AL-ASWAAT (THE VOICES) A unique short message base reporting tool, allow Organization to design multiple Issued Base Reporting (IBR), Short Message Base Surveys (SMBS) and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). AL-ASWAAT (THE VOICES) facilitate to get messages from potential subscribers and promptly presents a results on portal with frequency distribution of thematic design. Send 8786
ISSUE BASE REPORTING (IBR) FACT SHEET Identical numeric code for corresponding message transmitted with primary keyword Design multiple campaigns according to the thematic research Best tools for civil societies and community based organizations Observers, Groups, Surveyors and frequent respondent who report according to thematic design Prompt appearance on website and portals Third party integrations and support Issue Based Reporting 8786
ISSUE BASE REPORTING (IBR) MOBILE OPERATION Step 1: Registration Process (First Time Only) 1.Open write message 2.Write message [space] REG[space],, e.g. PISP REG Mohsin, ,Rawalpindi 3.And send to 8786 Step 2: Sending Messages (Every time when to Report) 1.Open write message 2.Write message [space] e.g. PISPL a1 3.And send to 8786
IBR ON A DASHBOARD Total number of issue reported 2.Total number of reporting in a current day 3.Total subscriber who are engaged with the services 4.Total subscriber who reported in a current day 5.Slice Graph by Theme 6.Slice Graph by City/District 6 6
SURVEYS FACT SHEET The best tool for research and survey companies for prompt responses Viable use for socio-economic research Multiple surveys can be designed Single as well as multiple responses can be recorded by the surveyors and observers Prompt visibility of data on portal Integration with websites and portal Research and 8786
SURVEY MOBILE OPERATION Start Survey 1.Open write message 2.Write message [space] e.g. PISP ss1 3.And send to Follow the questions and reply with options of responses only PISPL ss1 Up to what extent you like or dislike t? 1.Extremely Liked 2.Very liked 3.Extremely Disliked 4.Very disliked 5.Neither Liked nor Dislike 1 Start Survey Reply from system through 8786 with first question Reply with option number
SURVEYS ON A DASHBOARD Total number of Question Answered 2.Total number of Question Answered in a current day 3.Total respondent who Answered 4.Total respondent who Answered in a current day 5.Slice Graph of Question Answered by respondents
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQS) FACT SHEET The solutions for academic institutes and quiz programs Beneficial for initial recruitments test Multiple MCQs can be designed Single as well as multiple responses can be replied by students Prompt visibility of data on portal Third party Integration support with websites and portal 8786 Multiple Choice Questions 8786
MCQS MOBILE OPERATION Start MCQ 1.Open write message 2.Write message [space] e.g. PISP mcq1 3.And send to Follow the questions and reply with options of responses only PISPL mcq1 Q1. [Chemistry] What is the Chemical reaction of HCL and NAOH? 1.H 2 O + NACL 2.HCL + H 2 O 3.NACL + HCL 4.None of Above 1 Start MCQ Reply from system through 8786 with first question Reply with option number
MCQS ON A DASHBOARD Total number of Question Answered 2.Total number of Question Answered in a current day 3.Total number of students who Answered 4.Total number of students who Answered in a current day 5.Slice Graph of Question Answered by students
ABOUT PISPL Prime Integrated Solution Private Limited (PISPL) was formed in October 2013 and registered as a legal entity in March 2014 Under Section 32 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984) PISPL is established in inspiration to support and to work with Institutions, groups and communities to provide solutions to the Programs and Thematic Research through viable use of Information Technology
VISION “Better Technology for Better Future”
MISSION To build Information Hubs and create opportunities for individuals, groups and communities
OUR GOALS Strengthen individual, community and groups to put forth their potential and contribute their value for National Interest Provide technological solutions to empower society to raise their voices for better policy reforms Engage efforts in contribution for economical growth and reduce the poverty Establish technology hubs for better opportunities and work environment