Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services Task design – SACE Stage 2 Workshop term 2 2010 Part 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services Task design – SACE Stage 2 Workshop term Part 1

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services Pages referred to are in this accompanying document

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services The subject outline Assessment Types school based 70%, external assessment 30% Assessment Design Criteria Teachers look for evidence Specific features Of each Assessment Design Criteria Performance Standards Levels of achievement against the specific features

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services The subject outline? Example, Geography How many assessment design criteria? How many assessments? How much student work? How many assessment types? fieldwork inquiry folio exam knowledge and understanding; application, analysis, evaluation and reflection one fieldwork report one inquiry folio of four to six group or individual assessments an external exam Inquiry 1500 words or eq Folio 2000 words or eq Fieldwork 1800 words or eq Written exam 2 hrs

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services Your subject outline? Legal Studies How many assessment design criteria? How many assessments? How much student work? How many assessment types? Inquiry Folio Examination knowledge and understanding; Inquiry, Evaluation Communication Inquiry 1500 words Folio – no limit Exam 3 hours four to six folio tasks one exam one Inquiry 8-10 tasks

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services Your program? Legal Studies assessment design criteria? assessment numbers? assessment quantity assessment types? Inquiry Folio Examination Knowledge and understanding Inquiry, Evaluation Communication Inquiry 1500 words Exam 3 hours Folio – no limits DECS new SACE leaders’ Handbook 4-6 folio assessments one Investigation one externally marked exam 8-10 tasks

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services Business Studies Curriculum Statement 2010 Learning Outcomes At the end of the program in Stage 2 Legal Studies, students should be able to: analyse the ways in which legal issues shape, and are shaped by, society now and how they may do so in the future; appreciate influences that have shaped the Australian legal system; demonstrate civic literacy through active participation within the legal system; evaluate principles, structures, and processes within legal systems; critically reflect on how a changing global community influences the Australian legal system; reflect critically on values inherent in the Australian legal system. Assessment in your subject currently begins with.. which becomes… Legal Studies Subject Outline 2011 Learning Requirements In this subject, students are expected to: display knowledge and understanding of the influences that have shaped the Australian legal system know and understand legal principles, processes, and structures recognise how the Australian legal system responds to cultural diversity demonstrate civic literacy through active inquiry into the legal system evaluate how the changing global community influences the Australian legal system evaluate the ways in which legal issues shape and are shaped by society now, and how they may do so in the future communicate informed observations and opinions on contemporary legal issues and debates, using legal terminology and appropriate acknowledgment of sources. Page 2

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services The assessment components Page 3

Legal Studies Subject Outline 2011 Learning Requirements In this subject, students are expected to: display knowledge and understanding of the influences that have shaped the Australian legal system know and understand legal principles, processes, and structures recognise how the Australian legal system responds to cultural diversity demonstrate civic literacy through active inquiry into the legal system evaluate how the changing global community influences the Australian legal system evaluate the ways in which legal issues shape and are shaped by society now, and how they may do so in the future communicate informed observations and opinions on contemporary legal issues and debates, using legal terminology and appropriate acknowledgment of sources. Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services Assessment Design Criteria Evaluation } Knowledge and Understanding } Communication } Inquiry }

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services with their specific features.. Stage 2 Legal Studies ASSESSMENT DESIGN CRITERIA Three examples of specific features include: KU1Knowledge and understanding of relevant influences on the Australian legal system I3 Examination of sources for bias, relevance, and credibility E2 Evaluation of the ways in which legal issues shape and are shaped by society now, and how they may do so in the future.

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services which have performance standards measuring achievement. Page 6

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services which have performance standards measuring achievement. Page 7

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services with their specific features.. Stage 2 Legal Studies ASSESSMENT DESIGN CRITERIA Inquiry The specific features are as follows: I1 Appreciation of the potential for involvement and active participation in the legal system. I2 Location, selection, documentation, and application of relevant sources. I3 Examination of sources for bias, relevance, and credibility. I4 Critiquing of legal processes and structures, with informed and considered recommendations for change. Stage 2 Legal Studies ASSESSMENT DESIGN CRITERIA Inquiry The specific features are as follows: I1 Appreciation of the potential for involvement and active participation in the legal system. I2 Location, selection, documentation, and application of relevant sources. I3 Examination of sources for bias, relevance, and credibility. I4 Critiquing of legal processes and structures, with informed and considered recommendations for change.

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services Inquiry (I1) A standard Insightful appreciation of the potential for involvement and active participation in the legal system. Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services at grades A-E. Inquiry (I1) B standard Thoughtful appreciation of the potential for involvement and active participation in the legal system. Inquiry (I1) C standard General appreciation of the potential for involvement and active participation in the legal system. Inquiry (I1) D standard Some awareness of the potential for involvement and active participation in the legal system. Inquiry (I1) E standard Limited awareness of opportunities for involvement and active participation in the legal system.

Senior Secondary Reform Team, DECS Curriculum Services SACE stage 2, assessment 2011 Will your existing tasks: –Enable you to assess against the performance standards? –Support all students to demonstrate evidence of learning to gain at least a ‘C’ –Provide the opportunity for students to achieve at the ‘A’ standard If not, how do you adjust them instead of re- inventing them?

Task design – SACE Stage 2 Workshop term Part 2

Legal Studies Example example courtesy Open Access College Australian Constitution – essay. Evaluate this statement using examples: “The shift in the balance of powers has occurred due to a number of factors and this has been accelerated by Australia being increasingly drawn into the global community

Legal Studies Assessment Design Criteria Knowledge and Understanding KU1Knowledge and understanding of relevant influences on the Australian legal system. KU2Knowledge and understanding of legal principles, processes, and structures. KU3Recognition and understanding of ways in which the Australian legal system responds to cultural diversity. Inquiry I1Appreciation of the potential for involvement and active participation in the legal system. I2Location, selection, documentation, and application of relevant sources. I3Examination of sources for bias, relevance, and credibility. I4Critiquing of legal processes and structures, with informed and considered recommendations for change. Evaluation E1Evaluation of global influences on the Australian legal system. E2Evaluation of the ways in which legal issues shape and are shaped by society now, and how they may do so in the future. E3Evaluation of principles, processes, and structures in legal systems. E4Evaluation of legal issues or concepts through discussion and illustration of opposing arguments to reach an informed conclusion. Communication C1Accuracy and coherence in communication of informed observations and opinions on contemporary legal issues and debates, using different forms. C2Use of legal terminology, indicating understanding. C3Appropriate acknowledgment of sources.

the task Page 8

What is being assessed The subject outline says that all Assessment Design Criteria are covered in the folio tasks, but not all of them or all of the specific features need to be addressed in each task The teacher could decide that these specific features did not apply to this task Page 10

Assessment using marks C/C +

Assessment using the performance standards Grade = C Page 11

Learning and Assessment Plan This task Page 12

Learning and Assessment Plan Where does it fit? Is everything addressed?

In Summary - for any subject… 1.Subject outline requirements. 2.Which Assessment Design Criteria? 3.Is all ‘effort’ assessed? 4.Add required task elements. 5.Use the language of the specific feature 6.Learning and Assessment Plan