Decoder Mano Section 4.9 &4.12
Schedule 10 2/17 Monday Decoder 11 2/19 Wednesday Encoder (hw3 is assigned) L 2/20 Thursday Decoder Experiment 12 2/24 MUX/Three state (data flow versus behavioral) 13 2/26 Catch-up (hw3 is due) 2/27 Random number generator 14 3/3 Test 1
Outline Feedback Applications Memory Decoder Verilog Modeling
Feedback on the labs Tutorial Finish the labs before you leave. emacs/vi tutorial at the course webpage. Verilog tutorial Always start from the textbook (There is usually a section on Verilog at the end of each chapter) Supplement the textbook with the tutorial from ASIC. Use the existing sample code as a starting point. Finish the labs before you leave.
Example (1): A Year Year’s Eve Display
Example (2): Binary to Octal Conversion Convert binary information from n input lines to 2n unique output lines. This particular circuit take a binary number and convert it to an octal number.
Hardware Implementation
Example (3): Organization of Memory Systems
AND and NOR Decoders One of which is activated. Each is a combination leading to a “1” Take an n-bit address. Produce 2n outputs, One of which is activated. (NOR Decoder)
A 2-to-4 decoder with Enable (typo, should be a 0)
Example (4): Demultiplexer A Demux is a circuit that receives information from a single line and directs it to one of 2n possible output lines.
Use a 2-to-4 decoder as a Demux Treat A and B as the selector bits. i.e. A and B select which bit should receive informraiton. E is treated as the data line. (typo, should be a 0)
Example (5): Implement a Full Adder with a Decoder
Example (6): Build a Bigger Decoders Use w to enable either top or bottom decoder.
Verilog Modeling
Outline 2-to-4 decoder 3-to-8 decoder Decode24a.v: uses assign statements 3-to-8 decoder Build from a two 2-to-4 decoder
A 2-to-4 decoder with Enable Program body: D0=~((~A)&(~B)&(~E)) D1=~((~A)&(B)&(~E)) D2=~((A)&(~B)&(~E)) D3=~((A)&(B)&(~E)) Inputs: A,B, E Outputs: D0, D1, D2, D3 (typo, should be a 0)
decode24a.v wire is declared in a more “compact” way. Instead of D0,D1,D2,D3.
Decode24a_tb.v Start from full_adder_tb.v Print out D as a 4 bit number.
3-to-8 decoder in verilog Module: decode38a.v Inputs: x,y,w wires: x,y,w outputs: D0 to D7 wires:D0 to D7 wire: wb Program body: call on two instances of decode24a I1 wb I2
3-to-8 decoder in verilog wb I2
3-to-8 decoder in verilog wb I2
Test Bench for decode38a,.v
Optional Slides
Basic SRAM and VTC A wordline is used to select the cell Bitlines are used to perform read and write operations on the cell
Cross Coupled Configuration The cell can only flip its internal state when one of its internal cross VS. During a read op, we must not disturb its current state. During a write op, we must force the internal voltage to swing past VS to change a state.
3-to-8 decoder in verilog
3-to-8 decode Input bits
Use a Test Bench to Generate output Initial statements execute once starting from time 0. $monitor: display variable whenever a value changes. $time display the simulation time
Run functional Simulation