Quarter 3 Results – Interim 2010/2011 Q1 Outcomes September 2010 Prepared byTina Williams, Performance & Delivery Manager, SFNW Julija Romancenko, Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Quarter 3 Results – Interim 2010/2011 Q1 Outcomes September 2010 Prepared byTina Williams, Performance & Delivery Manager, SFNW Julija Romancenko, Project & Research Administrator, SFNW

Q1 (2010) North West Outcomes 9 PCTs successfully met their target

Q1 2009/2010 compared to Q1 2010/11

Q1 (2010)North West Outcomes Greater Manchester 2 PCTs met their target

Q1 (2010) North West Outcomes Cheshire & Merseyside 5 PCTs met their target

Q1 (2010)North West Outcomes Cumbria & Lancashire 2 PCTs met their target

E Lancs 33% Manchester 16% BWD 25%  Average North West % of Lost to follow up in Q1 was 19,2% (Improved by 1,9 % against 2009/10 Q4 Outcomes)  In England average Lost to follow up % in 2009/10 was 24% (in NW 21%) Q1 (2010) Outcomes – Lost to follow up Bury 11% Salford 12 %

Q1 (2010) Outcomes - Employment Classification  Smoking prevalence is higher in routine & manual households in England (29%) than in intermediate (21%) and professional and managerial households (14%) (2009/10 Outcomes)  29.5% of NW population are in the R&M group; R&M represented 24% of all those who set a quit date in Q1

Routine & Manual Workers  44% of the national smoking population  17% of those live in the NW  Are we targeting this group effectively  Difficult to know...

Q1 (2010) Outcomes - Unable to code Q1 Regional % of Unable to code was 14% which has improved by 6% compared to Q4 2009/10 HMR 41% Knowsley 13% ALW 16% Stockport 11% Bolton 11%

Q1 Outcomes 2010/11 - Pharmacotherapy use  In North West NRT was most commonly used therapy in Q1 – 63 % of all setting a quit date used this pharmacotherapy; Champix was used by 25 % of those setting a quit date, compared to 24% for the Q1 2009/10  Nationally in 2009/10 Champix demonstrated highest Quit rate – 60% and was used by 23% of those setting a quit date Nationally Quit Rate 49%

Q1 (2010) Outcomes - Intervention Type  One to one appointments remain the most common intervention (61%) within North West demonstrating 42% success rate.  Nationally,for 2009/10, 77% interventions were one to ones with a 47% success rate.  Nationally the most successful intervention was telephone support, with 63%, quit rate, however only 2% interventions across England were conducted by telephone.

Q1 (2010) Outcomes – Intervention Setting  The majority (54%) of those setting a quit date during Q1 (NW) were seen by SSS – achieving a 48% quit rate.  By comparison for England (2009/10 outcomes) the most common intervention setting was Primary Care (45%) demonstrating 47% quit rate  The quit rate for Primary Care in the NW is significantly lower at 38%

Smoking in Pregnancy

Q4 (2010) Outcomes - Smoking at Time of Delivery  National Target 15% or less by 2010  Regional SATOD for Q1 (2010/11) was 18%  5 PCT achieved national target (2 – very close) – no significant change since Q4 (2009/10)

SATOD National and Regional Picture Q National SATOD 13,6% North East 21.4% North West18% Yorkshire and Humber17.4% Source: Department of Health September 2010

Q1 (2010/11) Regional Outcomes Compared to Q1 (2009/10  As a Region we are seeing lower numbers of pregnant smokers and their quit rate has also fallen compared to Q1 last year  In Q1 2010/11 Pregnancy Quit Rate was 37 %, in Q1 2009/10 – 42%  CO validation rate in Q1 2010/11 was 47%, (in Q1 2009/10 – 40%) – a long way from the Nice Guidance 2010 recommendations...

Year 2009/10 Outcomes by Ethnic group North West proportion of those setting a quit date in 2009/10 Year by ethnic groups was: White 91% Black or Black British 1% Mixed 1% Other ethnic groups 0% Asian/ Asian British 2% Not Stated 6%

Year 2009/10 Outcomes by Ethnic group Greater Manchester proportion of those setting a quit date in 2009/10 Year by ethnic groups was: White 85% Black or Black British 1% Mixed 1% Other ethnic groups 1% Asian/ Asian British 3% Not Stated 10%

Year 2009/10 Outcomes by Ethnic group Cheshire & Merseyside proportion of those setting a quit date in 2009/10 Year by ethnic groups was: White 94% Black or Black British 0% Mixed 1% Other ethnic groups 1% Asian/ Asian British 0% Not Stated 4%

Year 2009/10 Outcomes by Ethnic group Cumbria & Lancashire proportion of those setting a quit date in 2009/10 by ethnic groups was: White 97% Black or Black British 0% Mixed 0% Other ethnic groups 0% Asian/ Asian British 2% Not Stated 1%

PCTQ1 2009/10Q1 2010/11 Ashton, Leigh and Wigan Blackburn With Darwen Blackpool Bolton Bury Central & Eastern Cheshire Central Lancashire Cumbria 825 East Lancashire Halton and St Helens Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale Knowsley Liverpool Manchester North Lancashire Oldham Salford -471 Sefton 7-33 Stockport Tameside and Glossop 116 Trafford Warrington West Cheshire 5838 Wirral North West Q1 2009/2010 compared to Q1 2010/11 Performance against target:

Proportion of targetsset by quarters basedon 5 Years Distribution of Successful Quits based on 5 Years Performance

Q1 2010/11 Target proportion of Annual Year target