Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Study of the EU bio-based industry Manuel Gomez Barbero Claudia Parisi Emilio Rodríguez-Cerezo JRC-IPTS RRM meeting, Brussels, 2 April 2014
Sectors of the Bioeconomy FOOD & FEED ENERGY INDUSTRY Bio-based chemicals & products 2 Well covered data, many statistical databases available Lack of specific data, including market data Study of the EU bio-based industry Rationale
Study of the EU bio-based industry Objectives GENERAL OBJECTIVE: description of the current status and evolution of the EU bio-based industry. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Analyse business activity in the EU bio-based industries Share of biomass (input) in the bio-based products (output) Drivers and constrains affecting the development of bio-based products Impact of EU bio-based industry on the EU economy Performance of the bio-based vs. fossil-based products Quantitative/qualitative comparison of the EU bio-based industry with key EU competitor countries. 3 JRC-IPTS J4 (Agrilife Unit)
SCOPE: EU companies* producing one or more of the bio-based products of the list provided. *EU companies are defined as those producing a turnover or employing labour in the EU which may have production facilities not only in the EU but elsewhere as well. Outside of the scope: Bio-based products obtained by traditional and established technologies such as pulp and paper, traditional textiles, etc. Liquid biofuels, energy, power Pharmaceuticals Food/feed additives Finished goods/products derived from the bio-based products. 4 Study of the EU bio-based industry Scope JRC-IPTS J4 (Agrilife Unit)
List of bio-based products subject of the study 5 Building Blocks Polymers Paints & lacquers & coatings Lubricants Surfactants Enzymes Materials and composites Insulation Phase Change Materials JRC-IPTS J4 (Agrilife Unit)
Description of the EU bio-based sector and survey design Organization of a one day workshop with concerned industry associations, enterprises and other relevant actors Building a database of companies of the EU bio-based industry Conducting a pilot survey on companies producing selected bio-based products Conducting the final survey on companies producing selected bio-based products Reporting results and raw data delivering 6 Study of the EU bio-based industry Approach JRC-IPTS J4 (Agrilife Unit)
Company information Information related to bio-based products Information related to fossil-based products Research and development activities and capacities Perception on drivers and constrains. 7 Study of the EU bio-based industry Structured questionnaire JRC-IPTS J4 (Agrilife Unit)
Call for tender: Q1-2014: preparation of the call for tender - done Q1-2014: publication in the official journal – done ( ) =2415&instdir=3582&type=1 Q2-2014: tender deadline ( ) Activity of the contractor: Q4-2014: workshop in Brussels to fine-tune the survey strategy Q4-2014: Pilot survey (10% of the final sample) Q1-2015: Final survey to the EU bio-based industry Q2-2015: Survey results 8 Study of the EU bio-based industry Indicative Calendar JRC-IPTS J4 (Agrilife Unit)
Thank you for your attention Manuel Gomez Barbero 9