Victorian Modelling Group Members Members
AECOM Aurecon Bentley DHI GHD Golovin MWH MWHSoft Urban Water Solutions Barwon Water Central Highlands Water City West Water Coliban Water Gippsland Water Goulburn Valley Water Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water Lower Murray Water Melbourne Water North East Water South East Water South Gippsland Water Wannon Water Westernport Water Yarra Valley Water 1 Dec 2009 VMG Organisations
VMG Members Number of registered members: 49 Number of members who completed the survey: 22 (45%) 1 Dec 2009
Victorian Modelling Group Survey Survey
Q1 1 Dec 2009
Q5 Your other suggestions: “I am interested to hear about water quality / energy optimisation using model in Victoria.” “Include water quality modelling.” “Presentations at meetings should be on topics that will interest as many of the representatives as possible.” 1 Dec 2009
Q5 “Being a group within the AWA will link us with similar groups in other states and overseas and also give us access to resources for organising meetings and distributing information.” “Having a formal group may assist in development of Industry standards.” Your other suggestions: 1 Dec 2009
Q5 Your other suggestions: “Be careful about affiliation with the likes of AWA……. In New Zealand we made the mistake of joining the NZWWA at the beginning to give us credibility and they just took us over and used us as a way of increasing membership but not autonomy……. My advice is to stand-alone, build up collegiality, organise event on the smell of an oily rag and be open minded about what modellers you can have on board.” 1 Dec 2009
Victorian Modelling Group Aims Aims
Main Aim The exchange of information between members in the areas of water supply and wastewater focusing on hydraulic modelling and water quality modelling. To achieve our aim, we may need to have in short term: Meetings with presentations and discussions Regular newsletter Internet forum 1 Dec 2009
Thank you to all who completed the survey ! Thank you for your attention. 1 Dec 2009