and infrastructure assets (power, telecoms) Colombia – Commodity funds and Commodity index-linked ETFs were almost 2% of total assets end-2012 Chile, Colombia – Emerging Stock Market exposures via ETFs represent almost half of all non-domestic stock market investments Infrastructure (power generation, ports/airports)& Housing via Trust Fund bond issues – recent public-private project funding innovations in Uruguay, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic & El Salvador Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
LatAm Pension Funds’ Portfolios – Current Trends Greater permitted diversification among asset classes (especially to alternatives and foreign assets); AND Growing actual investment in alternatives and foreign assets, as more attractive opportunities appear (domestic public-private infrastructure projects; domestic & foreign PE Fund options; rising foreign interest rates & improved foreign equities and currency outlooks). Remember – most LatAm currencies were appreciating vs. the USD throughout the 2000s; their domestic interest rates & yields were higher than foreign credits; and most foreign credit & risk ratings & stock markets were deteriorating, at least from 2008. Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
LatAm Pension Funds’ Systems A Look Forward Brazil adding a Federal employees’ Variable DC plan – likely to be huge in a few years’ time; Public demand for reduced costs and better returns/pension payouts by plan participants in mandatory DC plans likely to result in system changes; Region’s good demographics for retirement assets accumulation and historically highly profitable asset management fees bringing in competition – new AFPs & owners (in 2013 - Peru– AFP Habitat; Grupo Sura, Principal Financial Group, MetLife & Scotiabank to several markets 2013); Possible Policy/Political Backlashes – Bolivia (abolition of AFPs underway), Chile (presidential elections 11-2013), Uruguay (‘opt-out’ option under discussions). Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
Summing Up…. Funded PFs in LatAm are large, institutionally diverse, & manage increasingly diversified investment portfolios Investment barriers & buffers - are being loosened Strong favorable secular trends – region’s generally young demographics and trends to formalization of their economies ensures high levels of savings contributions & PFs’ asset growth new business opportunities & partnering - PFs’ growing asset diversification will require working with experienced money managers and financial service providers of all types = new business opportunities new competitors - Large & growing asset bases & high historical profitability by PFs’ asset administrators are attracting new multinational competitors (taking over existing AFP’s business, or as licensed start-ups), looking for new ways to do business Consumer dissatisfaction – Get ready for Change Affiliates frequently feel overcharged grossly and then have seen their ‘multifondo Agresivo’ returns well below that earned by the Conservador funds – for years, in some recent cases. Yet, the AFPs make good money. Mandatory participation and/or contributions systems are in question. Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting
To close, a little about us … About Campollo Consulting LLC – Campollo Consulting LLC, a minority owned firm, was established by Carmen Campollo. Over the past 20 years Carmen has worked for firms such as the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Standard & Poor's, FTSE and Russell Investments. In addition to the Guide to Latin America Pension Funds, Investment Context and Regulations, Campollo Consulting has developed a data base for 11 Latin American countries, including a 6 year history of asset allocation across 23 categories for over 400 pension funds. In addition Campollo Consulting created a methodology for manager searches, Fund of Funds, designed and developed indexed portfolios and financial investment products. You can learn more about Campollo Consulting at Contact us at 1-800-871-9012 ext 281782 or:; Wall’s Street Advisor Services LLC (WSAS) specializes in innovations in financial information services for investors and researchers interested in emerging markets and socially responsible investing. Founder and CEO Peter Wall has over 30 years’ experience in developing and marketing financial information services, with International Finance Corporation (IFC), FTSE International, and Microfinance Information Exchange, Inc. (MIX), as well as in his own capacity. Besides his contributions to The Guide to Latin America Pension Funds, he is the creator & compiler of the WSAS MFI Shareholder Value Index series. More can be seen about WSAS at The information and materials presented in this document have been prepared solely for informational purposes based upon information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. The authors of this document disclaim any and all liability relating to these materials and make no express or implied representations or warranties concerning the accuracy or completeness of the document, the content of which may change without notice. Nothing in this document is intended to be or should be construed to be legal advice or investment advice. Campollo Consulting WSAS Campollo Consulting