Vocabulary for Comparing Animal Life Cycles Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the way animals grow and change.
Lesson Vocabulary larva nymphlarvanymph life cycle pupalife cyclepupa metamorphosis Click on the vocabulary words to learn more. Then click the arrow to Exit.
Lesson Vocabulary larva nymphnymph life cycle pupalife cyclepupa metamorphosis Click on the vocabulary words to learn more. Then click the arrow to Exit. A larva is a young insect that looks different from it’s parents.
Lesson Vocabulary larva nymphlarva life cycle pupalife cyclepupa metamorphosis Click on the vocabulary words to learn more. Then click the arrow to Exit. A nymph is a young dragon fly
Lesson Vocabulary larva nymphlarvanymph life cycle pupalife cycle metamorphosis Click on the vocabulary words to learn more. Then click the arrow to Exit. Pupa is the stages in an insects life when it goes through changes in its skin.
Lesson Vocabulary larva nymphlarvanymph life cycle pupalife cyclepupa metamorphosis Click on the vocabulary words to learn more. Then click the arrow to Exit. The changes in form an animal goes through is called metamorphosis.
Lesson Vocabulary larva nymphlarvanymph life cycle pupapupa metamorphosis Click on the vocabulary words to learn more. Then click the arrow to Exit. The stages in an animals life as it grows is known as the life cycle.
Artistic Assignment This weeks Artistic Assignment is to make a Life cycle Mobile ! We will be using photos from different sources to draw our life cycle phases. Each of you will cut out your photos and then hang them from our Lady Bug plates we made last week. EXIT
References DiSpezio, Michael A., Marjorie Frank, Michael R. Heithaus, & Donna M. Ogle. (2015). Science Fusion Texas Grade 2 Teachers Edition: Animal and Plant Characteristics. Houghton Mifflin School, 383A-394A. Print. Microsoft PowerPoint, (2010), [JPEG Clipart]. Redmond WA. Microsoft Amarille, [Screen Name], (2008, Jul 02). Monarch Butterfly Metamorphosis retrieved from EXIT