ABC Board of Education Local Educational Agency Plan (LEA Plan) Valencia Mayfield, Assistant Superintendent Academic Services Mike McCoy, Director of Child.


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Presentation transcript:

ABC Board of Education Local Educational Agency Plan (LEA Plan) Valencia Mayfield, Assistant Superintendent Academic Services Mike McCoy, Director of Child Development Special Program Steve Harris, ABCFT Vice President Gina Zietlow, Gahr High School, Principal March 2, 2010

LEA Plan Defined The LEA Plan is comprehensive and establishes a common direction for raising the academic focus for ALL student groups to achieve state academic standards and is used to guide implementation of federal and state funded programs and allocation of resources.

LEA Plan Revision Process

ABC’s Stakeholders Provide LEA Plan Input Parent Groups Students (Assessment Data) Community Groups Teachers and Administrators District Leadership Team LEA Plan Board of Education

District Leadership Team  Dr. Smuts, Superintendent  Dr. Sieu, Deputy Superintendent  Mrs. Mayfield, Assistant Superintendent-Academic Services  Dr. Hansen, Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources  Mr. Nguyen, Chief Financial Officer  Mr. McCoy, Director Child Development and Special Programs  Mrs. Bodger, Director of Schools  Dr. Hixson, Director of Human Resources  Dr. Sprigg, Director of Information and Technology  Mrs. Gonsalves, Supervisor- Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development  Ms. Jaimes, Supervisor Special Education  Mrs. Somosi, Supervisor Special Education  Dr. Guo, Adult School Principal  Mrs. Zietlow, Gahr HS Principal  Mr. Brown, Ross MS Principal  Mrs. Olivos, Melbourne ES Principal  Ms. Rico, ABCFT President  Mr. Harris, ABCFT Vice-President

Parent Groups  District English Learner Advisory Council - Parents of English learners  Community Advisory Committee - Parents of students with disabilities

Community Groups  Strategic Planning Board Advisory Committee  Student Achievement - Closing the Achievement Gap Board Advisory Ad Hoc Committee

State Required Self-Assessment Tools  District Assistance Survey (DAS) is designed to examine how a district supports schools.  Academic Program Surveys (APS) analyzes the extent to which schools provide a coherent instructional program to support improved achievement.  Inventory of Services and Supports (ISS) is designed to help districts examine their policies, procedures, and practices to address the learning needs of students with disabilities.  English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA) is designed to help districts and schools analyze the effectiveness of program services for English learners.

Full Implemented Minimal Implemented Less than 50% Implementation Partially Implemented Self-Assessment Tools Indicate Progress Towards Full Implementation of Research Based Effective Practices

LEA Plan Required Components Performance Goal Areas

LEA Plan Performance Goals Numbers Standards-based Instructional Materials 2. Instructional Pacing Guides 3. District Benchmark Assessments and Data Analysis 4. Multi-Tiered Interventions 5. English Learners

Standards-Based Instructional Materials Teachers use district adopted, standards-based instructional and supplemental materials to differentiate instruction and to meet the diverse needs of students.

Instructional Pacing Guides District staff and teachers collaboratively develop district-wide pacing guides to ensure that all students receive a common sequence of grade level, standards-based instruction and common assessments.

District Benchmark Assessments and Data Analysis Teachers administer district standards- based formative assessments as scheduled. Assessment results are used to monitor student progress, to identify students for interventions, to inform instructional planning, and to determine program effectiveness.

Multi-Tiered Interventions  Benchmark Interventions - Teachers differentiate instruction and use the district-adopted supplemental materials to meet the needs of students.  Strategic Interventions - Schools allocate additional instructional time and use the supplemental materials for students reading one year below grade level eighth through tenth grade students who need instruction in pre- algebraic skills and concepts necessary to succeed in Algebra I  Intensive interventions - Schools allocate additional instructional time for students reading two or more years below grade level and use specialized intervention materials designed to accelerate students’ reading levels.

English Learners Teachers provide standards-based English Language Development (ELD) instruction for English learners.  Students scoring beginning to intermediate on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) receive a minimum of 30 minutes per day of ELD in elementary and one period per day of ELD at the secondary level.  Student progress in acquiring and mastering English is monitored using CELDT and other English proficiency measures.

LEA Plan Performance Goals Numbers 6 through High School Graduation 7. Advanced Placement Classes 8. Auxiliary Programs 9. Safe School Environment 10. Parent Involvement and Education

High School Graduation District and high school plans provide additional student support to increase the percentage of students who graduate.

Advanced Placement Classes District and high school efforts will ensure that all students have access to advanced placement opportunities.

Auxiliary Programs  Auxiliary Programs: Migrant Education Preschool Before and After School Programs  Auxiliary programs will support core instruction by providing extended learning opportunities for students.

Safe School Environment Schools will use the results of the Healthy Kids Survey to establish goals for: Continue student education on the negative consequences associated with the use of tobacco, alcohol, and recreational drugs Continue to increase student awareness of safe school practices (anti-bullying, gang prevention) and available resources for physical, social, emotional, and intellectual support

Parent Involvement and Education  Schools encourage parent participation and provide parents with information on various opportunities for involvement.  Schools provide parents with the opportunity to attend workshops on how state and site level assessments, progress reports, and report cards are used to monitor and evaluate student progress.

LEA Plan Performance Goals Numbers 11 through Monitoring Program Effectiveness 12. Teacher Collaboration 13. Professional Development 14. Highly Qualified Teachers 15. Fiscal Support

Monitoring Program Effectiveness District and schools use an easily accessible electronic data management system (DataDirector) to monitor student achievement progress on state, district, and site assessments.

Teacher Collaboration Teacher collaboration is uniformly scheduled, preferably twice a month. It is focused on assessment data analysis, student progress monitoring, lesson design and delivery, and use of district- adopted instructional and supplemental materials.

Professional Development Teachers and administrators receive professional development in district adopted instructional and supplemental materials, and in effective strategies for differentiating instruction for all students.

Highly Qualified Teachers  Professional development is focused on the use of standards-based materials, effective teaching strategies, and the use of assessment data to guide instruction.  Continue to assure all students are taught by highly qualified teachers.

Fiscal Support  10% of the federal Title I allocation is used to provide professional development to meet the LEA Plan goals.  The District ensures that all students have access to district adopted instructional materials.

Professional Growth For All Employees Effective Resource & Facilities Management Academic Excellence For All Parent & Community Involvement Healthy Students - Healthy Adults Student Achievement Student Achievement ABC’s Commitment Student Achievement – Our Main Thing