TETRA Release 2 - Overview Ranko Pinter Simoco Digital Systems
Agenda ETSI Project TETRA Market Overview TETRA 2 Enhancements TETRA 2 Users and Applications Current Status of the TETRA R2.
ETSI Project TETRA (EPT) v v v v v v v v v ETSI Specs
Market Overview Release 1 TETRA is almost complete Growth of Wireless communication Impact of Internet & 2.5/ 3G on TETRA market Need for TETRA enhancements is driven by new applications, e.g requiring higher data speeds.
TETRA Release 2 Services & Facilities Not a new Standard but enhancement of the various aspects of TETRA Release 1, viz. Air Interface Speech Coding SIM Evolution Roaming & Interworking with Cellular High Speed Data
Air Interface Enhancements Extending RF Range Reducing Call set- up Time and End-to-end Delay Increasing in Subscriber Capacity Extending Battery Life Reducing Terminals Size & Weight.
Roaming & Interworking Codec and SIM Roaming to GSM/ GPRS Systems Retrieval of WAP Applications Retrieval of SMS Messages Use of UMTS/ 3G SIM Technology for Improved Interworking Use of UMTS/ 3G Codecs to Avoid Double Voice Coding.
TETRA R2 - High Speed Data IP driven requirement for higher-speed packet data Two-track approach adopted - TAPS and TEDS, in order to meet conflicting market needs: - of PAMR Operators for Rapid market deployment (overlay TAPS) - for backward compatibility (integrated TEDS)
TETRA Advanced Packet Service - TAPS An Overlay System Needs New Infrastructure & Terminals Data rates up to 384 kbps 200 kHz Channel Raster Based on Adaptation of GPRS and Classic EDGE Technologies Standard Publication expected in early 2002.
TETRA Enhanced Data Service - TEDS An Integrated System Technology selection based on User Requirement Specification from EPT Working Group 1 Four candidate technology currently under consideration in EPT Working Group 4 Technology selection expected during Q1 2002
Findings from Questionnaire - HSD TEDS Mandatory requirements Backward compatibility Service flexibility Security compatibility As marketable as Release 1 Other important requirements Ease of Infrastructure upgrade Minimal need for extra B/Ss Flexible upgrade to 400kbps Efficient use of spectrum Ease of MS upgrade
TETRA HSD Road Map x x x x x TERMINALS INFRASTRUCTURE TETRA R2 Phase 1 Appendix EPT WG1 (01)037 O K C 69 F B ABC INTEGRATED TEDS & TAPS? TERMINALS O K C 69 F B ABC R1+TAPS terminal?? O K C 69 F B ABC TETRA R1 terminal R1+TEDS O K C 69 F B ABC TAPS terminal O K C 69 F B ABC O K C 69 F B ABC TETRA R1 terminal TETRA R1 terminal TAPS terminal R1/ TEDS Base Station INTEGRATED TAPS? Base Station TETRA R1 Base Station TETRA R1 Base Station TETRA TAPS Base Station`` x TETRA R1 Network TAPS Network R1/ TEDS Network Integrated TEDS/ TAPS? Network INFRASTRUCTURE TETRA R1 Network x x x x TETRA R2 Phase 1 TAPS max. 384 kbps TETRA R1 max. 28.8kbps TETRA R2 Phase 2 ?? 28.8kbps<TEDS<384 kbps TETRA HSD Road Map
TETRA Release 2 Applications - Technocop
video camera attached to the personal weapon CIS using new antenna technology including an in-built GPS personal comm.. & info. pack visor with head-up display video camera attached to the personal weapon protective clothing, with built-in telepresence system, i.e.. sensors monitoring chemical, RF or radiation attack batteries and the support system
Present Situation Set of TETRA Release 2 User Requirement Specifications (URS) has been approved and issued as Technical Report TR 102 021to all the EPT Working Groups User Workshop has been organised in order to resolve conflicting requirements for HSD Continued liaison between WG1 and other Working Groups is essential to achieve the right balance and the successful outcome
For more information visit: www.tetramou.com www.etsi.org Thank you. For more information visit: www.tetramou.com www.etsi.org