Networking updates: Westnet 1 Marla Meehl UCAR/FRGP/UPoP/BiSON Manager UCAR/NCAR
2 Acronym soup University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR; –National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) –Front Range GigaPoP (FRGP) –UCAR Point of Presence (UPoP) –Bi-State Optical Network (BiSON) Questions and discussions throughout as needed – and as for acronym soup ingredients, please ask if I miss one or check decoder page at
3 Front Range GigaPoP (FRGP) Replaced David Mitchell with Scot Colburn effective 12/23/13 Netflow replacement - icmynetflow Continued LANDER support and partnership PerfSonar continues to be valuable tool Juniper training One caused flood One caused record cold
FRGP Cont’d 4 Installed 10/100Gbps Juniper interface card to support growth In process of upgrading connection to ESnet to 2x10G or 40G Activated IPv6 with ESnet Colocation updates – No change –1850 Pearl –1200 Larimer – th Continued steady growth in all traffic (peering, commodity, I2, etc.)
FRGP Cont’d 4 Peering – No change –10G Google peering active at 910 –Comcast –TR/CPS – largest single FRGP/UPoP usage –Akamai –Netflix active at 1850 Pearl – carrying ~4Gbps of traffic and increasing –Open to other peering opportunities
FRGP/UPoP Traffic – 6-12/13 percent commercial 13.2 percent peering percent other
Bi-State Optical Network (BiSON) 4 Major fiber move on BiSON-owned Mcleod fiber 10/13 Successfully completed Windstream/McLeod shared funding – good precedent ~$450K move Expanding BiSON to CSM, Microsoft/UW Dry Creek Facility, and State of Wyoming CSM Submitted NSF CC-NIE that was not awarded
BiSON Cont’d 4 Considering submitting NSF CC-NIE in March 2014 round to upgrade and expand BiSON south Continuing to build ADVA replacement fund Installed Boulder BiSON B node to remove single point of failure for UCAR, NOAA- Boulder, and the City of Boulder Monitoring upgrade to 100G
9 UCAR Point of Presence (UPoP) 10G MOE installed and active at 1200 Larimer National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) planning on using BiSON via Colorado School of Mines fiber path to reach ESnet National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) fiber being installed I2 membership discussed State of Wyoming requested UPoP membership Jefferson County School District in discussions
Internet2 4 NET+ roll out Expansion to further RONs on hold pending I2 five per quarter Considering having third party manage for FRGP Marla co-chairing I2 Diversity Initiative – starting Spring 2013 Steve and Marla participating in I2 Network/Connector call/meeting agenda development Monitoring I2 TR/CPS changes and plans I2 Global Summit in Denver, April 2014 Pat Burns Program Chair
NLR/CBREC 4 CBREC meeting regularly Ongoing discussions with NLR Working on MoU for continued relationship Considering NLR alternatives for WRN, NWAVE, colo, TSIC
CDOT 4 Lots of fiber activity in various parts of the State I-25 build – nearly complete by EAGLE-Net US36 fiber into Boulder of great interest – ongoing discussion Southern Colorado
WRN 4 Regular WTC and WPC calls LEARN has left WRN WRN I2 KC Move to Chicago – close 50Gbps 100G ports in LA, Seattle, and Chicago Designing 100G connection for UNM and FRGP to WRN/I2
14 Quilt items NOAA: Federal Government OMB Mandate for Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) and Potential Opportunities for Regional Networks all Federal Civilian Agencies will be impacted connectionshttp:// connections Large impact to RONs – will shift traffic and funding FRGP working with NOAA-Boulder
Futures/Challenges New agreements and new algorithms in 2014 – in-progress BiSON growth, upgrade, funding Supporting/funding services – NET+, etc. Replacing expiring fiber IRUs Supporting/funding 40/100Gbps 18
EAGLE-Net Partnered with Affiniti to operate and manage network – – content/uploads/2013/12/Affiniti_Backgrounde r.pdfhttps:// content/uploads/2013/12/Affiniti_Backgrounde r.pdf Completing build out of network by end of August
Discussion 18 Any follow up questions or feedback? Other items ?