Chunyan Shao (Shandong University)
Dear Professor Beth Levin, (1) I am a lecturer / associate professor / professor at Shandong University, China. (2)I am writing to ask if there is a visiting scholar position available for me in your department. (3)I have been granted a scholarship of a one- year visit from Jan 2013 to Jan 2014 by China Scholarship Council. It will cover all my expenses in the U.S.
(4)I am interested in the interface between syntax and semantics in terms of Event. (5)Your work in lexical semantics and esp. your study on the event structure of verbs is very insightful to me, and sheds great light to Chinese linguistic facts. (6)I have long hoped to learn from you.
(7)There is a new emerging construction in Chinese, passivizing the intransitive verb. I plan to apply the event structure template that you propose to the investigation of the formation, mechanism and the syntax-semantic interface of this construction. (8)Your supervision and assistance in my study will be of great help to me. I am confident that I will benefit tremendously from our cooperation. (9)I was wondering whether I should have the honor and opportunity to work with you.
(10)I would be extremely grateful if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience. Best Regards Chunyan Shao
Dear Prof. XXX, I am…. I am writing to… I have been granted….It will cover…. I am interested in…, specifically…. You are…, esp. your theory / research / experiment on…help me…in my… I plan to… That is… Your theory / ideas…help me…and I will benefit… I would be greatly honored if you could… I am looking forward to your earliest reply. Best wishes YYY
Dear Mr. Anderson, I am a visiting scholar from China and will stay in Chicago for a year. I am writing to ask for some information about the apartment you advertised on ApartmentFinder. First, you said that the apartment is furnished, then could you pls. tell me in detail what furniture are included? Second, as my daughter is coming with me (She is 8 years old), I would like to know whether there is a primary school nearby. Third, as I am still in China and will leave for the U.S. in two months, I was wondering if I could make a reservation first and pay the deposit by my credit card. Thank you very much. Best wishes Chunyan Shao
Dear ______ , I am _________________________ ( self introduction). I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding_______. ( issue ) First of all , what are _________________________________ ? Secondly , when will______________________ ? Thirdly , is _________________ ? I would also like to inquire/know/ask _________________________. (Some explanation on this question). Thank you for you kindness , and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely Li Ming
July 9, 2011 Dear Nancy, I am writing to convey my thanks for your hospitality. Without your kindness, I couldn’t have enjoyed my stay in Shanghai so much. The dinner we had in your house was like a banquet. I like every dish that you cooked. I am also deeply impressed by the pictures you took of me when we were having a tour around Shanghai. The night view was spectacular and I am sure they will be the most memorable experience of my visit to China. Again, please accept my heartfelt thanks for what you have done for me. Yours sincerely, Lily
Dear______ , I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for __________________ ( issue). If it had not been for your assistance in __________________ ( what is the help), I would have been________________ ( consequence without help). ……… Again , I would like to express my warm thanks to you ! Please accept my gratitude. Yours sincerely Li Ming
Nov Dear John, I’ m terribly sorry that I failed to meet you at the gate of Xin Hua Theatre yesterday afternoon. I knocked down a passer-by on the way, and by the time I finished dealing with the accident and got there, I couldn’t find you. I think you must have given up hope and left. Shall we meet once again next weekend if its convenient for you? Do please forgive me. Yours, Mary
Dear ___________ , I am truly sorry that_________________________ (道歉的原 因)。 The reason is that ______________________________________ (介绍原因) Once again , I am sorry for any inconvenience it caused. Yours sincerely Mary
April Dear Professor Green, I’m very happy to have had attended your lecture on “Second Language Teaching” last Sunday. Your lecture is very instructive to my present thesis writing. However, I had difficulty understanding some details of it. Therefore, I hope I can get your further help. I am wondering if you could give me your lecture notes. If it is possible, would you please the notes to the following address: I would really be grateful for your help. Sincerely yours Li Li
May Dear Mr. / Mrs./ Ms… I’m very happy to have…[ 请求理由陈述 ] However, I had difficulty …I am wondering if you could help me with…[ 请求行为及内容 ] If it is possible, would you please …to the following address: …[ 请求可能实现的方式 ] I would be really grateful for your help. [ 请求的后续行 为 ] Best regards Sara
1. Phenomenon: There has been a heated discussion as to how to reduce traffic jams in big cities. Some hold that.. Others believe that… 2. Questions: Should we ban private cars and promote public transport in order to reduce traffic jam in big cities? Some people think that…, while others maintain that… 3. Disapproval: Some people think that we should ban private cars and promote pubic transport in order to reduce traffic jam in big cities, but I hold a different view.
Traffic in big cities has become more than ever a headache for most city-dwellers. While it is true that banning the use of private cars and promoting public transport can lessen the seriousness of the phenomenon, it will by no means solve the problem once and for all. For my part, traffic jam is only a reflection of other problems.
Topic sentence: Hiking on the Appalachian Trail can be very dangerous. Support: 1. Hungry bears will be searching for food. 2. When it rains, the trail—which is very steep at some points—becomes slippery. 3. Severe weather develops quickly.
Hiking on the Appalachian Trail can be very dangerous. One reason is that hungry bears will be searching for food. Another reason is when it rains, the trail—which is very steep at some points—becomes slippery. A third reason is that severe weather develops quickly.
Hiking on the Appalachian Trail can be very dangerous. One reason is that hungry bears may be searching for food.______________. (danger from bear) Another reason is when it rains, the trail—which is very steep at some points—becomes slippery.________________________. (danger from raining or slippery trail) A third reason is that severe weather develops quickly. _______________. (danger from weather) (Closing Sentence)_______________________. (what have you said and what conclusion you can draw)
Hiking on the Appalachian Trail can be very dangerous. One reason is that hungry bears may be searching for food. They pose a threat to the hikers. Another reason is when it rains, the trail—which is very steep at some points—becomes slippery. It is very likely that the hikers slip and fall into the valleys. A third reason is that severe weather develops quickly, and the hikers may be exposed to storm and cold. (Closing Sentence) Therefore, hiking on the Appalachian Trail one faces danger from the bear, the trail and the weather change. It is perilous to hike there.
Therefore, hiking on the Appalachian Trail one faces danger from the bear, the trail and the weather change. (summary of what you have said above) It is perilous to hike there. (restate the topic)
Essay: three-part principle (opening, body, conclusion) Opening: 4-sentence principle S1: issue S2:negative view S3: positive view S4: your view Body: 2/3-paragraph principle (2/3 reasons) paragraph 1: 6-sentence principle S1: Topic sentence S2: one reason S3:one relevance S4:another reason S5: another relevance S6: relevance to the paragraph topic paragraph 2: 6-sentence principle S1: Topic sentence S2: one reason S3:one relevance S4:another reason S5: another relevance S6: relevance to the paragraph topic Conclusion: 2-sentence principle S1: summary of the body S2: restate the topic
Essay: three-part principle (opening, body, conclusion) Opening: 4-sentence principle S1: issue S2:importance / reasons… Body: 2/3-paragraph principle (2/3 reasons) paragraph 1: 6-sentence principle S1: Topic sentence S2: one reason S3:one relevance S4:another reason S5: another relevance S6: relevance to the paragraph topic paragraph 2: 6-sentence principle S1: Topic sentence S2: one reason S3:one relevance S4:another reason S5: another relevance S6: relevance to the paragraph topic Conclusion: 2-sentence principle S1: summary of the body S2: restate the topic
Girls don't do as well in math and science as boys. There are several reasons for this. The first and most important reason is that they aren't encouraged to play with toys that build skills for problem solving or understanding how things work. Girls are encouraged to play with toys that foster language and human relations skills. Therefore, they can grow up not knowing how an engine works or how to build a model from directions.
Second, studies have shown that teachers don't expect girls to be good at math. Even female math and science teachers pay more attention to boys in class and call on boys more often. Because teachers don't expect girls to excel, they don't try very hard, and soon girls are far behind boys in these studies.
Finally, girls don't have many role models to look up to. Not very many math and science teachers are women, especially in the later grades. When the media picture mathematicians and scientists, they usually picture men. As a result, girls aren't inspired to choose these fields as careers.
In summary, several factors work together in the home, in schools, and in the society at large to send a subtle message to girls. Girls almost always get the message; consequently, few girls excel in math and sciences.
Essay: three-part principle (opening, body, conclusion) Opening: 3-sentence principle S1: issue S2:importance / seriousness of the issue… S3: introduction to solutions Body: 2/3-paragraph principle (2/3 solutions) paragraph 1: 6-sentence principle S1: suggestion 1 S2: Analysis of the problem S3: fact 1 S4:fact 2 S5: result S6: relevance to the topic paragraph 2: 6-sentence principle S1: suggestion 2 S2: Analysis of the problem S3: fact 1 S4:fact 2 S5: result S6: relevance to the topic Conclusion: 3-sentence principle S1: Restate the issue S2: summary of the solutions S3: look forward to the future
Wherever there is academics, there will be the question of plagiarism. People are fully aware that plagiarism will ruin the purity of academics. The key problem then is what measures we should take to stop it. Here are a few suggestions that might be of help.
As the first step, we should inform both teachers and students of what plagiarism is. Many people plagiarize because they do not know what is the correct and accepted way to cite or quote people. For example, students copy others’ words without reference in the paper; even teachers refer to other scholars’ work without any acknowledgement. This leads to unintentional plagiarism. However, more awareness of the guidelines of plagiarism will prevent this kind of plagiarism.
Second, we should enhance our supervision over plagiarism. As there is no adequate watchdogs, people will get off even if they seriously plagiarize. Successful escape conveys a signal that no one cares whether we steal others’ ideas or not; also it encourages more followers. Leaving it alone, the situation can only deteriorate. If we could establish a system of supervision, together with harsh penalty, people who plagiarize will not only be discovered but also severely punished, this will make future commitment less easy even impossible.
Plagiarism is a destroyer of academic righteousness. However, with enough education and adequate supervision, it can be avoided, so a future of less plagiarism is possible.
Take your kids with you Let your kids study in local school, not school for visiting scholars Drive on foreign roads Cook local food Join local community Make local friends Travel when you have time (drive)
Thank you for your support and tolerance Thank you for your participation in the discussion Thank you for your ideas Thank you for coming to my class WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK ON THE EXAM 邵春燕 ( 山东大学外国语学院 )