© 2013 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos. Campus Report Q Ipsos Training Center
Main Achievements during Q During this first quarter of 2013, the Ipsos Training Center (ITC) reached the following achievements: A significant growth in the number of people active in the campus (+26%) and the courses being actually taken (+38.6%), in comparison to last quarter. The update of the contents of the products’ training courses to match the changes in Ipsos’s offer. The development of new courses, especially for the Marketing School. The running of the Marketing School in 3 different locations New York, Chicago and Amsterdam) preparing for the remaining 2 to be held during the second quarter (Latam and Asia Pacific). This year, the number of participants almost doubled that of 2012 and this year’s edition included the Certification on MarketQuest tools. The worldwide launch of the IUU certification program comprising 18 courses. The broadening of the course and material offer for Ipsos SMX. The official launch of the ASI Newcomers Program in Peru and Argentina. The completion of 20 courses for Ipsos Operations that were made available to cover the entire process to be followed by the Operations teams globally.
Courses Offered Number of courses available as at March 31st, according to category NUMBER OF COURSES AVAILABLE CATEGORY SUBTOTAL 14 TOTAL192 Our offer also includes 126 webinar recordings for employees and 4 for clients
Employees’ e-Campus usage Employees from 79 countries out of the 85 in which Ipsos operates have used the e-Campus some time. This quarter shows activity from 74 countries. There are still seven countries which have never used the Campus: Albania Algeria Ivory Coast Kazakhastan Kosovo Montenegro
Completion Rate* per region Employees’ e-Campus usage *based on the number of passed courses over the total number of courses showing activity. Overall Completion Rate of 81%
Employees’ e-Campus usage by Region – Active Courses MEA Total South Africa328 Egypt201 Jordan114 Nigeria70 Saudi Arabia55 Ghana53 UAE52 Kenya47 Uganda40 Kuwait35 Pakistan26 Morocco22 Lebanon20 Tanzania18 Zambia17 Qatar3 Bahrain1 MEA OVERALL1102 Q TOTAL ACTIVE COURSES 12,920 EUROPE Total Germany375 Russia368 France338 United Kingdom248 Czech Republic165 Italy157 Poland155 Turkey149 Netherlands139 Romania138 Spain126 Serbia104 Ukraine101 Croatia91 Hungary77 Switzerland76 Sweden62 Belgium45 Bulgaria41 Denmark40 Norway40 Greece20 Slovakia18 Bosnia and Herzegovina16 Slovenia13 Macedonia10 Portugal3 EUROPE OVERALL3115 AMERICATotal United States709 Canada384 Mexico251 Brazil246 Peru235 Colombia185 Argentina153 Chile110 Venezuela54 Puerto Rico41 Bolivia40 Dominican Republic40 Ecuador25 Costa Rica7 Panama7 Guatemala6 AMERICA OVERALL2493 ASIA PACIFICTotal India1849 Malaysia1043 Hong Kong939 China516 Vietnam350 Singapore346 Indonesia245 Korea196 Taiwan186 Philippines179 Thailand161 Japan98 Australia83 New Zealand19 ASIA PACIFIC OVERALL6210 These charts show the ITC’s campus activity during Q1 2013, considering the number of active courses (e-classes and webinars).
Completion Rate ranking by Country Countries with Completion Rate Of 80% OR OVER Total # of active courses Completion Rate % Countries with Completion Rate UNDER 80% Total # of active courses Completion Rate % Argentina15385Australia8371 Belgium4582Bahrain10 Bosnia and Herzegovina16100Bolivia4078 Canada38480Brazil24677 Colombia18587Bulgaria4178 Croatia9199Chile11075 Czech Republic16585China51672 Denmark4090Costa Rica771 Dominican Republic4083Egypt20172 Ecuador2592Italy15777 France33880Japan9874 Germany37580Kenya4745 Ghana5381Korea19673 Greece2095Kuwait3571 Guatemala683Mexico25176 Hong Kong93991Morocco2273 Hungary7787New Zealand1947 India184983Pakistan2638 Indonesia24587Panama757 Jordan11483Peru23575 Lebanon2085Portugal30 Macedonia1090Puerto Rico4171 Malaysia104390Qatar367 Netherlands13990Saudi Arabia5576 Nigeria7083Slovenia1377 Norway4085South Africa32875 Philippines17985Sweden6276 Poland15581Tanzania1856 Romania13882Thailand16163 Russia36891Turkey14968 Serbia10498UAE5277 Singapore34681Uganda4075 Slovakia1883Vietnam35078 Spain12687Zambia1759 Switzerland7682 Taiwan18685 Ukraine10187 United Kingdom24880 United States70985 Venezuela5493
Average of Active Courses taken during Q REGION Employees with ACTIVITY in the campus during Q Total number of active courses during Q Average number of active courses per employee w/ ACTIVITY during Q AMERICAS ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MEA TOTAL REGION Employees with an ACCOUNT in the campus Total number of active courses during Q Average number of active courses per employee w/ ACCOUNT In the campus AMERICAS ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MEA TOTAL Average of ACTIVE COURSES taken during Q per employee with an ACCOUNT in the campus Average of ACTIVE COURSES taken during Q per employee who showed ACTIVITY in the campus during the same period of time 26% COMPARED TO Q % COMPARED TO Q4 2012
Penetration Rate REGION Employees with ACTIVITY in the campus during Q HC as at March Penetration rate: Employees w/activity in 2012 / Total HC AMERICAS % ASIA PACIFIC % EUROPE % MEA % TOTAL % REGION Employees with an ACCOUNT in the campus HC as at March Penetration rate II: Employees w/ account in the ITC / Total HC AMERICAS % ASIA PACIFIC % EUROPE % MEA % TOTAL % Employees with an ACCOUNT in the campus over Ipsos Headcount as at March 31st, 2013 Employees with ACTIVITY in the campus during Q over Ipsos Headcount as at March 31st, 2013
Client Campus activity – Main facts New course made available for clients: Personal Effectiveness Worldwide communication by country: the ITC continued with the campaign “A world of Learning with Ipsos”, launching it in 8 countries: Bosnia Croatia Ghana India Macedonia Serbia Slovenia Thailand Argentina: the ITC started organizing meetings with the different BU Managers in Argentina to share information about this initiative and to team up closely with them. Korea: Hyesik Min, HR Manager, is developing a communication activity introducing the ITC to clients in Korea. He started out with the translation of the ITC brochure to distribute it among their clients. Mexico: Fabiola Alvarez, HR for Mexico, is managing the ITC communication by Business Unit. She started with MediaCT and the first list of clients to register came from the Carat Company.
Challenges for Next Quarter Start on the development of 6 modules for IIS Latam Keep updating the contents of our products’ training courses to accompany Ipsos’s offer Continue with the organization of the two remaining Marketing Schools (Latam and Asia) Implement an effective reporting method to fully reflect the new suite of Marketing tools and to keep track of the Certification history Evaluate the feasibility of turning the platform into a social environment with incremental interaction Improve Clients offer through the ITC Design new ITC communication material to be shared with the HRs teams and ITC users Start on the development of 6 modules for IIS Latam Keep updating the contents of our products’ training courses to accompany Ipsos’s offer Continue with the organization of the two remaining Marketing Schools (Latam and Asia) Implement an effective reporting method to fully reflect the new suite of Marketing tools and to keep track of the Certification history Evaluate the feasibility of turning the platform into a social environment with incremental interaction Improve Clients offer through the ITC Design new ITC communication material to be shared with the HRs teams and ITC users Develop and implement the CM’s School (f2f training) Increase the Management & Softskill training offer in the ITC Keep working on the Better Leaders Academy Keep communicating the L&D Philosophy, ensuring it becomes part of the Ipsos culture Develop and implement the CM’s School (f2f training) Increase the Management & Softskill training offer in the ITC Keep working on the Better Leaders Academy Keep communicating the L&D Philosophy, ensuring it becomes part of the Ipsos culture
Thank you!