CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker


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Presentation transcript:

CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker Verilog CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker

Demux Example 2-to-4 demultiplexer with active low enable a b z[3] x 1

Demux: Structural Model enable a b z[3] z[2] z[1] z[0] x 1 // 2-to-4 demultiplexer module demux1(z,a,b,enable); input a,b,enable; output [3:0] z; wire abar,bbar; not v0(abar,a), v1(bbar,b); nand (z[0],enable,abar,bbar); nand (z[1],enable,a,bbar); nand (z[2],enable,abar,b); nand (z[3],enable,a,b); endmodule

Demux: Dataflow model // 2-to-4 demux // dataflow model module enable a b z[3] z[2] z[1] z[0] x 1 // 2-to-4 demux // dataflow model module demux2(z,a,b,enable); input a,b,enable; output [3:0] z; assign z[0] = | {~enable,a,b}; assign z[1] = ~(enable & a & ~b); assign z[2] = ~(enable & ~a & b); assign z[3] = enable ? ~(a & b) : 1'b1; endmodule

Demux: Behavioral Model // 2-to-4 demultiplexer with active-low outputs module demux3(z,a,b,enable); input a,b,enable; output [3:0] z; reg z; // not really a register! always @(a or b or enable) case ({enable,a,b}) default: z = 4'b1111; 3'b100: z = 4'b1110; 3'b110: z = 4'b1101; 3'b101: z = 4'b1011; 3'b111: z = 4'b0111; endcase endmodule enable a b z[3] z[2] z[1] z[0] x 1

Always Blocks The sensitivity list @( … ) contains the events triggering an evaluation of the block @(a or b or c) @(posedge a) @(negedge b) A Verilog compiler evaluates the statements in the always block in the order in which they are written

Assignments If a variable is assigned a value in a blocking assignment a = b & c; then subsequent references to a contain the new value of a Non-blocking assignments <= assigns the value that the variables had while entering the always block

D Flip-flop module D_FF(Q,D,clock); output Q; input D, clock; reg Q; always @(negedge clock) Q <= D; endmodule

Clock A sequential circuit will need a clock Clock code fragment supplied by the testbed Clock code fragment reg clock; parameter period = 100; initial clock 0; always @(period/2) clock = ~clock;

D-Flipflop with Synchronous Reset module flipflop(D, Clock, Resetn, Q); input D, Clock, Resetn; output Q; reg Q; always @(posedge Clock) if (!Resetn) Q <= 0; else Q <= D; endmodule // 7.46 in [BV]

Gated D-Latch module latch(D, clk, Q) input D, clk; output Q; reg Q; always @(D or clk) if (clk) Q <= D; endmodule Missing else clause => a latch will be synthesized to keep value of Q when clk=0

Shift register time D Q1 Q2 t0 1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 Q1 Q2 D Q D Q D Clock Positive edge triggered D flip-flops

What is wrong here? module example(D,Clock, Q1, Q2) input D, Clock; output Q1, Q2; reg Q1, Q2; always @(posedge Clock) begin end endmodule Q1 = D; Q2 = Q1; // D=Q1=Q2 Q1 = D; Q2 = Q1;

Shift register: Correct Version module example(D,Clock, Q1, Q2) input D, Clock; output Q1, Q2; reg Q1, Q2; always @(posedge Clock) begin Q1 <= D; Q2 <= Q1; end endmodule

Rule of Thumb Blocking assignments are used to describe combinatorial circuits Non-blocking assignments are used in sequential circuits

n-bit Ripple Carry Adder module ripple(cin, X, Y, S, cout); parameter n = 4; input cin; input [n-1:0] X, Y; output [n-1:0] S; output cout; reg [n-1:0] S; reg [n:0] C; reg cout; integer k; always @(X or Y or cin) begin C[0] = cin; for(k = 0; k <= n-1; k=k+1) S[k] = X[k]^Y[k]^C[k]; C[k+1] = (X[k] & Y[k]) |(C[k]&X[k])|(C[k]&Y[k]); end cout = C[n]; endmodule

Loops and Integers The for loop is used to instantiate hardware modules The integer k simply keeps track of instantiated hardware Do not confuse integers with reg variables

Bit-Counter Count the number of bits having value 1 in register X Again an example for parameters Another example of a for loop

Bit Counter module bit_cnt(X,Count); parameter n = 4; parameter logn = 2; input [n-1:0] X; output [logn:0] Count; reg [logn:0] Count; integer k; always @(X) begin Count = 0; for(k=0;k<n;k= k+1) Count=Count+X[k]; end endmodule