1 Chart 1 Gross Domestic Product Q1/ 96 Q2Q3Q4Q1/ 97 Q2Q3Q4Q1/ 98 Q2Q3Q4Q1/ 99 Q2 (%) Year-on-year change Quarter-on-quarter change, seasonally adjusted
2 Chart 2 External Trade Overall trade balance Imports of goods Exports of goods (% yoy) (HK$bn)
3 Chart 3 Retail Sales (Seasonally Adjusted) Q1/ 97Q2Q3Q4Q1/ 98Q2Q3Q4Q1/ 99Q2 (% qoq)
4 Chart 4 Tourist Arrivals ,000 1, ('000)
5 Chart 5 Labour Market (%, 3mma) Unemployment rate (LHS) Employment growth (RHS) (%, yoy)
6 Core Core excluding rent
7 Chart 7 Hang Seng Index 7,000 9,000 11,000 13,000 15,000 17, (31/7/64=100)
8 Chart 8 Residential Property Price Index (1995=100)
9 Chart 9 Interest Rates (%) 1-month HIBOR Differential between 1-month HIBOR and LIBOR
10 Chart 10 Loans Delinquency Ratio of Local Banks Q971Q982Q983Q984Q981Q992Q99 (Ratio)
11 Chart 11 Mortgage Loans Delinquency Ratio Jun-98Aug-98Oct-98Dec-98Feb-99Apr-99Jun-99 (Ratio)
Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q Hong Kong Indonesia Korea Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Thailand 1997 Q1-Q2 = 100 Chart 12 Nominal GDP Indices in US$ Terms