Knowledge for business TNO Human Factors User experience sampling Jan Willem Streefkerk, M.Sc.
2005 Mark A. Neerincx and Jan Willem Streefkerk (2003). Interacting in Desktop and Mobile Context: Emotion, Trust and Task Performance. Proceedings of EUSAI 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer-Verlag. 2 User experience Usability: not only performance or process measures What is user experience? “Satisfaction” = classical measure “Fun” “Emotion” “Trust” “Frustration” Dependent on task context device
2005 Mark A. Neerincx and Jan Willem Streefkerk (2003). Interacting in Desktop and Mobile Context: Emotion, Trust and Task Performance. Proceedings of EUSAI 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer-Verlag. 3 PALS project Personal Assistant for onLine Services Research questions: TrustEmotional state PerformanceDevice
2005 Mark A. Neerincx and Jan Willem Streefkerk (2003). Interacting in Desktop and Mobile Context: Emotion, Trust and Task Performance. Proceedings of EUSAI 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer-Verlag. 4 Research model Dimensions of emotion Arousal (the “quantity”): High or low Valence (the “quality”): Positive or negative Example: Anger: high arousal, negative valence Trust based on predictable, competent system behavior servitude: system serves the user (Muir, 1994)
2005 Mark A. Neerincx and Jan Willem Streefkerk (2003). Interacting in Desktop and Mobile Context: Emotion, Trust and Task Performance. Proceedings of EUSAI 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer-Verlag. 5 Method Eliciting emotions by watching short films with music Tasks retrieving information (financial, entertainment) transactions (buying stocks) Device Compaq iPaq handheld Sony Vaio Laptop
2005 Mark A. Neerincx and Jan Willem Streefkerk (2003). Interacting in Desktop and Mobile Context: Emotion, Trust and Task Performance. Proceedings of EUSAI 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer-Verlag. 6 Dependent variables Emotional state (= manipulation check) Physiological measures (HR, HRV) Self Assessment Manikin: arousal & valence Trust questionnaire Effectiveness & Efficiency time on task errors Mental Effort Rating Scale Mental Effort (BSMI)
2005 Mark A. Neerincx and Jan Willem Streefkerk (2003). Interacting in Desktop and Mobile Context: Emotion, Trust and Task Performance. Proceedings of EUSAI 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer-Verlag. 7 Results I Manipulation not (entirely) successful. No main effects of emotional state. Performance with mobile device was worse after high arousal, positive valence condition. Device: Performance worse and mental effort higher for mobile device. Trust in web service lower when using mobile device.
2005 Mark A. Neerincx and Jan Willem Streefkerk (2003). Interacting in Desktop and Mobile Context: Emotion, Trust and Task Performance. Proceedings of EUSAI 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer-Verlag. 8 Results II Relation between trust and performance when performance went well, trust in web service was higher. Trust in device: mobile device vs. laptop pre vs. post
2005 Mark A. Neerincx and Jan Willem Streefkerk (2003). Interacting in Desktop and Mobile Context: Emotion, Trust and Task Performance. Proceedings of EUSAI 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer-Verlag. 9 Conclusions Difficult to elicit emotional responses in test participants Trust in device & trust in website User experience influences HCI Thank you for your attention J.W. Streefkerk – TNO Human Factors