Helping Students Link Their Insights to Education and Career Choices Continuum and Planning
Objectives By the end of this workshop, participants will: Be able to identify ways to link a learning styles (Multiple Intelligence) inventory, a career interest profile, and post-secondary study options for students Identify places to find resources within your district/state or on the internet to use with students Identify streamlined ways to collect data to support program development
Pair Share Who are you? Where are you from? What role do you play in career education? What are you hoping to get out of this workshop?
Why a continuum? What is the first job for a student? Can we apply the same techniques of “career counseling” to “student counseling?” What are the similarities/differences? What are the benefits of linking? What is the theory of action that will improve student outcomes? How do we link? Where do we start?
Year 1: Learning Styles Inventory These are the questions we collect data on: I know my preferred learning styles and can use them to help me study for my classes. I know how to get information from a text in order to understand course concepts. I have at least one study strategy I know will be effective when I go to college/university. I know how to create balance in my life and reduce my stress level, while managing my school workload.
Online Multiple Intelligence Inventories
Here are the results from the assessments we use
These are our processing questions Does this sound like you? How would you use this information? Create a study plan for yourself based on your results. How would you play to your strengths? Write a journal entry responding to the above questions.
Example of Results Using EZAnalyze 1. I know my preferred learning styles and can use them to help me study for my classes. Q1 preQ1 post Mean: Std. Dev.: N Pairs:126 Mean Differe nce:-.214 SE of Diff.:.071 Eta Square d:.070 T-Score:3.084 P:.003
Year 2: Linking Learning Styles with Personality/Career inventory These are the questions we collect data on: I am able to identify my own personal skills, interests and abilities and relate them to a potential career choice. I know the various ways in which occupations can be classified I am aware of research and information tools that I can use to identify a prospective career choice I know how to maintain a career planning portfolio
Online Holland Interest Profiler Info
Here are the results from the assessments we use
How we link Learning Style and MI Low Auditory/High Auditory Low Tactile/High Tactile Study Alone/Study with Others Musical Verbal Logical Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Visual Naturalistic Existential MBTI and Career Interest Profiler Introvert/Extrovert Sensing/Perceiving Thinking/Feeling Judging/Perceiving Artistic Social Investigative Enterprising Conventional Realistic
These are our processing questions Compare your results from the Learning Styles assessments to the Career Assessments? Were there similarities? Were there differences? Putting all the information together, what picture does it paint of you? What suggested careers from the assessments are most interesting to you and why? Journal about the above questions
Example of Data using Naviance embedded Survey Pre-surveyPost-Survey
Year 3: College and Beyond Linking Course of Study to Personality These are the outcome data questions we will collecting data on: Number of student D’s and F’s Student post-secondary persistence via Nat’l Student Clearinghouse and Naviance Alumni Tracker Theory of action: Students are more likely to persist if their study goals or strategies match their skills and interests Think: How might you adjust this based on the population you work with?
How we Link Students review their journal entry about their “picture” They brainstorm general key words from their career results to use in a college major search with the embedded engine Students link the resulting “major areas of study” to find colleges that offer a major that fits their academic achievement profile
College Major information
Here are the results that we use Think: How might you adjust this based on the population you work with?
These are our processing questions Were there college majors that came up with your key word search that you had not heard of before? What were the ones that excited you most? Were there colleges that came up when you searched that you had not heard of before? Which were they? Create a list of 6-10 colleges that you will plan on applying to next year.
Any Questions?