Step 1: State Diagram
Step 2: Next State Table
Step 3 Flip-Flop Transition Table
Step 4: Karnaugh Maps
Step 5 and Step 6 Logic Expressions and Counter Implementation CLK Q0 Q1 Q2
Counter Decoding
Counter Applications Digital Clock
Logic Symbols
2-bit Asynchronous Binary Counter Using VHDL The clock will be input C. FF0 the first Flip-flop FF1 the second flip-flop
2-bit Asynchronous Binary Counter Using VHDL entity TwoBitCounter is port(clock: in std_logic; Qa, Qb: buffer std_logic); end entity TwoBitCounter; architecture CounterBehavior of TwoBitCounter is component JKFlipFlop is port( J, K, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component JKFlipFlop;
2-bit Asynchronous Binary Counter Using VHDL signal I: std_logic; begin I <= ‘1’; FF0:JKFlipFlop port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clock =>clock, Qnot=>Qnot, Q=>Qa); FF1:JKFlipFlop port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clock=>Qnot, Q=>Qb); end architecture CounterBehavior;
Asynchronous Truncated Counters To truncate a counter a clear function must be added to the J-K flip-flop component JKFlipFlopClear is port( J, K, Clock, Clr: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component JKFlipFlopClear
Asynchronous Truncated Counters Example 9-11 Asynchronous MOD6 (0,1,..5) JK flip-flop with clear library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity ModSixCounter is port(clock: in std_logic; Clr: in std_logic; Q0, Q1, Q2: buffer std_logic); end entity ModSixCounter;
Asynchronous Truncated Counters Example 9-11 architecture CounterBehavior of ModSixCounter is signal Clear: std_logic; component JKFlipFlopClear is port (J, K, Clr, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component JKFlipFlopClear; signal I: std_logic; begin I <= ‘1’; Clear <= not (Q1 and Q2); FF0: JKFlipFlopClear port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clr=>Clear, Clock =>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: JKFlipFlopClear port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clr=>Clear, Clock=>Q0, Q=>Q1); FF2: JKFlipFlopClear port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clr=>Clear, Clock=>Q1, Q=>Q2); end architecture CounterBehavior;
Synchronous Counters in VHDL Synchronous refers to events that occur simultaneously For synchronous counters all flip-flops are clocked at the same time using the same clock pulse An example in VHDL would be to use the J-K flip-flop defined as a component then have it clocked using the same clock pulse Figure 9-13
Synchronous Counters in VHDL entity FourBitSyncCounter is port( I, clock: in std_logic; Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3: buffer std_logic); end entity FourBitSyncCounter architecture CounterBehavior of FourBitSyncCounter is signal S0, S1, S2: std_logic; component JKFlipFlop is port(J, K, Clock: in std_logic;Q, Qnot inout std_logic); end component JKFlipFlop
Synchronous Counters in VHDL begin FF0: JKFlipFlop port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q0); S0<= Q0; FF1: JKFlipFlop port map (J=>S0, K=>S0, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); S1 <= Q0 and Q1; FF2: JKFlipFlop port map (J=>S1, K=>S1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); S2 <= Q0 and Q1 and Q2; FF3: JKFlipFlop port map (J=>S2, K=>S2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q3); end architecture CounterBehavior
3-Bit Gray Code Counter Example 9-13
3-Bit Gray Code Counter Example 9-13 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity StateCounter is port(clock: in std_logic; Q: buffer std_logic_vector(0 to 2) ); end entity StateCounter;
3-Bit Gray Code Counter Example 9-13 architecture CounterBehavior of StateCounter is begin process (Clock) if Clock = ‘1’ and Clock’ event then case Q is when “000” => Q <= “010”; when “010” => Q <= “110”; when “110” => Q <= “100”; when “100” => Q <= “101”; when “101” => Q <= “001”; when “001” => Q <= “000”; when others => Q <= “000”; end case; end if; end process; end architecture CounterBehavior;
End of Chapter 9
Shift Registers Chapter 10
Basic Shift Register Functions Data Storage Data Movement D flip-flops are use to store and move data
Basic Shift Register Functions
Serial in/Serial out Shift Registers CLK Serial in Serial Out
Serial in/Serial out Shift Registers
5-Bit Serial Shift Register Example 10-1
8-bit Shift Register
Serial in/Parallel out shift registers After 4 clock pulses, 0110
8-bit Serial in/Parallel Out
Timing Diagram for 8-bit Serial in/Parallel Out CLR’ Data In QA QB QC QD QE QF QG QH CLK
4-Bit Parallel in/ Serial out Shift Register
4-Bit Parallel in/ Serial out Shift Register Example 10-3
8-bit Parallel Load Shift Resister
Timing Diagram for 8-bit Parallel Load Shift Resister Loaded 10101010 Output Shift/Load’ Output D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 CLK
Parallel in/ Parallel out Shift Register
Bidirectional Shift Registers Data can be shifted left Data can be shifted right A parallel load maybe possible 74HC194 is an bidirectional universal shift register
Bidirectional Shift Registers Example 10-4
74194 data table _____ | MODE | | SERIAL | PARALLEL | OUTPUTS CLEAR | S1 S0 | CLK | LEFT RIGHT | A B C D | QA QB QC QD -----------|----------|--------|--------------------|-----------------------|------------------ 0 | X X | X | X X | X X X X | 0 0 0 0 1 | X X | 0 | X X | X X X X | QA0 QB0 QC0 QD0 1 | 1 1 | POS | X X | a b c d | a b c d 1 | 0 1 | POS | X 1 | X X X X | 1 QAn QBn QCn 1 | 0 1 | POS | X 0 | X X X X | 0 QAn QBn QCn 1 | 1 0 | POS | 1 X | X X X X | QBn QCn QDn 1 1 | 1 0 | POS | 0 X | X X X X | QBn QCn QDn 0 1 | 0 0 | X | X X | X X X X | QA0 QB0 QC0 QD0
74194 parallel load CLR’ S1 S0 QA QB QC QD SR SL A B C D CLK
74194 shift right CLR’ S1 S0 QA QB QC QD SR SL A B C D CLK
74194 shift left CLR’ S1 S0 QA QB QC QD SR SL A B C D CLK
Johnson Counter CLK Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3
Ring Counter CLK Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3
Shift Register Application
UART Universal Asynchronous Transmitter
Logic Symbols with dependency notation
VHDL Code for a Positive-edge Triggered D Flip-flop D flip-flop that will be used as a component. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity DFlipFlop is port( D, clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end entity DFlipFlop;
VHDL Code for a Positive-edge Triggered D Flip-flop continued architecture FlipFlopBehavior of DFlipFlop is begin process(D, Clock) is wait until rising_edge (clock); if D = ‘1’ then Q <=‘1’ else Q <=‘0’ end if; end process; Qnot <= not Q; end architecture FlipFlopBehavior;
4-Bit Serial in/Serial out Shift Registers Using VHDL Example 10-7 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity SISOReg is port( I, clock: in std_logic; Qout: buffer std_logic); end entity SISOReg;
4-Bit Serial in/Serial out Shift Registers Using VHDL Example 10-7 architecture ShiftRegBehavior of SISOReg is signal Q0, Q1, Q2: std_logic; component DFlipFlop is port (D, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component DFlipFlop; begin FF0: DFlipFlop port map (D=>I, Clock =>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q0, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); FF2: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); FF3: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Qout); end architecture ShiftRegBehavior;
4-Bit Serial in/Parallel out Shift Registers Using VHDL Example 10-8 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity SIPOReg is port( I, clock: in std_logic; Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3: buffer std_logic); end entity SIPOReg; Defined as an output.
4-Bit Serial in/Parallel out Shift Registers Using VHDL Example 10-8 architecture ShiftRegBehavior of SIPOReg is signal Q0, Q1, Q2: std_logic; component DFlipFlop is port (D, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component DFlipFlop; begin FF0: DFlipFlop port map (D=>I, Clock =>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q0, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); FF2: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); FF3: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Qout); end architecture ShiftRegBehavior;
Parallel in/Serial out Shift Registers function ShiftLoad (A, B, C,: in std_logic) return std_logic is begin return ((A and B) or (not B and C)); end function ShiftLoad;
Parallel in/Serial out Shift Registers Example 10-9 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity PISOReg is port( SL,D0,D1,D2,D3, clock: in std_logic; Qout: buffer std_logic); end entity PISOReg;
Parallel in/Serial out Shift Registers Example 10-9 architecture ShiftRegBehavior of PISOReg is function ShiftLoad (A, B, C: in std_logic ) return std_logic is begin return (( A and B ) or ( not B and C )); end function ShiftLoad; signal S1, S2, S3, Q0, Q1, Q2: std_logic; component DFlipFlop is port (D, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component DFlipFlop; SL1: S1 <= ShiftLoad (Q0, SL, D1); SL2: S2 <= ShiftLoad (Q1, SL, D2); SL3: S3 <= ShiftLoad (Q2, SL, D3); FF0: DFlipFlop port map (D=>D0, Clock =>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); FF2: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); FF3: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S3, Clock=>clock, Q=>Qout); end architecture ShiftRegBehavior;
Bidirectional Shift Registers in VHDL library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity BidirectionalCtr port(RL, I, clock: in std_logic; Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3: buffer std_logic); end entity BidirectionalCtr;
Bidirectional Shift Registers in VHDL architecture ShiftRegBehavior of Bidirectional is function RightLeft(A, B, C:in std_logic) return std_logic is begin return ((A and B) or (not B and C)); end function RightLeft; signal S0, S1, S2, S3: std_logic; component DFlipFlop is port( D, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component DFlipFlop;
Bidirectional Shift Registers in VHDL begin SL0: S0 <= RightLeft(I, RL, Q1); SL1: S1 <= RightLeft(Q0, RL, Q2); SL2: S2 <= RightLeft(Q1, RL, Q3); SL3: S3 <= RightLeft(Q2, RL, I); FF0: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S0, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); FF2: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); FF3: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S3, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q3); end architecture ShiftRegBehavior;
End of Chapter 10
Traffic Light Using VHDL Chapter 7
Block Diagram of the Traffic Light Controller. Figure 7--22
Traffic Light Sequence. Figure 7--23
Traffic Light VHDL Code Figure 7--23 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity TrafficLight is port( S: in std_logic_vector (0 to 1); Main, Side: out natural range 0 to 7 ; Long, Short: out std_logic ); end entity TrafficLight;
Traffic Light VHDL Code Figure 7--23 architecture Behavior of TrafficLight is type StatesType is (FirstState, SecondState, ThirdState, ForthState); signal State, NextState: StatesType := FirstState; begin ReadState: process (S) case S is when “00” => State <=FirstState; when “01” => State <=SecondState; when “11” => State <=ThirdState; when “10” => State <=FourthState; when others => State <=FirstState; end case; end process ReadState;
Traffic Light VHDL Code Table 7-5, Page 430 State Inputs S0 S1 Light Outputs Main0 Main1 Main2 Side0 Side1 Side2 Trigger Outputs Long Short 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 StateDiagram: process (State) begin case State is when FirstState => Main <= 2#001#; Side <= 2#100#; Long <= ‘1’; Short <=‘0’; when SecondState => Main <= 2#010#; Side <= 2#100#; Long <= ‘0’; Short <=‘1’; when ThirdState => Main <= 2#100#; Side <= 2#001#; Long <= ‘1’; Short <=‘0’; when FourthState => Main <= 2#100#; Side <= 2#010#; Long <= ‘0’; Short <=‘1’; end case; end process StateDiagram; end architecture Behavior;
Traffic Light Using VHDL Chapter 8
Timing of Traffic Light Figures 8-70 and 8-71, Pages 492-3
Timing of Traffic Light Figure 8-71, Page 493 library ieee, work; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity FrequencyDivider is port( Clock: in std_logic; Fout: buffer std_logic ); end entity FrequencyDivider;
Timing of Traffic Light architecture FreqDivBehavior of FrequencyDivider is signal Qa, Qb, Qc, Qd, Qe, Qf, Qg, Qh, Qi, I: std_logic; component JKFlipFlop is port ( J, K, Clock: in std_logic; Q, QNot: inout std_logic; end component JKFlipFlop; begin I <= ‘1’; FF1: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => CLK, Q =>Qa); FF2: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qa, Q =>Qb); FF3: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qb, Q =>Qc); FF4: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qc, Q =>Qd); FF5: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qd, Q =>Qe); FF6: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qe, Q =>Qf); FF7: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qf, Q =>Qg); FF8: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qg, Q =>Qh); FF9: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qh, Q =>Qi); FF10: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qi, Q =>Fout); end architecture FreqDivBehavior;
Timing of Traffic Light Page 493 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity Timer is port( Enable, Clock: in std_logic; SetCount: in integer; Qout: buffer std_logic ); --Enable: Enables counting process -- Clock: 24.585 kHz clock driver -- SetCount: Holds time interval value -- Qout: Outputs up to value in SetCount end entity Timer;
Timing of Traffic Light Page 494 architecture TimerCount of Timer is begin process (Enable, Clock) variable Cnt: Integer; if ( Clock’ Event and Clock=‘1’ ) then if Enable=‘0’ then Cnt:=0; Qout <=‘1’; elsif Cnt=SetCount-1 then Qout <=‘0’ else Cnt:=Cnt+1; end if; end process; end architecture TimerCount;
Traffic Light Using VHDL Chapter 9
Block Diagram of the Traffic Light Controller. Figure 9--62
Block Diagram of the Sequential Logic. Figure 9--63
State Diagram Showing the 2-bit Gray Code Sequence. Figure 9--64
Complete VHDL Program for the Traffic Light Controller. Figure 9--66
VHDL Code Downloaded into the CPLD. Figure 9--71
VHDL Sequential Logic Code Chapter 9 Page 568 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity SequentialLogic is port( VS, TL, TS, CLK: in std_logic; S: buffer std_logic_vector (0 to 1) ); end entity SequentialLogic;
VHDL Sequential Logic Code Chapter 9 Page 568 architecture LightSequence of SequentialLogic is begin process (VS, TL, TS, CLK) if CLK=‘1’ and CLK’ event then case S is when “00” => if (TL=‘1’ or VS=‘0’) then S<=“00”; elsif (TL=‘0’ and VS=‘1’) then S<=“01”; end if; when “01” => if (TS=‘1’) then S<=“01”; elsif (TS=‘0’) then S<=“11”; end if; when “11” => if (TL=‘1’ and VS=‘1’) then S<=“11”; elsif (TL=‘0’ or VS=‘0’) then S<=“10”; end if; when “10” => if (TS=‘1’) then S<=“10”; elsif (TS=‘0’) then S<=“00”; end if; when others => S <=“00”; end case; end if; end process; end architecture LightSequence;
Traffic Light Controller Component Block Diagram. Figure 9--72
Max 7000 Series Device Block Diagram
Max 7000 Series
Max 7000 Series
Max 7000 Series
Max 7000 Series