03 // /ADRIA REGION:GEMIUS GEMIUS AUDIENCE MEASUREMENT IN ADRIA REGION Source: Gemius/Valicon, gemiusAudience in BiH and Croatia, MOSS-SOZ - Valicon/Gemius in Slovenia, ABC gemiusAudience in Serbia. Croatia – since January 2007 Slovenia – since June 2007 Partners B&H – since January 2008 Serbia – since July 2011 Gemius - more than 4 years of experience in Adria region
04 // /ADRIA REGION: MARKET SIZE ADRIA INTERNET MARKET OVERVIEW Total Population (users’ age:15-75): over 4M inhabitants Online Population (users’ age:15-75): Internet Penetration rate (users’ age:15-75): 44% Total Population (users’ age:12-75): over 4M inhabitants Online Population (users’ age:12-75): Internet Penetration rate (users’ age:12-75): 51% Total Population: Online Population: Internet Penetration rate: 56 % Total Population (users’ age:10-75): over 2M inhabitants Online Population (users’ age:10-75): Internet Penetration rate (users’ age:10-75): 68% Croatia B&H Serbia Slovenia the highest penetration in Slovenia, lowest in Bosnia and Hercegovina Biggest online population in Serbia
05 // /SERBIA: MOST POPULAR WEBSITES RANKING OF THE MOST POPULAR WEBSITES IN SERBIA source of data: Gemius SA Some big websites still missing in data like
06 // /SERBIA: POSSIBLE DIRECTIONS WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN? source of data: Megapanel PBI / Gemius, July 2011 Advertising networks: curently HTTPool In Poland 5 networks. Arbo Interactive with 94% reach – more then Google. Affiliate platforms: no activity in Serbia. In Poland 6 platforms. Video and mobiles has insignificant share in ad spends.
07 // /SERBIA: SEARCH ENGINES SEARCH ENGINES IN SERBIA (by share of visits) Source:: Gemius SA
08 // /ADRIA REGION: WEB BROWSERS TRENDS OF WEB BROWSERS IN CROATIA Source: Gemius/Valicon, gemiusTraffic, Q – Q Firefox – leader since Q4 2009
09 // /SERBIA: BROWSERS BROWSERS IN SERBIA (by share of cookies) Source:: Gemius SA
010 // /SERBIA: OPERATING SYSTEMS OPERATING SYSTEMS IN SERBIA Source:: Gemius SA within the ranking of OS Windows is the undisputed leader
011 // /SERBIA: MOBILE TOP 5 MOBILE DEVICES IN SERBIA (by share of page views) among all mobile devices used in Serbia to access the internet iPhone is the most popular Apple iPhone 19,3% Apple iPad 14,4% Nokia E72 2% Nokia C3 5,2% Nokia 2700 classic 1,8% Source:: Gemius SA
012 // /ADRIA REGION: TOOLS TOP 5 MOBILE DEVICES IN SLOVENIA among all mobile devices used in Slovenia to access the internet iPad is the most popular Apple iPad 24,90% Apple iPhone 11,69% Samsung Galaxy SII 6,09% Samsung Galaxy S 7,04% HTC Desire 2,56% top 5 mobile devices in Slovenia by the website-averaged percentage share of page views generated by internet users form Slovenia, who visit the Slovenian websites using gemiusTraffic (gemiusTraffic, September 2011)
013 // /SERBIA: MOBILE TOP MOBILE DEVICES MANUFACTURERS IN SERBIA (by share of page views) Source:: Gemius SA
014 // /ADRIA REGION: MAIN MARKET PLAYERS THE FACEBOOK PHENOMENON (mm internet users) 2011 in CEE was the year of Facebook? the global giant began a constant growth source of data:
016 // /CEE: MARKET SIZE INTERNET POPULATION (mm internet users / 2011) the biggest pure CEE markets are: Russia (53.7 million internet users) and Poland (18.9 million internet users) Turkey takes the second place in this ranking (24.5 million internet users ) internet population in the CEE region (June 2011); source of data: Ukraine: gemiusAudience; Hungary: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data; Latvia: gemiusAudience; Czech Republic: NetMonitor - SPIR - Mediaresearch & Gemius; Romania: Mercury Research; Slovakia: AIMmonitor - AIM – Mediaresearch & Gemius; Bulgaria: gemiusAudience (data collected using Synovate research); Poland: Megapanel PBI/Gemius; Slovenia: gemiusAudience; Turkey: Ipsos KMG (data for July 2011); Russia: Gemius estimation based on FOM statistics/gemiusFusion Data; Estonia: gemiusAudience (data collected using TURU-UURINGUTE AS research); Lithuania: gemiusAudience; Croatia: Gemius/Valicon; Belarus: gemiusAudience; Romania: Euromonitor; Bosnia: gemiusAudience; Serbia: (June 2010) [age groups – Lithuania, Poland: 7+; Czech Rep.: 10+; Croatia, Turkey: 12+; Estonia, Latvia,Hungary: 15+; Ukraine: 16+ Russia: 18+; Slovenia: 10-75; Slovakia: 14-79;Bosnia: 15-65; Bulgaria: 15-69; Belarus: 15-74]
017 // /CEE: MARKET SIZE INTERNET POPULATION ( growth) the whole CEE +16 million new internet users Russia = fastest growing market: 30% increase in the number of internet users internet population in the CEE region – growth (June 2010 – June 2011); source of data: Hungary: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data; Latvia: gemiusAudience; Czech Republic: NetMonitor - SPIR - Mediaresearch & Gemius; Romania: Mercury Research; Slovakia: AIMmonitor - AIM – Mediaresearch & Gemius; Bulgaria: gemiusAudience (data collected using Synovate research); Poland: Megapanel PBI/Gemius; Slovenia: gemiusAudience; Turkey: Ipsos KMG; Russia: Gemius estimation based on FOM statistics/gemiusFusion Data; Estonia: gemiusAudience (data collected using TURU-UURINGUTE AS research); Lithuania: gemiusAudience; Croatia: Gemius/Valicon; Belarus: gemiusAudience; Romania: Euromonitor; Bosnia: gemiusAudience; [age groups – Lithuania, Poland: 7+; Czech Rep.: 10+; Croatia, Turkey: 12+; Estonia, Latvia, Hungary: 15+; Ukraine: 16+ Russia: 18+; Slovenia: 10-75; Slovakia: 14-79;Bosnia: 15-65; Bulgaria: 15-69; Belarus: 15-74]
018 // /CEE: MARKET DEVELOPMENT INTERNET PENETRATION ( change) smallest markets = the highest penetration level Eastern markets = the lowest penetration level Belarus = the greatest improvement: +16 percentage points Internet penetration in the CEE region (2010 – 2011); source of data: Ukraine: gemiusAudience; Hungary: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data; Latvia: gemiusAudience; Czech Republic: NetMonitor - SPIR - Mediaresearch & Gemius; Romania: Mercury Research; Slovakia: AIMmonitor - AIM – Mediaresearch & Gemius; Bulgaria: gemiusAudience (data collected using Synovate research); Poland: Megapanel PBI/Gemius; Slovenia: gemiusAudience; Turkey: Ipsos KMG; Russia: Gemius estimation based on FOM statistics/gemiusFusion Data; Estonia: gemiusAudience (data collected using TURU-UURINGUTE AS research); Lithuania: gemiusAudience; Croatia: Gemius/Valicon; Belarus: gemiusAudience; Romania: Euromonitor; Bosnia: gemiusAudience; Serbia: (June 2010) [age groups – Lithuania, Poland: 7+; Czech Rep.: 10+; Croatia, Turkey: 12+; Estonia, Latvia, Hungary: 15+; Ukraine: 16+ Russia: 18+; Slovenia: 10-75; Slovakia: 14-79;Bosnia: 15-65; Bulgaria: 15-69; Belarus: 15-74]
019 // /CEE: MARKET POTENTIAL ONLINE ADSPENDS (mm € / change) Russians, Poles and Czechs spend the biggest amount of money on internet advertising Slovakia opens the group of small markets – Serbia must catch up online adpends in the CEE region ( ); source of data: IAB Europe, TNS LT, SPIR, ZenithOptimedia, Gemius. All countries except for Ukraine, Belarus and Serbia: gross values
020 // /CEE: MARKET POTENTIAL ONLINE ADSPENDS PER INTERNET USER (€ / 2010) within the ranking of online adspends per user the Czech Republic is the undisputed leader the least money per average user last year was spent in Serbia (2,04€) online adpends per internet user in the CEE region (2010); source of data: IAB Europe, TNS LT, SPIR, ZenithOptimedia, Gemius. All countries except Ukraine, Belarus and Serbia: gross values