Allegiance Healthcare Corporation Overview
Company Profile ALLEGIANCE HEALTHCARE CORPORATION –Worldwide Headquarters Located in McGaw Park, IL (40 miles North of Chicago, IL) –27,000+ Employees Worldwide (3000+ in McGaw Park) –Subsidiary of Cardinal Health Inc. (February 1999) –70+ Distribution Centers –30 Manufacturing Plants CARDINAL HEALTH, INC. (NYSC: CAH) –A Leading Provider of Services Supporting Healthcare Worldwide –Founded in 1971 by Robert D. Walter, chairman and Chief Executive Officer –Fortune 100 Corporation Based in Dublin, OH –$38.0 Billion in Sales –45,000 employees worldwide
Diverse Sources of Earnings 80% 3% 15% 2% Sales Cardinal Health Performance 50% Operating Earnings 13% 25% 12% Automation and Information Services Allegiance Pharmaceutical Technologies and Services Pharmaceutical Distribution and Provider Services
Company Profile - Allegiance Allegiance Healthcare Corporation is the only company that fully integrates distribution, manufacturing and consulting & services to bring greater efficiency and value to the entire healthcare supply chain. –Sales $6.0 billion 34% self-manufactured products 55% distributed best value med-surg and laboratory products 2% consulting and services revenues 9% international sales –Our products are sold in 80 countries outside the United States
Allegiance: Information Technology Business Applications: SAP R/3, PRMS, Witron, EDI, Business Objects Technical Infrastructure: Compaq Intel servers (>500), Compaq alpha servers (>50), AS400, Windows NT, UNIX, OS400, Oracle, SQL Server Application Programming Languages: VB, C/C++, ABAP, RPG, Java, HTML, XML