The Expenditure Report Executive Summary of adspend survey data for Q and forecasts to Q1 2012
Summary – Overall UK picture Outlook Adspend is expected to increase by 3.3% overall this year and by 2.4% in After six consecutive quarters of year-on-year declines, adspend grew by 3.4% at current prices in Q Growth should continue throughout the forecast period, but at a slower rate as increases in taxation and cuts in government spending begin to have an impact. TV, online and outdoor are expected to record strong growth in TV will be the fastest growing medium this year. Among the product categories, the Consumables and Retail sectors performed strongly in Q and both are expected to show above average growth this year. Financial advertising grew in the first quarter for the first time in over two years and should continue in this vein. As has been widely reported, government ad budgets will see significant cuts. Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report,
Summary – The UK Media Mix TV, internet, radio, outdoor and national newspapers all saw their shares of display advertising spend grow year-on-year in Q The internet (including search) now accounts for almost 70% of all classified advertising. The internet’s share of total advertising spend increased 3.3% in the year to March 2010 and TV gained 0.9%. This came at the expense of press and direct mail. Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report,
Summary – The UK Advertising Mix After most display media recorded significant adspend declines in 2009, growth should return to the majority this year with TV and internet being the fastest growing. Total display spend is forecast to be 4.2% up this year. Recruitment advertising budgets suffered badly in the recession with spend down 43% last year. A further significant decline is expected this year as unemployment remains high. A much smaller drop is forecast for Led by search advertising, other forms of classified are forecast to grow by 3.9% in total this year after last year’s 2.3% drop. Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report,
Adspend declined 14.3% year on year in 2009 (at constant prices) % Total UK adspend annual % change (at constant prices) Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report,
UK adspend is expected to increase throughout the forecast period % Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Total UK adspend annual % change (at current prices)
Out of home and TV recorded the strongest increases in spend in Q % Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Annual % change in UK adspend, Q Note: Internet data for Q is a Warc estimate.
Cinema and internet have been the only media to record growth for the year to date % Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Annual % change in UK adspend, year to March 2010 Note: Press total combines all newspaper and magazine categories. Internet data for Q is a Warc estimate.
All media bar press and direct mail gained share in Q Percentage points difference Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Annual percentage points change in share of UK adspend, Q Note: Internet data for Q is a Warc estimate.
The internet has had a significant share gain in the year to date Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Annual percentage points change in share of UK adspend, year to March 2010 Percentage points difference Note: Internet data for Q is a Warc estimate.
The topline data included in this presentation is drawn from the Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report. The Expenditure Report provides detailed and authoritative advertising expenditure data for all major media. For more information and to subscribe please visit