“LHC Controls for Sector Test” Planning SPS Extraction Kicker and Septa LHC Injection Kicker and other equipment (beam stoppers, dumps,...) Etienne CARLIER 05-Dec-2001
Assumptions Major client is operation Commissioning means equipment ready for test with beam Sector test: Q2/2004 Access to restricted underground area UA87 possible up to the end of Q3/2003 SPS extraction and TT40 commissioning up to TED400354: Q2/2003 TI8 commissioning up to TED87765: Q3/2003
Sector Test (+ CNGS) – SL/BT Equipment MKEMSE TED TBSE TBSE TCDI TED TCDIMKITDITCDD T40 SPS extraction kicker SPS extraction septa HCA421/422MKE4 MSE SR8 UA87/SR8MKI8 TDI TCDD LHC injection kicker LHC injection dump LHC injection collimator TED TCDI SPS – LSS4TI8 TT41 LHC – RA87 SPS – LSS4 TI8 TT40 Electronics Location EquipmentHardware Location TT41 beam stopper Neutrino target T40 TBSE T40 TI8 beam dump downstream TI8 collimator TT41 LHC – RA87 T40 beam dump upstreamTEDTT40HCA422 Q1/2003 Q3/2003 ??? Q1/2004 Q1/2004 Q1/2004 Commissioning Q1/2003 Q1/2005
Architecture Master PLC Ethernet Profibus-DP Decentralised I/O Deported I/O Slow control Elementary cycle independent State control Monitoring CompactPCIVME Fast Acquisition 500Ms/s, 200MHz Analysis (FFT, Fuzzy, DSP) SCADA OP Application SL/CO – SL/OP Fast Control Elementary cycle dependent Timing delay Voltage Equipment Server TED, TBSE, TCDI, TDI, TCDD, MSE, MKE, MKI MKE, MKI
MKE – SPS Extraction Kicker (SL/BT Responsibility) Power trigger Timing [1] Terminating resistor [2] HV power supplies Fast interlock [2] Heater PS [2] Slow interlock [2] Monitoring [2] Thyristor unit Safety switch Extraction interlock Serie production CommissioningDevelopmentInstallation ۷ ۷ Q4/2002 ۷ ۷ ۷۷ Q3/2002 ۷۷ Q4/2002 ۷۷ DO-Q4/2001 ۷ Q3/2002 Q2/2002 ۷ Q4/2002 Q1/2003 DO-Q1/2002Q4/2002Q1/2003 Q3/2002Q4/2002 ۷ Q2/2002 Mains distributor [1]Q1/2002Q3/2002Q4/2002 Q3/2002 Q4/2002 Q1/2003 Q3/2002 [1] : low level software still to be developed [2] : low level software included
MKI – LHC Injection Kicker (SL/BT Responsibility) Power trigger Timing [1] [3] Terminating resistor [2] RCPS (Triumf) [2] Fast interlock [2] Heater PS [2] Slow interlock [2] Monitoring [2] Thyristor unit Safety switch Injection interlock Serie production CommissioningDevelopmentInstallation ۷ Q4/2003 ۷ ۷۷ Q3/2002 ۷۷ Q4/2002 ۷ Q3/2003 ۷ Q3/2002 Q2/2002 Q4/2002 Q3/2003 Q1/2004 DO-Q1/2002Q2/2003Q3/2003 Q3/2002Q4/2002 ۷ Q2/2002 Mains distributor [1]Q1/2002Q2/2001Q4/2002 Q3/2002 Q4/2002 Q1/2003 Q3/2002 ۷۷ Q2/2003 [1] : low level software still to be developed [2] : low level software included [3] : Fast timing based on Highland Technology (or similar) VME board DO-Q3/2002Q2/2003
Electromagnetic Septa (SL/BT Responsibility) Power Supply control [2] Magnet control [2] Cooling control [2] Girder positioning [2] Serie production CommissioningDevelopmentInstallation ۷۷ Q2/2002 ۷۷ ۷ Q1/2003 Q2/2002 Q1/2003 ۷۷ Q3/2002 [1] : low level software still to be developed [2] : low level software included
TED, TBSE, TCDI, TDI & TCDD Positioning: SERVO [2] Positioning: INOUT [2] Monitoring [2] Positioning: STEP [3] [1] Serie production CommissioningDevelopmentInstallation ۷ ۷ ۷ Q4/2002 TED TBSE80243 TED87765 TBSE TCDD Equipment Q3/2002 Q3/2002 Q3/2002 Q3/2002 Q3/2002 Q4/2002 Q4/2002 Q3/2003 Q3/2004 Q4/2003 Q1/2003 Q1/2003 Q3/2003 Q1/2005 Q1/2004 TDIQ3/2003Q4/2003Q1/2004 AllIdem positioning [1] : low level software still to be developed [2] : low level software included [3] : If required precision can not be reached with SERVO positioning system. TCDI???
Hardware dependencies MKE MSE TED Access systemCooling systemVacuumNetworkFast timingVME Front-endMPSMachine protectionSlow timing TBSE TCDI MKI TDI TCDD Beam instrumentationPLC Front-endPXI Front-endMachine energySignal visualizationElectrical distributionCables SpecificStandard
Hardware dependencies MKE Q MSE TED Access systemCooling systemVacuumNetworkFast timingVME Front-endPower SupplyMachine protectionSlow timing TBSE TCDI MKI TDI TCDD Beam instrumentationPLC Front-endPXI Front-endMachine energySignal visualizationElectrical distributionCables Q Q Q Q Q Q ??? Q Q Q ??? Q ??? Q Q Q ??? Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q4 2003
Hardware dependencies Installation Cabling LSS4 – HCA421 Q4/2001 Q1/2002 MSE TDE TBSE Upstream TCDI, TDI, TCDD MKI MKEECA4 – HCA421 Q1/2002 HCA421 Q2/2002 HCA421 - FC Q2/2002 LSS4 – HCA422 Q4/2001 Q1/2002 RA87-SR8 Q3/2002 TT40/TI8 – HCA422 Q4/2001 Q1/2002 TDE Downstream RA87-SR8 Q3/2002 RA87-UA87 Q3/2002 UA87 Q3/2002 UA87-SR8 Q3/2002 Request Installation
Hardware dependencies Electrical distribution ECA4 Q4/2001 Q3/2002 MSE TDE TBSE Upstream TCDI, TDI, TCDD MKI MKE LSS4 Q4/2001 Q1/2002 SR8 Q3/2002 TT40/TI8 Q4/2001 Q1/2002 TDE Downstream SR8 Q3/2002 UA87 pre. Q3/2001 Q1/2002 SR8 Q3/2002 Request Installation HCA421 Q4/2001 HCA422 Q4/2001
Software Dependencies Assumptions Q4/2001 : MSE’s in LSS2 & LSS6, TED & TBSE in TT60 & TT20 included into SPS2001 framework Q3/2002 : all the different types of SL/BT equipment included into and operated from SPS2001 framework (Kicker, Electro-magnetic septa and beam obstacles TED & TBSE) Q1/2003 : copy of the different device servers for equipment in the LSS4 extraction channel SL/BT will provide software up to the equipment server layer in accordance with SL/CO predefined equipment access contracts (server API)
Software dependencies Equipment access contracts (server API) Alarm Software Software interlock Q1/2002 Q4/2003 [Q2/2003] Commissioning Settings management Analogue signals acquisition and visualisation Operational Equipment VME front-end [MKI] State Settings & measurements Q4/2002 HW drivers: timing delay module [1] HW drivers: analogue out [2] HW drivers: analogue in [2] Device data Error handling ۷ ۷ ۷ [1] : Highland technology V850 [2] : tbs. SL/CO – SL/PO recommendation Q1/2002
Software dependencies SoftwareCommissioning Q1/2003 [Q1/2004] Post-mortem MKE [MKI] Q1/2003 [Q1/2004] Logging / Archiving Synchronisation mechanism, contract definition, inter-connection with machine protection Operational level: data definition, time stamping mechanism, contract definition, off-line analysis tools
Analogue signals acquisition and visualization Remote visualization of signals (nAos) –Synchronization Signals recording –Equipment post-mortem Continuous signals analysis –Equipment stability, pulsed regulation loop Remote scope –Signals acquired in the UA (no access during operation), selection, configuration, analysis & visualization in the SR –Cabling cost reduction
Critical items Cabling specification (All the technical choices have not yet been made at the equipment level but also at the LHC control architecture level) Analogue signal acquisition, analysis, display… SPS interlock and machine protection (for LSS4 extraction but also for beam dumping system) Integration of equipment into the control architecture (Equipment server contract specifications,…) LHC Beam Energy Measurement System (BEM)