1 National Research Frameworks: Application to Transportation David L. Huft SDDOT Research Program Manager July 25, 2011
Transportation Research Program Administration Int’l Scan Sweden Netherlands European Commission France Japan South Korea 2
3 Some Important Findings from the TRPA International Scan Agenda Setting Transportation research is directly related to national economic growth and competitiveness in every country visited Strategic and policy driven agendas for transportation research are the standard National research agendas had topics similar to US and addressed them by cross-ministerial R&D activities Collaboration Transportation research partnerships and joint research efforts are essential, ubiquitous, and actively promoted Research institutes are an important vehicle for exercising transportation partnerships and collaborations
4 Work Task “The study will consider whether and how experience in the development of strategic research frameworks in the transportation sector internationally non-transportation sectors in the US can be applied to surface transportation research in the US.” Internationally Europe Asia Multi-National & National US Non-Transportation Agriculture Defense Energy Health Astronomy Other Industries
5 Work Task The Committee will: identify and assess promising models and frameworks for transportation research, development, & deployment (RD&D) in other nations; identify and assess US examples of national RD&D strategic planning in sectors outside of transportation; describe and evaluate potential frameworks and institutional models for the US for transportation RD&D, including agenda-setting, coordination, partnerships, and knowledge creation and application.
6 Some Emerging Study Themes (with much work left to do) What is a research framework? How broad is transportation research? Where does transportation research fit in the national research picture? Long-Term Research Research Agenda Setting By whom? For whom? How used? Collaboration & Partnership Models Evaluation & Assessment (before & after) What can fit the US?
7 Project Timeline (simplified) Q3Q4Q1QQ3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2 Project Start Committee Meetings ● ●●●●● Workshops ●● Gather Information ●● ●●●● Report Draft ● Develop Consensus ● Report Review ● Respond to Review ● Release Report ●
8 Committee Members Sue McNeill (chair), U of Delaware William Ball, OnStar (retired) Irwin Feller, Penn State U Robert Gallamore, consultant Genevieve Giuliano, USC David Huft, SDDOT Dennis Judycki, FHWA (retired) T. John Kim, U of Illinois Laurie McGinnis, U of Minnesota Herb Richardson, TTI Peter Sweatman, U of Michigan Nigel Wilson, MIT Debra Elston, FHWA Liaison Andrew Lemer, NCHRP Liaison Curtis Tompkins, RITA Liaison For more information: Jill Wilson Study Director Transportation Research Board Phone: