I 2 fs REMPI 1) Energetics / excitation calculations....slide 2 2) Absorption spectrum slides 3-6 3)REMPI spectrum slide 7 4)(2B+2R)fs-REMPI scheme slide 8 5)Effect of laser pulse bandwidth slides
B = Blue R = red I2I2 IE=9.3074eV exc.B(2) R(2) IE-exc cm-1 nm cm photonsE/cm Dalby (v´,0) lines: BB 1hv/cm-12hv 0, , ,
Slide 5 Slide 6 In Slide 9
1hv absorption cross section / nm cm -1
2hv = …………………………………… cm -1 One- color I 2 REMPI 1hv The Dalby system
I 2 Rel. Absorption 1980 & See next Slide : Visible absorption I e cm -1 Dalby System: I 2 ** <-<- I 2 +2hv for (v´,v´´=0) transitions (v´=0 – 6): cm (v´=1,v´´=0) E/cm -1 2B 2 x nm 2R / 2 x nm (2B + 2R) fs- REMPI of I 2
I2 Abs. shown in slide 8:
2hv = …………………………………… cm -1 One- color I 2 REMPI 1hv The Dalby system 7 nm Bandwidth For 1hv(?)
NB!: Assuming about 7 nm bandwidth for the fs pulse (Is that correct???) The Dalby system could be split into two – three regions (see slide above) to see effect of changing vibrational energies on lifetimes. Moving to other electronic systems (higher in energy; possibly lower in energy(?)) will allow comparison of electronic states (and vibrational energies) in terms of lifetimes.